Thursday, November 28, 2019
A Community Assessment of Rogers Park Essay Example
A Community Assessment of Rogers Park Essay Example A Community Assessment of Rogers Park Paper A Community Assessment of Rogers Park Paper This is a summary of the findings of a community assessment of Rogers Park. The purpose of this assessment is to determine the actual and potential health needs of the community. Conclusions related to real and potential health problems were drawn based on an analysis of the physical environment, and social facilities, communication, educational facilities, shopping facilities, and the local health care facilities of Rogers Park. Data was collected by tour around the neighborhood, personal observations, assessment of local publications, and by an analysis of selected statistical and demographic data. Specific statistical data included age distribution, annual family income by race, highest level of income completed, infant mortality rates, reportable illnesses, and the leading causes of death for the Rogers Park Community. A HISTORICAL OVERVIEW OF ROGERS PARK. Rogers Park is a small community that is located approximately ten mile north of Chicago’s Loop, at the northeast city limits. The Pottawattomie Indians first ceded the land in 1821. The first white settler to arrive was an Irish immigrant named Phillip Rogers, whom the community in now named after. The development of Rogers Park began with a glacier that created the ridge that now gives Ridge Avenue its name (Chicago Sun-Times, 2000). The ridge was a raised shelf of land that extended west from the lakeshore. Ridge Road was the only route available at this time that permitted travel north or south through the Roger Park area. Ridge Road provided routes for mail delivery, trade travel, and stagecoach travels (Local Community Fact Book, 1990). The combination of the elevated marshy land, and easy access to textiles and other goods, encouraged Irish, Scottish, German, and English farmers to settle in along Ridge Road to further develop the land. After Phillip Rogers’s death in 1856, a substantial amount of land, 1600 acres, was passed on to his daughter Catherine, and her husband Captain Patrick Touhy. They were responsible for establishing and developing some of the first churches in the area. Captain Touhy collaborated with other settlers and eventually formed the Rogers Park Building and Land Company in 1873. It was also during this time that the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad established their presence in the area. The railroad facilitated easier access and transportation in and out of the community for the local residents. In 1878 Rogers Park was incorporated as a village with the natural boundaries west of Lake Michigan extending to the ridge of Ridge Avenue. When combined with the boundaries of Rogers and Devon Avenues, the area now recognized as Rogers Park became clearly defined. Clark Street, originally known as Green Bay Road, was an important Indian trail. It later served as the main link between Fort Dearborn in Chicago, and Fort Howard in Green Bay, Wisconsin. The early 1900’s were rapidly developing two story family homes in the eastern portion of Rogers Park. It was at this time that annexation to Chicago was greatly welcomed by the local residents. Also, the residents of Rogers Park demanded that a park district be developed in their community at this time. Today Rogers Park has some thirteen public parks to its credit, as well as six field houses, which provides numerous extracurricular activities for both children and adults throughout the year. POPULATION As the population continued to grow, from a mere 3500 in 1893 to 7500 in 1904, there was yet another major development. The Jesuits purchased a twenty-acre space along Lake Michigan and developed what is recognized today as the Loyola University Campus. The arrival of Loyola University helped to ensure the community’s growth in providing a place for a higher education as well as the opportunity for employment. Through the construction and establishment of the school. Local Irish parishioners, being faithful and loyal, moved near Loyola University to utilize the newly built frame church that was constructed at the same time as the university campus. By the 1930’s Russian Jews were second in number only to the Germans throughout the Rogers Park area. From 1930 to 1950 the Jewish population nearly tripled, and by 1960 they were the largest ethnic group inhabiting the area. In 1950, the population of Rogers Park reached an all time high with over 62,000 residents inhabiting the area. Since that time, the population of Rogers Park has maintained a range between 55,000 and 60,000 (Local Community Fact Book, 1990). EDUCATION The elementary schools consist of classrooms, laboratories, music rooms, library, gym, computer rooms and cafeteria. High school students achieve scores averages for ACT is 22.  4 to 23. 7. The students in the elementary schools scores well on IGAP mathematics and reading skill tests Comparison of Educational Levels (Table 7a, 7b), These tables compare the distribution of educational levels by race as well as by age between the period of 1980 and 1990 for the community of Rogers Park and the City of Chicago. We can see from the information presented, from 1980 to1990, that there was a 73% increase in the number of persons, 18 and over, who have reached the educational level of a bachelor’s degree. The table also shows that whites have had a 51% decrease in the numbers of those who have attained a bachelor’s degree from 1980 to 1990. Also, the total number of those who have attained their high school diploma within the 25+-year old age group indicates a drop of 77% from 1980 to 1990. The total number of bachelor’s degrees achieved by the 25+ age group, across the board, including all of the races surveyed, indicates a decrease of 71% from 1980 to 1990. While there is a decrease noted in the white race, there is a definite increase noted in the black race from 1980 to 1990. The black race indicates a 34% increase in those who have graduated from high school, and a 32% increase in those who have obtained a bachelor’s degree. These tables indicate changes in the educational levels of all races within the community of Rogers Park from the time period contained within the 10 year span. The drop in educational level attained by the white race could signify a shift of the more educated whites out of the neighborhood. The rise in the numbers of blacks, who have attained a higher number with a higher level of education, may signify that with higher education comes higher pay and those included in this category may be capable of better affording the cost of living in the Rogers Park community. The park dist: conducts seminars, and classes about Teen pregnancy, and D. A. R. E. programs.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
