Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Food Microbiology Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Food Microbiology - Lab Report Example Results indicate the overall standard in terms of hygiene of food processing and the food chain. The microbial levels permitted for food to be determined safe are regulated by law. The study is carried out in three stages performed as three experiments. In the first experiment, aerobic plate count is done for E.coli count and coliform count on given food item (Roberts, D, 2003, Gilbert et al, 2000). It is evident that coliforms and E.coli are present in human faeces. Their presence in food items can indicate post processing contamination. The aerobic count is used to determine the overall level of microbial contamination of food items and provides an indication for poor processing or post processing techniques especially where the count exceed the legal permitted levels. In the second experiment pre-cooked food is observed for faecal contamination. In the third experiment the quality of milk samples (pasteurized and raw) are checked for the presence of fecal contamination. The Petri dish with colonies between 15 and 300 were selected to be significant in number whereas Petri plates with TMTC (too many to count) were not considered to be significant. Calculation is performed with the formula mentioned. Plates with dilution factor of 10-8 showed no growth and hence it is reported as Discussion: The serial dilutions, or successive dilution of a specimen e.g. 1:10 dilution equals 1 ml of sample plus 9 ml of diluents, a 1:100 dilution equals 1 ml of a 1:10 dilution plus 9 ml of diluents. This is the process to enhance the probability of finding the most probable microorganism even at higher dilution. If the microorganism is present in the highest dilution then this is depicted when inoculated on the medium solidified on Petri
Monday, October 28, 2019
The Life and History of Winston S. Churchill Essay Example for Free
The Life and History of Winston S. Churchill Essay Winston Churchill Winston S. Churchill was a former prime minister of England during 1940 to 1945 and 1951 to 1955. He had been well known for his leadership, oratory skills and bold statements regarding political issues (internationally and locally). He was also described as being: bold, confident, manipulative, courageous, determined, outspoken, brave, and stubborn. Born into the likes of a rich family, he often undervalued the importance and value of money reflecting at times during his time as Prime Minister. As he matured, he often contemplated between a life in the army or in Parliament. His contemplation became his reality as he would â€Å"switch†between the army and Parliament as an adult. While in the army serving in various places, he became an accomplished writer and war reporter while also showing his outgoing personality. Through multiple years of this experience, he developed his writing skills and his oratory skills while being involved in world issues. Soon he developed his â€Å"bold†views on ideas (e. g. less influence in India) and having iron fist strength in his beliefs and opinions. When we finally decided Parliament was the right home for him, the Nazis’ and Hitler were preparing for their â€Å"blitzkrieg†and were preparing for the starting phases of WW2. Churchill started to realize the threat this posed and voiced out to the government in 1939 that the English government had to be more â€Å"pro-active†about Hitler. Churchill’s predictions came out true and the threat posed became imminent to the English government after the invasion on Norway and the failed campaign in Norway as well. Churchill came out as Prime Minister in 1940 after the previous Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, resigned. Right off the bat, he allotted majority of finances into the military task forces and declared war on Germany. He also stated his steadfast refusal to consider defeat, surrender or compromise peace with Hitler. Later when major countries (e. g. France) fell under the blitzkrieg, Churchill embodied his country’s will to resist and continue fighting the war. His oratory (particularly his speeches and radio broadcasts) inspired the British men. These acts helped inspire British resistance, the only active resistance against Hitler and his Nazi forces. Churchill had also spent numerous hours with the British people who were suffering from air raids by the Luftwaffe and typing numerous letters to get U. S. A into the war. Over the next few years when Russia and U. S. A had become allies and began closing in on Germany, Churchill knew this war was over and the allies had won. His prediction was, again, correct. When he announced this, he said, â€Å"This is your victory. The people shouted: No, it is yours. †Many people around the world appreciated the efforts and actions of Churchill; however, with the pinnacle of military victory, he tasted political defeat. The actions of what Winston Churchill had done for all the British people and everyone around the world is beyond words. Without him, Britain and many other countries would have been in serious trouble during WW2 and the firmness of his beliefs had inspired everyone to truly believe in their ideologies, something that we have seen quite a bit since Churchill’s time period. Some examples: Martin Luther King Jr. , Nelson Mandela, Aung San Suu Kyi, Arab Springs protests. They had all believed in their ideologies and proved it to themselves and the world, something great Churchill had started and shown the world.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
African Americans and Healthcare :: Papers Health Insurance Medical Essays