JOB DESCRIPTION Essay JOB DESCRIPTION Essay Local residents with small businesses near Cadbury’s World would benefit from the money that is being brought in by visitors.QUALITATIVE RESEARCH This involves being concerned with finding ‘soft’ information, i.e. Customer attitudes, beliefs and opinions. Its purpose is to understand customer behaviour by identifying possible reasons or causes. The techniques Cadburys use to gather qualitative data are those more likely to encourage more detailed responses from those being interviewed as well as focus groups. Cadburys will use qualitative data in circumstances when customer’s answers cannot be recorded into statistics, meaning interviews and focus groups are the best way to collect this sort of data. SITUATION ANALYSIS Cadbury is the market leader in the Indian market. Cadbury is the fourth largest supplier of chocolate and other sugar confectionaries in the market. In India it has the largest share of the market with more than 70 percent of the market share. The following is the SWOT analysis for the company: Strengths The company has an already large established business in the Indian market. Since 1824, the company has established itself as a world leader in the confectionary market. It has operated in India since 1948. In India it has about 70% of the confectionary market. In line with its vision, the company has been striving to be the world leader in the confectionary industry. Through innovation and strategic marketing, the company has acquired about 10% of the world confectionary market. The company has good market reputation. With strong brands in the market, the company is well positioned in the market. It is totally focused on chocolate, candy, chewing gum, unique understanding of consumer in these segments. In the Indian market Cadburys has strived to build a good market reputation. This has worked positively for its products. It is on this good reputation that the market can embark on introducing the new brand in the market. Cadbury India was ranked the 5th most respected Indian company by Business world magazine in 2007. The target market is also quite large. With the female population marketing more than 56 percent of the Indian population, there is a wide target market for the product. The Indian chocolate market has been recording growth in the recent past and there are future prospects of growth. Therefore the target market is slowly expanding. Cadbury is a company, which is reputed internationally as the topmost chocolate provider in the world Cadbury is the largest global confectionery supplier, with 9.9% of global market share. The brand is well known to people and they can easily identify it from others, by its distinctive branding, this separates it from any other competitor as it stands out within the market. The iconic purple branding of Cadbury’s is on many of the products, this will ensure all customers know that each of their products is Cadbury’s. If users have a positive perception of existing products, it’s likely that they will assume all products have similar quality; this will benefit Cadburys as they are known to have high quality products. High financial strength (Sales turnover 1997, Â £7971.4 million and 9.4%) The products that Cadbury sell are convenient to customers as it can be thought as a quick and easy snack, which does not need cooking or heating. This attracts customers as it can be an easy option and a good alternative to a meal. Weakness The target population is quiet large and there are fears the demand for the product may outdo the capacity of the company to satisfy the demands of the market. It is still not clearly established the rate of growth of the product in the market but there are expectation that the product will record a high growth rate. This means that the company will need to increase its production capacity in order to match the rate of growth of the market The company has not been able to establish a distribution network
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The differences between the battle of Waterloo and the Battle of the Essay
The differences between the battle of Waterloo and the Battle of the Somme - Essay Example This paper presents brief report of The Battle of Waterloo and The Battle of The Somme. The waterloo battle started at almost noon when the French army launched an attack on Wellington’s fortified farmhouse and buildings that were at Hougoumont. The waterloo battle was the last stand by Napoleon, in which England together with its allied powers decided to fight against Napoleon’s army after they had returned to power in 1815. During the battle, Napoleon launched attacks on the British lines but was not successful in breaking through. At the culmination of the battle that took three days, the British troops were able to go through the French ranks and authoritatively defeat the French soldiers. When the battle came to an end, Napoleon was exiled and Louis XVII resumed to the helm. On the other hand, Battle of Somme is more often than not remembered for its nonsensical slaughter when the British soldiers advanced into no man’s land and were attacked by the Germans. In reality, the battle of Somme was one that was characterized by a lot of destruction and huge losses were suffered by the two sides. The land that was gained by the British at the end of the war was comparatively small. In the end, the battle was not decisive and had not contribution towards wearing down the German troops who were eventually outnumbered when the United States joined the British forces. It had more than a million casualties and was among the bloodiest wars to ever take place in human history.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
How and why is a social group represented in a particular way Essay
How and why is a social group represented in a particular way - Essay Example In this writing, the emphasis will be on Margaret Atwood’s literary writing of The Handmaid’s Tale, as well as on the way Atwood has supported and written against the balace bwteen the two genders. Atwood’s tale main characters are played by the female gender and the story is even based on the same gender and even the narrator of the story is a female. The portrayal of the gender roles in Atwood’s novel is not restricted to the characters and the narrator; it goes far beyond explaining, highlighting, and conflicting with the views of feminism. Atwood does not project a world in which females have the power and ability to stand shoulder to shoulder with the male gender, she rather portrays an image of the society where females are governed by others and are not free and are subordinates to the elites (male gender). The story even projects that the male gender has gained their ability to govern the female gender with the assistance of aunts. Aunts in the novel are those who brain wash the female gender and preach them about how to become perfect slaves of the males. Aunts do not portray a positive image of the female gender as it is quite difficult to identify who they are in the real life. These aunts completely act against the ideas of equal rights for women. They have represent a female world where they are suppressed and live under the command of the male gender. These women are undoubtedly portraying an image of the women which is totally against the empowerment of the female gender in the society. Nevertheless, they have shown such activities which appear to go against men. They are constantly showing a negative taste for the male gender. Aunts have played different roles in the novel at different points of time; one of the roles was to underestimate the importance of female unity as seen throughout the novel. On the surface they seem to be completely against the
Monday, November 18, 2019
Fair trade- how good is fair trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Fair trade- how good is fair trade - Essay Example only do they feel penalised for having saved, they also pay a premium for being capable of meeting their own costs, and allow local authorities to carry on paying less than the full cost! Looking for a care home is not easy. People are often doing so under time pressures and in the wake of huge emotional upset. So they need as much information as possible, not least about how much it will cost. The report recommends setting up a one-stop shop specialising in care home information, and this, along with the recommendation that regulations should be amended to make clearer price information a requirement on homes, could make a big difference for many vulnerable people. Those who are meeting their own fees will then see that the home they are considering charges self-funders more than those who are placed by local authorities. And families searching for a home for someone who qualifies for local authority support will also be able to see that there are few - if any - homes in the locality that are prepared to take publicly-funded residents without recourse to the family 'topping-up'. The need for a 'third party top-up' often means that the price the local authority has se t is insufficient to enable the home to operate. So this move towards greater transparency will go some way towards creating 'fair trade in care' and may, for some homes, make the difference between carrying on in business or closing, making existing residents homeless and reducing choices available to future generations. I am optimistic about the scope for change and improvement. But I should not get too carried away, as there is evidence that a very large number of people have either no contract, or one containing unfair terms. And this is despite an earlier study (OFT 1998) identifying contractual...Every one of us has probably seen reports or heard something about demonstrations against globalisation when international organizations like the WTO meet. One example was the G8 meeting in July 2001. So we have to ask us the question why there are some people who protest against globalisation and also against the free trade the WTO stands for. The main complain and concern of these groups is unfairness. They say free trade is unfair, the low wages are unfair, the poor working conditions of foreign workers, the environmental standards in less developed countries, the high profits of multinational corporations, the inequality in incomes around the world, everything is unfair. If these reproofs are true i t would mean that also free trade and globalisation is unfair. However the people of international institutions and multinational corporations who are in favour of free trade and globalisation also use the term fairness in their arguments. If a multinational company pays low wages in less developed countries, they can claim that the wages are still fair set because they are above the legal minimum wage standards and that the workers would not get a better opportunity in a company of their country or their government. The WTO and other international organisations consider free trade even as help because it will promote economic growth, which in turn will raise the living standards throughout the whole world and reduce also the income inequality in the future.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Cybercare Work Placement Review
Cybercare Work Placement Review Ignacio Fernà ¡ndez De Arroyabe The work placement for this module, Work Related Module II, was at Cybercare UK. From October 2016, I have been developing this activity. Cybercare UK is an organisation in London, which offers one-stop-shop to support victims of cyber crimes. The goal of the organisation is to assist victims of cyber crimes in detecting and protecting themselves. In fact, the aims of this company are advocacy for the protection of the individual, respecting rights and responsibilities to ensure security and freedom, in consultation with government, legal and technical services, and charitable agencies. During the time spent at Cybercare, I have worked in a group called Cybercare Business Research Team. The objective of this team has been to identify products for the security of computer systems. For this task, we have followed the work methodology DESP, which consists in detecting problems and vulnerabilities, customer education, and in supporting and offering protection for victims of cyber crime. In this report, we synthesise both the activities carried out and the assessment of the learning outcomes. Thus, we firstly conduct a review of the activities performed, placing special emphasis in the work methodology. Secondly, we evaluate the activities carried out in terms of learning. This learning has been evaluated at three levels: (i) the acquisition of knowledge, (ii) the improvement of capabilities, and finally (iii) the improvement of skills (not only personal skills but also interrelational and leadership skills). In the following sections, I present the review of activities, the academic context in which they have been developed, the evaluation of activities and finally, the conclusion explaining the achievements with this Module. I enclose as Annexes the presentations that I have elaborated for the organisation. 2. Review of Activities As a member of the Cybercare Business Research Team, the work we have done has been to find products for the security of computer systems. Our role was to educate and provide victims of cyber crime with measures (software or procedures) to protect systems; For example, antivirus and search engines that provide you privacy, or network sniffers, for users with more computer skills. As members of the Cybercare Business Research Team, we took care of everyday software, for example, encrypted mail, secure VPN, secure payment methods, etc. The Table 1 shows the activities developing. Table1: Activities performed during the work with Cybercare Research Type Main Duties Research on Antivirus and Secure Browsers -Find the best Cost/Security Antivirus. -Find the best Secure browsers that do not slow down the system. -Compatible with multiple O.S. Research on Network Sniffers -Research for Network Sniffers. -Tutorials to show how to use the Software. Research on Network Ports -Tutorials in explaining what Network Ports are. -Research on how to close ports. 2.1 Dealing with the client needs In the context of my activities in Cybercare Business Research Team, we note that Cybercare is a peculiar organisation in the relationship with its clients since it is not only necessary to provide a service, but also it is necessary to consider the psychological state of the client, as these people have suffered a cybercrime. Therefore, this makes our work affected in several ways: First of all, when finding solutions or helping a client, we have to lead with clear and simple ideas to help them. We assume that their knowledge of computer tools does not necessarily correspond to an expert level. Second, the psychological situation, since apart from customers, they are victims of cybercrime. This means that we have to be especially sensitive, both in the provision of the service and in the relationship with them. These two aspects have been the reason for the first meetings with the company since the relationship with the clients is fundamental. 2.2 Working Methodology: DESP approach. For the accomplishment of our work, and considering the framework of the relationship with the clients, the methodology used in the company is DESP approach. This methodology work consists of four phases: Detect, Educate, Support, and Protect. Through it, we provide an integral service to our clients, following the guidelines of work of the main international regulations, on the implementation of information security systems (Boehm, 1991; CLUSIF, 2008[1]; Infosec Institute, 2016; ISO, 2016). Below we describe the main aspects of the work methodology: The first stage of the work is the detection (Detect). This is probably the most difficult task because when a client needs help, you have to find the possible vulnerabilities or mistakes that they have made and that have allowed the hacker to enter to the system. It is a crucial step, as all the solutions that might be applied depend on finding the problem. If the vulnerability exploited by a hacker is not detected, it will not be possible to implement a solution. To make a good detection analysis, it is crucial to meet with clients, with the aim of identifying and recreating the steps followed by the hacker. For the realisation of this work, we use technical diagnostic toolkits, such as CrystalDiskInfo, which monitors the hard disks and reports the state of their health, then it returns all the S.M.A.R.T. information and shows how many times the disk has been turned on and off (Hiyohiyo, 1998), or even the help of legal agencies (for example, the metropolitan police). The second stage