African Americans and Healthcare African Americans face a multidimensional health care crisis that affects the young or old, rich or poor. Too many African Americans are uninsured or underinsured. The elderly cannot afford long-term health care leaving the family to care for them. Health care cost is constantly rising and are out of control, reform is the only way out. The growing number of uninsured and underinsured is on the rise. In 1979, 11 million African americans were uninsured (Jaffe 10). Today, the number is 15 million and it is increasing every year (Jaffe 11). According to the Department of Health and Human Services, thirteen million blacks in America have health care and fourteen million do not (Fitzgerald 31). Also, those who are insured today may be at risk tomorrow if their employer drops coverage, or the head of the household changes or loses their job. Most blacks in the United States who are uninsured simply cannot receive health care at an affordable price because their employer does not offer it and self-insurance cost much more. The lack of adequate insurance can be devastating to families both in financial terms and in terms of timely access to needed health care (Jaffe 12). Altogether, collection agencies report every year that most blacks are in debt due to unpaid medical bills, because they are not insured or they are underinsured. African American senior citizens face a health care crisis too. They have worked all of their lives to secure retirement, but their retirement has been threatened because of the rising cost of long-term medical care. Insurance companies have failed to provide affordable long-term care, protection that most senior citizens need. This lack of long term care and affordability has been a serious problem for the health care system. In some cities, the shortage of hospital beds is so serious that it is common for patients to stay in emergency rooms before they can be admitted to an inpatient room (Drake 109). More than one thousand hospital beds are occupied by people who could be better care for in nursing homes or through home health care (Drake 110). Of the disabled elderly 1.3 million reside in nursing homes (Drake 10). These patients are unable to perform two or more of the basic activities of daily living without assistance.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
{Punctuality: Personal Nd Professional Image Essay
Punctuality: Personal and Professional Image A man of experience once said that there are four good habits-punctuality, accuracy, steadiness and efficiency. Without punctuality, time is wasted; without accuracy, mistakes are made: without steadiness, nothing can be done; and without efficiency, all is lost. To this we may add the habits of prudence, discipline and contentment as being most desirable. So what are the payoffs of punctuality? Two important ones are that it is an indicator of professionalism, and it’s respectful to the other person. These are certainly important in business. Another payoff is that it is moral and ethical. As someone once said, â€Å" A man who has taken your time recognizes no debt, yet it is the only debt he can never repay’. A taken for granted aspect of everyday life is that people are usually punctual. This norm is so well established that a common sense understanding of unpunctuality as a personality defect prevails in the social science literature. Drawing on qualitative and experiential data from the Mass Observation Archive, this paper argues that punctuality is less a matter of individual virtue and more one of age, gender, and work situation. It proposes that a close study of these differentiating â€Å"surface†conditions leads back to more fundamental questions of social structure and solidarity. The sentiments underlying the norm demanding unconditional punctuality correspond to, and may be a legacy of the mechanical solidarity that Durkheim stressed underpinned even the most complex and advanced societies. With all the tasks on our plates, it is easy to try to cram in one more activity before rushing off to the next engagement, but when you arrive late, it can resul in any of the following: Conveying to the other party involved that you feel your time is more valuable than theirs. Presenting the image that you are poorly prepared causing others to fall behind in their schedules for the rest of the day. Contrast the symptoms that often result from running late with the confident feeling of arriving at an event on time, feeling calm and in control. Punctuality is a habit that takes time and practice to develop, but both your self-esteem and your professional image will benefit. It is most important, therefore that we should acquire good habits at the very start of our life. As a friend and an individual, learn to meet people on time. Every minute counts, do not be late for doctors or dentists appointments, do not be late to school and do not meet friends 10 or 15 minutes late. Dhirubhai Ambani who started Reliance Industries says that one of his greatest achievements lies in having promoted punctuality at all levels from top executives to the workers. All had to keep exact time. It is a form of discipline that has effect on all your achievements. Many people like to get their coffee and breakfast prior to starting their work day. The biggest problem with this is that it is being done on company time. Corporate America suffers millions of dollars in losses each day because of employees spending the first 10 to 15 minutes of their workday conducting non-business rituals, such as getting coffee, eating breakfast, and chatting with co-workers about their evening or weekend. The figures given in the following example are a conservative estimate. It must be acknowledged that not all employees would make the same hourly wage and not all employees waste company time. Of course, there is also the fact that some employees waste more time than others do during a work day. Say an employee is paid $20. 0 per hour, during a 5 day work week a company would pay $25. 00 just for that employee to get their morning coffee. That is $1,250. 00 per year (this estimate deducts two weeks from the year for illness, vacation time and holidays. Next, imagine that every employee in a company of 5,000 wastes 15 minutes every day. That is an incredible $6,250. 