of our methodology is education (Educate). At this stage, we develop an educational programme, suitable for each client. The purpose of this is to instruct the client so that he/she can understand why it happened (identification of vulnerabilities), and how to remedy it (development of information security systems). As we pointed out above, for the development of this educational phase, we must be patient with the client, and very clear and didactic in the teachings, as well as in the recreation of the computer attack. Therefore, for this task, it is necessary both, the understanding and empathy of the employee as the interest towards the client. Moreover, we have to consider, that in many cases the client does not have a high knowledge in IT, for which is essential that it is explained in a language and context that the client can understand and apply later what has been learned, always taking into account that the most important thing is that the user can apply the se remedies or the solutions taught. As a means to accomplish this task, we have used digital and blended training tools and e-learning tutorials. These educational systems have helped customers learn the use of some software, for example, Zenmap. Zenmap is software from the company Nmap[2], which adds an interactive GUI so that the user can easily see the networks to which it is connected, the open ports and all the interactions between the computer and the network. The third stage of our methodology is Support. This stage is intended to help the client in future questions or doubts about what has been learned to protect themselves. Fui-Hoon et al. (2001), Boehm (2008) and ISO (2016) point out that this task is critical for the development of a computer security system. Cybercare considers this stage to be fundamental, unlike other consulting companies that do not give so much importance to the phase of support, in Cybercare we ensure that the customer has the best support possible. This is because if the client does not remember how to apply what they have learned to protect their System, they will repeat the same mistakes made previously. For the accomplishment of this stage, telephone support is usually the most used medium, and combined with online assistance, in the clients system. The last step is protection (Protect). This is the stage in which the system is already protected and the customer has already applied the recommended guidelines to keep the System safe. Normally this is the last process, unless it is necessary to repeat any of the above, either due to new system vulnerabilities or bad habits and/or forgetting to follow practices to defend it. If this is successfully completed it can be said that the system is protected and that the user is out of risk. 2.3 Working within a team environment For the development of our work and the performance of the same, it has been done by working on a team. The importance to the business success of teamwork is well known in the literature (McDonough, 2000; Bakker and Schaufeli, 2008). In this sense, in Cybercare, we work as a Research Team, being team work the second pillar on which the methodological work is supported. In this context, the coordination and interaction between the team members were very important, with the aim of finding solutions for our clients, which can satisfy them in all aspects both economic and practical security. My working group was Cybercare Business Research Team. The goal was to work on finding cybersecurity solutions for each client. The assignment of the tasks in our work team was based on the type of products needed. Thus, each member of the group specialised in one type of product. In my case, I was responsible for the antivirus software. For this task, I elaborated a list with all the antivirus that were on the market and classified them considering two conditions, the price and the operating system of the client; also for mobile devices, such as smartphones, PDAs, etc. The second product I had to research in my working group, was secure browsers. In order to perform this assignment, I had to find the best secure browsers that offered the most security and privacy to the user, for the various operating systems, which could allow them to navigate the network with the highest security possible. However, in our situation as students with not much experience in the organisation environment, it was difficult at first to be able to coordinate and divide the assignments properly. This is a fundamental element since in any professional environment the coordination of workers is a critical element, which is why we try hard to learn from it. The situation among the teammates, given that we all have the same background (IT), made communication between us easier since in technical terms we all understood each other. 2.4 Presentations for employers, clients and team members In the implementation of our work methodology, a key element is the presentation of our results to employers, clients and members of the others groups. This methodology followed in Cybercare was considered critical, as Fincham (1999) points out, it facilitates the learning, the interaction and the trust between the company and the clients (Fincham, 1999; Nah et al. 2003). In addition, teamwork required that each member of the Research Business Team had to present at the meetings our results and recommendations, both in terms of solutions and products. Hence, I have made several presentations during my work with Cybercare. In these presentations I showed the characteristics, the prices and the time that would take to get the software or product to be in operation for the company. 2.5 Find the right products for customers As a member of the Cybercare Research Business Team, our work was based on the search for products that offered security for our clients. For this, we looked for products the most affordable as possible, preferably free, since in many cases the user or customer prioritises the software to be free or very low cost. One of the products to look for the clients was an antivirus and secure browsers. For this, we elaborated a comparative spreadsheet (Annexe 1), in which we explain the features of the antivirus and the secure browsers. We also prioritise the cost, thus obtaining two antiviruses per operating system (one free and another low cost but with features better than the free), and secure browsers by Operating System. For the realisation of this work, apart from the Internet search, we had to contact companies to ask about their products specification, for example, Panda Security. The objective was to clarify the various products and classify them both in security level and in cost. 3. Academic Context The work placement is related to my course in many ways. Firstly, it has allowed me to put into practice the knowledge acquired in the modules developed in my Bachelor. Especially, I would like to point out that the knowledge acquired in the CC6004: Network and Cloud Security, CS5001: Networks and Operating Systems and CC5004: Security in Computing modules, have been useful in the accomplishment of my work at Cybercare. Secondly, I had the possibility of interacting with other colleagues, of whom I have acquired knowledge in other areas, which I did not have prior knowledge, or in which my knowledge was superfluous. This is the case, for example, network security or software security. In addition to the implementation of the knowledge acquired in my BSc, I have had the opportunity to improve my capabilities and skills. Working in a company has helped me to gain first-hand in-depth knowledge, not only on customers needs but also on new working methodologies and learned to interact with other colleagues. 4. Activities Evaluation 4.1 Dealing with the client needs Since my experience in a company environment was not as extensive as some of my colleagues, I did not have the opportunity in prior working occasions to deal with clients needs. This, in turn, resulted in that I had to learn many things, which helped me develop my skills and abilities. Specifically, I have developed my client orientation competencies, as the relationship with them was oriented towards the search for adequate protection solutions, in terms of money and time of implementation. Furthermore, I have improved my skills of interrelating with people, especially in dealing with clients. In this respect, we have to consider not only the classic supplier-customer interaction but also we had to qualify the clients psychological state, as the victim of a cyber-attack. This was helpful to see what the requirements in company environment are. As a result of this, I developed my personal skills, such as work and time management and organisational capabilities. 4.2 DESP approach As pointed out earlier, DESP approach follows the standards of consulting in the information sector. This system is very effective in solving cyberattack problems, which has required being able to detect, educate, implement and assist the client, developing and learning to better analyse systems and problems derived from malware or intrusion to the system. This has allowed me to assimilate this methodology, as well as to know how and when to implement it properly and to learn the international standards of computer security. This experience has opened me the doors to a learning process and therefore an increase in my personal skills and abilities, which will allow me in the future to work in the consultancy sector. Windolf (1986) and Sparrow (2007) point out that in the recruitment of personnel in the consultancy sector the most valued capacities are: to detect, educate, implement and help the client. 4.3 Working within a team environment The next challenge for me has been group work. Although at university we have experiences in group work, for example, the elaboration of coursework. However, the experience of a professional job has enriched me in my skills both in a personal relationship and in management. The group work, has in first place, meant the need to plan and organise the tasks in the team. This interaction has been a very interesting experience, for example, analysing the criteria for dividing tasks and adjusting a work plan to the needs of the client. Additionally, in some tasks, I have developed the coordination role. This has allowed me to gain experience in the management of work teams. Having to learn, listen, coordinate, motivate, and lead a team. 4.4 Presentations for employers, clients and team members Personally, before working at Cybercare, I did not have much experience in presentations in a business environment, outside the strictly academic. This experience has, therefore, helped me greatly to improve my presentation skills, in presentations with employers, clients, and team members. More in detail, the presentations meant the implementation of our communication skills, especially in the transmission of ideas, which have to be especially good to be able to express and convince the possible client about the solutions or products more suitable for their Computer security problems. In addition, considering that clients were not IT experts, we had to make a communication effort, to simplify some terms, for example, VPN, Network Sniffer, etc. In addition, attending presentations of other teams helped me to increase my knowledge in areas in which I had not much prior knowledge, such as Networks Sniffers products (this is the case of Wireshark, Nmap or Zenmap). 4.5 Find the right products for customers As already mentioned, much of the time working for the company was spent looking for the products and applications most appropriate to the needs of customers. The best example has been to search, analyse and classify the best antivirus that can be found on the market. This has required looking at all the antivirus for all operating systems, their functions, and features, considering aspects such as the price and the number of licenses that can be obtained for that price. So make a chart with the main features and prices. In order to be able to find products to recommend to customers, we had to acquire an exhaustive knowledge about the product and the market, besides identifying the needs of the customer or user. As a conclusion to this work, this helped me to understand that each customer has different necessities and therefore the product has to be adapted to these needs, thereby increasing my analytical skills greatly improved after this situation (see Table 2). Also, gain a thorough knowledge of antivirus. Table 2: Skills, Knowledge and Capabilities gather. Skills Capabilities Knowledge Clients Personal Interaction Orientation to the clients Client treatment DESP Personal Consultant Work Methodology Working Team Personal Interaction Direction Define and eradicate the problem Networks Team Work Solutions Personal Analytics Anti-Virus, Secure Browsers Network Sniffers 5. Challenges As in all jobs, motivation is always a great ally in order to perform a task properly. At first you are very motivated to have achieved that position, but then irremediably with the passage of time is just falling into a routine, which ends up gradually losing your motivation, and instead of being something special that put one hundred percent, You end up just putting what you think is just necessary to complete the task. In my case, I always try to be motivated, with ideas, with previously read material to extend my knowledge on the field. But sometimes it is impossible to keep that motivation all the time. For example in my case, to get down to work, I have to travel an hour and a half between trains and the underground. At the beginning, I used that time to read the extra material, that could give me a better idea of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹the topic that was going to be working that day, but in the end, I end up not reading on trains, usually for lack of motivation. This I think has been one of the great challenges for me, to keep the motivation to one hundred percent, to be able to take full advantage of the experience of working in the company Cybercare. Another great challenge that I had when it comes to successfully carry out the work with the organisation Cybercare, has been the product presentations. This was due to my lack of experience in professional presentations (not academic, since I have had numerous presentations at the University), since professional presentations require a more practical knowledge of the products (such as cost of a product, the availability, the time it would take to have such a product), plus you have to present only what is important, since the rest of the things you say will not serve to the company at all, therefore, they would not pay attention. This has been from my point of view the most difficult challenge, getting the audience (employers and clients) to pay attention and being able to convey the main characteristics of the product. Compared to presentations at an academic level, in which data, such as the history of the product, origin, how you ended up reaching that product, etc., are very imp ortant. In the presentations at a business level, the important thing is: why would the company invest in this product, which is what it makes it better than the rest of the product, and when will they have it. 6. Conclusion In conclusion, after working with Cybercare since last October (2016), I have noticed that I have improved in my personal, interrelation and leadership skills. Being in a business environment the demand by the employers is maximum, so you have to do your best to be able to meet deadlines, and correctly perform the tasks ordered. The Learning outcomes (LO) have helped me to set goals to meet. With the logbooks, I have been able to summarise what I have done during this time, and it has helped me to review the feedback of the employees so that I was able to improve every week. In general terms, the Work Related Module II module has helped me to put into practice my theoretical knowledge learned in the University and has prepared me for the business world for when I finish my bachelor. References Bakker, A.B. and Schaufeli, W.B. (2008). Positive organisational behavior: Engaged employees in flourishing organizations. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 29(2), 147-154. Boehm, B.W. (1991). Software risk management: principles and practices. IEEE Software Journal,8, 32-41. Boehm, B.W. (2008). Appraisal of the Effectiveness and Efficiency of an Information Security Management System Based on ISO 27001. SECURWARE, 8, 224-231. CLUSIF (2008). Risk Management. Concepts and Methods. Club de la Securite Infomatique, Paris, France. Fincham, R. (1999). The consultant-client relationship: Critical perspectives on the management of organizational change. Journal of Management Studies, 36(3), 335-351. Fui-Hoon Nah, F., Lee-Shang Lau, J. and Kuang, J. (2001). Critical factors for successful implementation of enterprise systems. Business Process Management Journal, 7(3), 285-296. Hiyohiyo (1998) CrystalDiskInfo software crystal dew world. Available at: (Accessed: 12 January 2017). Infosec Institute (2016). IT Auditing and Controls Planning the IT Audit. Infosec Institute. ISO (2016). ISO/IEC 27001 Information security management. ISO. McDonough, E. F. (2000). Investigation of factors contributing to the success of crossà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ functional teams. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 17(3), 221-235. Nah, F.H., Zuckweiler, K.M.and Lee-Shang Lau, J. (2003). ERP implementation: chief information officers perceptions of critical success factors. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 16(1), 5-22. Sparrow, P.R. (2007). Globalization of HR at function level: four UK-based case studies of the international recruitment and selection process. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 18(5), 845-867. Windolf, P. (1986). Recruitment, selection, and internal labour markets in Britain and Germany. Organization Studies, 7(3), 235-254. Annexe 1: Presentation on Antivirus and Secure browsers Annexe 2: Presentation on Network Sniffers Annexe 3. Presentation on Network Ports (Windows) [1] CLUSIF: Club de la Sà ©curità © de lInformation Franà §ais ( [2] Nmap Security (NMAP.ORG,
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
History of Stonehenge Essay -- Architecture Historical Essays
History of Stonehenge On May 20, 1996, TIME magazine contained an advertisement for the Mita DC-8090 copying machine. It included a vivid image of a very recognizable work of art, Stonehenge. TIME magazine is a weekly news magazine and its readers are educated and interested in current events, politics, business, science, and the arts. The text of the advertisement states, "The new Mita DC-8090 has the technology to manage complicated copying jobs from start to finish-it's fully automatic. Sunsets should be watched, not copiers." The advertisement utilizes the beautiful image as a setting to make the product look attractive and the text to suggest that the copier will save time and effort. It also assumes that the reader will associate Stonehenge with the sun and sunsets using common knowledge about this famous structure. Stonehenge is located on the Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, England. It is a megalithic monument built during the Neolithic Period, approximately between 2750 and 1500 B.C..(Stokstad, p.54-55) The builders of this magnificent monument remain unknown although it was once incorrectly thought to have been built by the Druids.(Balfour) Stonehenge was built in several different phases beginning with the large white circle, 330 feet in diameter, surrounded by an eight foot-high embankment and a ring of fifty-six pits now referred to as the Aubrey Holes.(Stokstad, p.53; Hoyle) In a subsequent building phase, thirty huge pillars of stone were erected and capped by stone lintels in the central Sarsen Circle, which is 106 feet in diameter.(Stokstad, p.54) This circle is so named because the stone of which the pillars and lintels were made was sarsen. Within the Sarsen Circle were an incomplete ring and a horsesho... ...he advertisers assumed that the readers of TIME magazine had seen the site before and knew something about its history. This is a fairly safe assumption since the readers of TIME would probably have had some exposure to this very famous work of art. The readers may not have known specific details about the original but, as with most art from the past that is reproduced in the present, the work is associated with certain well-known facts. Works Cited: Balfour, Michael Stonehenge and Its Mysteries New York 1979 Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia (Computer Program) Hoyle, Fred From Stonehenge to Modern Cosmology San Francisco 1972 On Stonehenge San Francisco 1977 Humbert, Jean-Marcel Pantazzi, Michael Ziegler, Christiane Egyptomania Paris 1994 Stokstad, Marilyn Art History, Volume 1 New York 1995 Wainwright, Geoffrey The Henge Monuments London 1989
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Scarce Source
The nursing shortage is an issue that has an increase concern in the health care system today and that has been a threat to the quality of care and safety of the patients. â€Å"The shortage of nurses is not necessarily a shortage of individuals with nursing qualifications; it is a shortage of nurses willing to work in the present condition†(Buchan & Aiken, 2008, p. 3262). The changes in the government policies in the creation of the new measurements and compensation methods for better quality of care has increased a more critical working condition for the nursing profession. The United States will have a decline in the quality of health care and be jeopardizing the safety of the patients instead of having some positive outcomes. Nursing Shortage Influencing Factors There are five influencing factors that many of the researches have concluded: increase in the number of retiring nurses, noncompetitive salaries, nurse’s workload and role expectations, and increase opportunities outside the profession or going into administrative positions or other faculty positions. The decrease in the young people entering the nursing profession has increased the nursing shortage because is leaving the older nurses to come to their retiring year. The younger populations is also looking for a more stable profession and are going to other professions as a security blanket for their economic stability. Nurses are also faced with the dissatisfaction of having noncompetitive salaries in their nursing profession and are forced to look for a more stable opportunity outside the profession to meet their needs. Challenges and Consequences of not addressing the issue The nursing shortage must be addressed to find ways of overcoming the challenges and consequences of the issue to decrease the effects of having a negative impact on the health care system. To overcome the challenges and consequences one must look at the demand factors and supply factor in the specific countries or regions to deal with the nursing shortage. Some of the demand factors may be: â€Å"demographic and epidemiological trends, service use patterns and macroeconomic condition†(Buchan & Aiken, 2008, p. 264). Some of the supply factors might be: â€Å"improving recruitment, retention and return-getting, keeping and keeping in touch with these relatively scarce nurses†(Buchan & Aiken, 2008, p. 3266). The consequences of not addressing the issue of the nursing shortage will lead to an increase in the shortage, and poor health care outcomes, including a decrease in the quality of care, medical errors, patient