00 that the company would lose each and every yea r because its employees utilize company time to conduct personal errands each morning. As with formal controls, informal controls reward or punish acceptable or unacceptable behavior. Informal controls are varied and differ from individual to individual, group to group and society to society. For example, in a college class, a disapproving look might convey the message that it is inappropriate to arrive late and disrupt the lecture. In a business setting on the other hand, a stronger sanction applies in the case of someone who arrives late for a business meeting and threatens to jeopardize the company’s image. Did you ever notice that sometimes, if not often, you arrive late, even when you have carefully planned to arrive on time to a meeting, date, or appointment? Possibly, you are among those who are chronically late. One reason for constant tardiness is that it’s extremely difficult to arrive on time, especially in large metropolitan areas. Unexpected traffic congestion, taking that last minute call, running back to the office or home to grab forgotten articles, are all impediments to being on time. Even the most time conscious, careful planners can be undermined by these factors. While this seems obvious at first, it’s really not that simple. One thing that makes this difficult is simply human nature we simply don’t like waiting.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Kant Theory and Justice
Immanuel Kant concerns himself with deontology, and as a deontologist, he believes that the rightness of an action depends in part on things other than the goodness of its consequences, and so, actions should be judged based on an intrinsic moral law that says whether the action is right or wrong – period. Kant introduced the Categorical Imperative which is the central philosophy of his theory of morality, and an understandable approach to this moral law. It is divided into three formulations. The first formulation of Kant’s Categorical Imperative states that one should â€Å"always act in such a way that the maxim of your action can be willed as a universal law of humanity†; an act is either right or wrong based on its ability to be universalized. This belief is part of the â€Å"universal law theory†and states that to determine if an action is essentially â€Å"good†or â€Å"bad,†one must essentially imagine a world in which everyone performed that same action constantly, and imagine if this would be a desirable world to live in. If not, then it is not okay to perform the action. He believes that this â€Å"universal law†lives within us; it is not something that is imposed on us from the outside. For example if one kills oneself out of self-love, it is logically contradictory because self-love refers to respect for one’s self as a rational being and rationality is based on objective (undistorted by emotion or personal bias). So, one can never justify suicide. The maxim of killing oneself cannot possibly exist as a universal law. The second formulation states that one must â€Å"treat humanity whether in thine own person or in that of any other, in every case as an end withal, never as means only. For example, if I were to lie to a girl so that she would choose to go out with me then I, in effect, use her. Kant would say that I treated her as a means to achieve my end, and he specifically prohibits manipulating or deceiving a person for the purposes of achieving a personal end. According to Kant, only people are valuable as ends. Any action tha t disregards this is in clear violation of Kantian morality, and purports to reduce an individual’s autonomy; this consequently undermines a person’s rational capability and reduces him/her to a thing. This implies that if someone robs you and takes your wallet, he is treating you as a thing and not as a person. The third and last formulation requires that one sees oneself as the source of all moral law. This simply emphasizes the fact that the moral agent is the one who chooses to act morally. This third formulation tells us to imagine ourselves as the sole lawmaker in a society, and to choose the best possible set of laws that the society of rational beings would live by. Kant believes that we all have reason within us, but some choose to respond and act upon it while others do not. We can reason the way things ought to be, and based on that is how we should act, which explains Kant’s view that a moral action must be chosen through moral reason. For example, one does not cheat on a test because one’s reason tells him or her that it is wrong, not the consequences that follow if one gets caught. Another example is that we do not need the law to tell us not to steal because it is immoral; we simply have to access our ability to reason to rationalize this. In a world where each individual recognizes his/her moral dignity and freely chooses to adopt the same universalizable moral law, all actions become good. In opposition to the Categorical Imperative is Kant’s Hypothetical Imperative, which states that a particular action is necessary as a means to some purpose. Kant believes that these actions are not always moral because they are not performed out of â€Å"pure good will†(pure duty), which is the only thing in the world that is unambiguously good. In the case of the ethical credibility of the principles of affirmative action, Kant’s Categorical Imperative provides for the basis of approval. It is primarily out of a sense of duty that a society would seek to assist its struggling members who are in need of help. The action so far seems good, but we must test its universality. Can we imagine ourselves living in a world in which all societies seek to aid the underprivileged and the disadvantaged at the slight expense of others? Absolutely yes. It is important for one to bear in mind, however, that it is the very action of helping that is being judged as inherently good or bad, and not the action’s admirable or overbearing surrounding consequences. Secondly, we must test that the action is regarding everyone involved as ends and not as means to any particular purpose. Since the aim of affirmative action is to help the current predicaments of those people who were victimized in the past, focus is placed on respecting every individual’s autonomy. In this way, we can see that affirmative action is not a devious plan that seeks to manipulate, but one that seeks to compensate by adjusting the means (circumstances) and not the ends (individuals). Lastly, we must see if the action is establishing a universal