injury, and increase in the infection and wound rates. Solution or Innovation The policy makers need to come up with a motive or a solution that will bring the younger population to enter the nursing profession and be able to retain that population in the profession for a long time. The solution of the issue for the nursing shortage is not easy, but by increasing different types of motives and recruiting methods definitely will decrease some of the nursing shortage. Policy makers should look at â€Å"intervening with educational vouchers and incentive for nurses†(Abrahamson, PhD, RN & Fox, PhD, 2009, p. 241). The method for increasing grants or educational loan forgiveness program will increase the incentive for the younger population to feel some kind of security in the nursing profession. Incentives for some of the younger nurses will include bonuses when hired, or an increase in the salary in competitive salaries, and a decrease in the workload in the profession. The government already has some of these solutions in progress, but a package of the incentives is a good idea to encourage the younger population to enter the nursing profession. Economic Investment The government is already investing in the nursing profession by the different programs starting to take place for the nursing profession, and increase the entry of the younger population into the nursing profession. By increasing the positive outcomes in the health care system the quality of care and safety of the patient will increase, and decreasing the possibility of mortality rates, infection or wound rates, medication errors or even patient injuries. For example one program is the Nursing Loan Repayment Program, which includes repaying the students loans if in agreement to practice at least two years in a health care organization. Public Efforts The older population should join in an effort to decrease in the nursing shortage by educating the young population, reinforcing the need for a better quality of care and the safety of the patient and also the importance of decreasing the nursing shortage in the health care system. The leaders of the health care system need to join and be able to develop some form of communication to promote the nursing profession, and in exchange be able to have a better health care system. Conclusion The shortage will continue to get worse if the working conditions do not improve, and the measurements for compensation do not improve in the health care system. The nursing shortage will have a positive outcome once there a good amount of adequate staffing to decrease the number of influencing factors that increase the nursing shortage. â€Å"Nurses are the main professional component of the front line staff in most health systems, and their contribution is recognized as essential to meeting developmental goals and delivering safe and effective care†(Buchan & Aiken, 2008, p. 3263).
Friday, November 8, 2019
A Perfect Civil War novel- Red Badge of Courage essays
A Perfect Civil War novel- Red Badge of Courage essays Throughout the course of human literature new styles and eras rise and fall due to the fickleness and uncertainty of the public. Eventually a new book comes along, the perfect book, the book that bridges the gap between two literary eras and starts a new literary movement all in one publication. At the end of the nineteenth century a young man named Stephen Crane announced the publication of his new book, The Red Badge of Courage. Cranes success began almost over night, and more completely than any other book had done for many years, had taken the reading public by storm. Critics often criticized Crane for his lifestyle and mysterious appearance; many wonder what inspired this man to write this perfect Civil War novel. An authors inspiration can come from the widest array of things in the world, but Cranes were not anything new. Crane utilized what most authors would, he collected his experiences from his childhood and home life, he used the popular literary influences of the time pe riod, and he gathered his experiences from college. These influences are apparent throughout the novel, between Cranes riveting battle descriptions and picturesque descriptions of nature it is evident that authors do include their own lives into their writing. At the end of every era there is a pivotal piece of work that makes the transition into the next era. The Red Badge of Courage is the pivotal American piece of literature that divides the nineteenth and twentieth centuries yet at the same times bridges the gap between the eras. The Red Badge of Courage was published in 1895, just thirty years after the Civil War. Much conflict and duress still lay throughout the country and Stephen Crane took all that in and wrote a book about it. An early English critic, Sydney Brooks, was totally convinced by Cranes depictions of combat, and assumed that Crane had fought in the Civil War. If Red Badge of Courage were altogether...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Promoting School Support Throughout Your Community
Promoting School Support Throughout Your Community Every school would benefit from increased community support. Research has proven that schools with a greater support system thrive compared to those who do not have such support. School support comes from a variety of places both internally and externally. An effective school leader will leverage a variety of strategies to get the entire community to support the school. The following strategies are designed to promote your school and gain more community support from a variety of stakeholder groups. Write a Weekly Newspaper Column How: It will highlight the school’s successes, focus on individual teacher’s efforts, and give student recognition. It will also deal with challenges that the school is facing and needs that it has. Why: Writing the newspaper column will allow the public the opportunity to see what is going on within the school on a weekly basis. It will allow them the opportunity to see both the successes and obstacles that the school is facing. Have a Monthly Open House/Game Night How: Every third Thursday night of each month from 6-7 p.m., have an open house/game night. Each teacher will design games or activities geared towards the particular subject area they are teaching at the time. Parents and students and students will be invited to come in and participate in the activities together. Why: This will allow parents the opportunity to come into their children’s classroom, visit with their teachers, and participate in activities about subject areas that they are currently learning. It will allow them to be more actively involved in their children’s education and allow them to have more communication with their teachers.