law governing others in similar situations; one should behave as if one is the absolute moral authority of the universe. Is completing this action consistent with the application of moral law? If so, the affirmative action passes these three tests and the action is good. In his â€Å"Objections to Affirmative Action†, James Sterba talks about why he believes that Affirmative Action is morally wrong. He argues that a person’s race shouldn’t control his or her point of interest. Sterba argues that Affirmative Action leads to injustice and it is unfair to the white nonminority males because â€Å"it deprives them of equal opportunity by selecting or appointing women or minority candidates over more qualified nonminority male candidates. He believes that the job of the government is to eliminate all kinds of discriminatory policies. He thinks that â€Å"alternative programs are preferable. †Thus, the government should instead promote equal opportunities through programs within agencies and departments instead of through Affirmative Action which he believes is a fancy word for discrimination. He argues that it is not fair to those who are more qualified for certain opportunities and cannot receive them either because they are not women or because they are not part of the minority. In his First Objection, he argues that Affirmative Action â€Å"is not required to compensate for unjust institutions in the distant past. †He talks about Morris’ argument that what occurred in the past is not the primary issue that puts all present-day African Americans at an unfair disadvantage; it is more about the issues of more recent origin. He makes a point that discrimination today could very well be the source of the disadvantaged disposition of African Americans and other minority groups, and it is certainly something that society could do without. The question remains that in attempting to â€Å"level the playing field†and eliminate present-day discrimination in America, is Affirmative Action a practical approach and should such a program be endorsed? The Fourth Objection goes on to say that Affirmative Action â€Å"hurts those who receive it†because in many ways the people benefitting from it would not see the need to work as hard, and it places â€Å"women and minorities in positions for which they are not qualified. Sterba proposes that one of the solutions to this problem could be the installation education enhancement programs to compensate for any lack of skills. He believes that this will in a short time ensure that minorities are appropriately qualified for a position. In response to Sterba’s First Objection, Kant would agree that the rightness of Affirmative Action should be based upon the circumstances of the present situation and not what had occurred in the past; this is evident mainly through his a priori form of philosophical deductive reasoning that judges an action before the experience, or â€Å"in the moment. However, Kant would disagree with Sterba’s Fourth Objection because in my opinion, Kant’s deontological theory correlates with the correctness of the affirmative action in its very aim toward helping â€Å"the right†people. Affirmative action has not significantly diminished gender, racial, and all other forms of discrimination, but the action has promoted equality and diversity to a large extent. In a world where everyone performs the â€Å"good will,†there is justice; and the installation of this program only serves to come closer to this justice. Discrimination is wrong because it violates a person’s basic and intrinsic moral rights. Thus, in itself the adoption of this program is an action that is good because without Affirmative Action it is true in many ways that minorities would remain at a disadvantaged position in the educational system and not be allowed the opportunity to exercise their true potential. Kant would argue that it is a duty out of â€Å"good will†to treat people equally. The concepts of equality and autonomy are emphasized in the nature of this program because it strives to treat everyone as a free person equal to everyone else. According to Kant, one should be treated as ends not as mere means. It can be argued that African Americans at a disadvantaged position were being treated as means by the dominant culture to achieve its own ends in the system. Discrimination cannot exist as a system of nature because those who discriminate would not want to be similarly discriminated against if things were reversed, and so Affirmative Action is justified because it aims to open the door of opportunities to those who have been oppressed for years. That being said, Kant would examine the action itself and not the consequences of the action. When making decisions, one has to put oneself into other people’s shoes and see if one wants to be treated the same way others have been treated; it is a duty to treat others as we ourselves want to be treated. Affirmative Action not necessarily needed in this society to reduce the inherent inequalities that are still existent, but it can certainly be used to assist in leveling the playing field. Affirmative Action has been successful on a short term basis, that is, in ncreasing the representation of minorities (including women) in areas of employment, education, and business from which they have been historically excluded. However, on the long term basis it can be argued that the program only serves to perpetuate a cycle of need. Kant advocates the idea of equality through his deontological theory by saying that all people deserve equal treatment as rational ends in themselves and th at this should never be compromised by the flaws in any social system.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Leader Philosophy
Leader Philosophy Introduction Ray (2006) observes that each organization in the current operational environment requires leaders who are holistic. This is because organizations not only operate with constrained resources, but also within an increasingly competitive and challenging environment. A substantial number of managerial theorists and experts argue that organizational leadership is crucial for success in organizations.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Leader Philosophy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Effective organizational leadership is often drawn from the personalities and behaviours of organizational leaders. This means that organizational leaders are the determinants of the orientation of leadership in any given organization. Therefore, the value of leadership in an organization and the successful attainment of organizational goals through organizational activities are often facilitated by organizational leaders. In orde r to effectively facilitate organizational functions, organizational leaders ought to possess or rather adhere to a number of leadership principles. A combination of key leadership principles is a vital source of leadership philosophy. Leadership principles are a combination of character traits, resounding personalities and even behaviours that help organizational leaders to propel their organizations toward greater heights. There are numerous examples of leaders in the corporate world, who have utilized leadership principles and helped organizations to gain stronger corporate positions (Ray 2006). In this paper, it is argued that leadership principles are the main pillars upon which effective organizational leadership is built. This paper explores five key principles of leadership that can be utilized by an organization to build a leadership philosophy. The paper justifies the leadership principles by borrowing from behavioural theories, as well as founded examples of corporate lea ders who have utilized the principles to build legacies in corporate leadership. Linking leadership to leadership principles Before exploring leadership principles, it is vital to understand leadership from the perspective of an organization. Leadership is a combination of methods of management, which guides a given organization by offering it a given direction. This implies that leadership is not an event, but an activity. It entails the continuous combination of methods of overseeing the operations of an organization. In this case, methods refer to the series of practices that can be equated to the principles of leadership. Therefore, organizational leaders must be proactive in overseeing the processes and functions of the organization through the application of diverse principles of leadership. According to the behavioural theories of leadership, organizational leadership entails the management of people with diverse personalities.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Therefore, the application of a single principle can hardly result in the successful implementation of organizational objectives. Leadership, especially when it applies to an organization, entails the management of people, processes and assets. Therefore, leaders ought to possess a combination of different principles of leadership, which helps them to capture the critical attributes of leadership in the organization. Of greater significance is the ability of the leader to combine the diverse principles of leadership. Organizational leaders must be vigilant enough and know the most appropriate time to focus on a given principle of leadership. This is because organizations undergo various cycles, thus a given cycle in the performance of an organization may require a deeper application of a certain principle of leadership (Ray 2006). The principles of leadership are often attained th rough the leadership behaviours or traits of a leader. Leadership traits are vital for the development of leadership principles and effective leadership. This is the reason why some organizations prosper, while others do not perform remarkably. When they are effectively developed, leadership principles act as a basis on which organizational leaders implement the functions of the organization. In other words, leadership principles encourage best practice in the utilization of organizational resources to discharge organizational functions. When this is done, the leadership of an organization comes out as the main benchmark tool for organizational performance. This is how the leadership philosophy is derived from organizational leadership. The ability of a leader to set and enforce a given practice in the organization depends upon the principle of leadership that is set and used by the leader. Therefore, it can be said that the quality of leadership in an organization is a summation of the various principles of leadership that are embraced by the leadership of the organization. Therefore, leadership principles are the key determinants of the nature and quality of leadership in most organizations (Ray 2006). Leadership principles Leadership is a quality of management that is developed by organizational leaders. Organizational leaders develop their leadership competency by applying certain principles of leadership in their organizations. There is a wide range of leadership theories that have been theorized and discussed by a large number of leadership theorists.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Leader Philosophy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Self-awareness According to Greg and Roni (2012), one of the most critical principles of leadership is self-awareness. Leaders must create conditions upon which organizational success is founded. One of the means through which such conditions are created is t he development of self-confidence by the leader. Self confidence is a behavioural trait of leadership that has been widely adopted by leaders in the seemingly challenging organizational environment. Self-awareness implies that a leader should be fully aware of his or her personality and use the personality to drive the organization to success. It can be likened to the ability of leaders to take risks while making investments. Confidence is one of the key features self-awareness. Confidence aids a leader to understand the essence of convincing organizational leaders to take risks of investing in certain courses. Organizational leaders are critical assets in as far as the formulation of critical organizational decisions is concerned (Greg Roni 2012). This is what can enable them instil belief in organizational members and other stakeholders