​ Thursday Lunch With the Parents How: Each Thursday a group of 10 parents will be invited to eat lunch with the principal. They will have lunch in a conference room and talk about issues that are current with the school. Why: This allows parents the opportunity to become comfortable with the principal and to express both concerns and positives about the school. It also allows the school to be more personalized and gives them the opportunity to provide input. Implement a Greeter Program How: Each nine weeks students will be selected to participate in the greeter program. There will be two students greeting per class period. Those students will greet all visitors at the door, walk them to the office, and assist them as needed. Why: This program will make visitors seem more welcomed. It will also allow the school to have a more friendly and personalized environment. Good first impressions are important. With friendly greeters at the door, most people will come away with a good first impression. Have Monthly Potluck Lunch How: Each month the teachers will get together and bring food for a potluck lunch. There will be doors prizes at each of these lunches. Teachers are free to socialize with other teachers and staff while enjoying good food. Why: This will allow the staff to sit down together once a month and relax while they eat. It will provide an opportunity for relationships and friendships to develop. It will provide time for the staff to pull together and have some fun. Recognize Teacher of the Month How: Each month, recognize a special teacher. The teacher of the month will be voted on by the faculty. Each teacher who wins the award will receive recognition in the paper, their own personal parking space for the month, a $50 gift card to the mall, and a $25 gift card for a nice restaurant. Why: This will allow individual teachers to be recognized for their hard work and dedication to education. It will mean more to that individual since they were voted on by their peers. It will allow that teacher to feel good about themselves and the jobs that they are doing. Conduct a Yearly Business Fair How: Every April, invite several businesses in the community to participate in the annual business fair. The entire school will spend a few hours learning important things about those businesses such as what they do, how many people work there, and what skills are needed to work there. Why: This allows the business community the opportunity to come to the school and show kids what all they do. It also allows the business community the opportunity to be a part of the students’ education. It provides the students with opportunities to see if they are interested in working a particular business. Presentation by Business Professionals for Students How: About every two months guests from within the community will be invited to discuss the how’s and what’s of their particular career. People will be chosen so that their particular career relates to a specific subject area. For example, a geologist might speak in the science class or a news anchor might speak in a language arts class. Why: This allows businessmen and women from the community the opportunity to share what their career is all about with the students. It allows the students to see a variety of possible career choices, asks questions, and find out interesting things about various careers. Begin a Volunteer Reading Program How: Ask people in the community who would like to get involved with the school, but do not have children who are in school, to volunteer as part of a reading program for students with lower reading levels. The volunteers may come in as often as they wish and read books one-on-one with the students. Why: This allows people the opportunity to volunteer and get involved in the school even if they are not the parent of an individual within the school district. It also provides students the opportunity to better their reading abilities and to get to know people within the community. Start a Living History Program How: Once every three months a social studies class will be assigned an individual from the community who volunteers to be interviewed. The student will interview that person about their lives and events that have happened during their lives. The student will then write a paper about that person and give a presentation to the class over that person. The community members who have been interviewed will be invited to the classroom to hear the students’ presentations and to have a cake and ice cream party afterward. Why: This allows students the opportunity to get to know people within the community. It also allows members of the community to assist the school system and to get involved with the school. It involves people from the community that may not have been involved in the school system before.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Film noir Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Film noir - Essay Example Yet this list is not exhaustive. Thrillers such as This Gun for Hire, The Big Sleep and The Lady in the Lake are as much part of the genre as are the more experimental Call Northshid 777, The House on the 92nd Street and The Naked City. Whatmore, compounding the problem of definition of film noir are the various renowned directors who have embraced the genre. Household names like Billy Wilder, John Huston, Otto Preminger, Robert Siodmak and Fritz Lang have all contributed to film noir. These luminous directors have not merely restricted themselves to film noir but have acquired fame for works in other genres. Hence classification on the basis of director groupings is also inadequate in defining film noir. Perhaps the only definitive quality is that the genre came into its own in the decade after the Second World War. It was an era of morose and confusion, as people (both in the United States and Europe) were grappling with evil tendencies in human nature – something film noir faithfully captures. In my opinion, authors Borde and Chaumeton do a commendable job of attempting to define the genre. They lay out the broader categories into which it falls, which incidentally complicate the problem. Finally, their definition of the genre in terms of its emotional effects on the audience – the state of tension and a specific psychological alienation imposed on the spectator – is something I agree with. The author begins by acknowledging the difficulties in defining film noir. Contrasting it with other established genres like horror or western, Schrader reckons that the differentiating quality of film noir is its subtle yet dark tone and mood. More than qualities inherent to the film, its periodic setting and its production in the forties and early fifties are better markers of the genre. There were four key socio-political conditions during this period which were instrumental in the birth of film noir. The first was
Friday, November 1, 2019
The Qatari Police I have the outline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
The Qatari Police I have the outline - Essay Example This guard serves as a cache for the regular forces while reinforcing the metropolitan police as required. The rate of crime in Qatar is normally low due to the large presence of police throughout the country. Although occurrences of violence tend to be rare, they have happened more frequently as a result of Doha’s population, as well as economic pressures on emigrant workers. There are reports of verbal and physical harassments of unaccompanied emigrant women by local and third country national young men. On the other hand, reports of petty theft tend to be infrequent though they have been growing; they include ATM and credit card theft, pick pocketing and purse snatching (Peter & Dilip 10). The main police divisions are immigration, criminal investigation, trials and courts-martial, traffic, prisons, emergency police, civil defense, nationality and passports. The criminal investigation division tends to be accountable for ordinary criminal cases, while Kuwait State Security tends to investigate security-related offenses. Both have concerns with investigations of terrorism, as well as those suspected of collaborating with Iraq. The U.S. Department of State evaluates the present crime rate in Qatar as being low. However, according to reports by Qatar’s Ministry of Interior, there is a substantial increase in crime levels in Qatar since 2005 and there are a projection of continued rise in years to come. Given the gigantic number of construction projects, as well as immense economic activity ongoing all through Qatar, particularly in and around Doha, along with the Industrial and Energy producing areas, there has been the establishment of foreign labor camps to cont ain the immense foreign labor pool resident within Qatar. These areas have higher occurrences of crime compared to other areas in Qatar. In areas of Doha, as well as its environs, all through weekends and after hours, huge numbers of foreign workers
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