of the organization that they are leading. It is argued that confidence plays a great role in the success of the leader. However, this only comes true when the leader himself understands the essence of confidence in their success, as well as the success of other members in the organization. Confidence helps a leader to look at challenges from a positive inclination. A leader ought to pay full attention to all the people, processes and situations in the organization in which he or she is leading. Confidence in the leader becomes stronger when the leader pays attention to all people, processes and situations within the organization (Greg Roni 2012). When the leader successfully handles several situations in the organization, the confidence of the leader grows (Tamkin et al. 2010). The quality of self-awareness grows from the organizational leader to the organizational teams throughout the organization. A substantial number of outstanding organizational leaders are often reported to spend most of their time with organizational teams. By virtue of spending time with organizational teams, talking to them, organizational leaders help instil courage and confidence in the organizational members. This inspires organizational members to increase their input when discharging their roles and duties in the organization. Richard Branson, who is one of the most renowned leaders in the corporate world, is reported to spend most of the time talking to and sharing experiences with organizational teams. Being a master of communication, Branson keeps informing the employees of the tasks they are supposed to discharge.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Branson has perfected this principle of leadership is such a way that his physical presence instils determination among the employees of the Virgin Group. This quality even goes beyond the employees of the company. Branson exudes the confidence of the organization among the media and the wider corporate world. Through the practice of the quality of the principle of self-awareness, Branson has come out as one of the most confident leaders. He has managed to attract the attention of the media and the customers, thereby enhancing corporate growth and expansion of the Virgin Group of Companies (Leadership Resource Group 2012). Visionary evangelism The second principle of organizational leadership is visionary evangelism. Organizational success lies in the ability of the organization to develop a vision and mould organizational activities towards the fulfilment of the organization’s vision. The vision of the organization is the foundation for success in the organization. According to James and Lahti (2011), organizational vision often depicts the idealized future state of that organization. The vision of an organization has a long impact on the long-term existence and performance of an organization than organizational strategies. Organizational strategies are founded on the vision of the organizations. This justifies the need for organizations to develop visions. More often than not, the vision of an organization is formulated by the leadership of that organization. To this effect, therefore, it is the responsibility of organizational leaders to communicate the vision of the organization both internally and externally. For any leader to be successful, he must be in a position to see beyond the normal or prevailing operations of the organization. This implies that the leader must be able to see the organization from the past, present and future. From this argument, it can be said that one of the most daunting tasks of organizational leadership is leading the organization into the future. This can only be attained when the leader of an organization crafts a sound vision for the organization. Therefore, visionary evangelism begins with the development of the vision (Lahti 2011). Zaccaro and Banks (2001) observed that a substantial number of organizations in the contemporary corporate world have been revising and readjusting their visions so as to capture the prevailing , as well as the probable future challenges. This point emphasizes on need for organizations to develop sound visions. The development of a sound vision could be a simple task. However, the main hurdle lies in the ability of the organization to communicate and implement organizational activities in line with the vision. This is what often separates the leadership of an organization from the other. The most pressing question that ought to be asked is how the leader of an organization can improve the image and the position of the organization through being the main advocate o f the organization’s vision. The first thing that should be done by the leader of an organization is to master the vision of an organization. An organizational leader frequently communicates with the public about the organization. The vision of an organization is a symbolic factor in the building of the culture of an organization. Through the embrace of the vision of an organization, the organizational leader helps an organization to gain a given identification in the market and the industry in which the organization operates (Zaccaro Banks 2001). Lussier and Achua (2010) opined that there are several known organizations that have portrayed the ability of leading through vision. One such example is notable in the leadership of Apple Incorporated under the leadership of Steve Jobs. During his tenure as the leader of the company, Jobs managed to instil the culture of innovation through crafting and enforcing the vision, which entailed creativity and innovation. Steve Jobs was at the centre of every activity in the organization, which was meant to propel the organization towards meeting its key objective of driving the market through innovation (Daft Lane 2008). Responsibility One of the most ignored, yet a critical principle of organizational leadership is responsibility. The principle of responsibility is closely related to accountability. The two qualities work in close relation. Responsibility in leadership begins with the search for ways through which the performance of an organization can be enhanced. It then trickles down to the acceptance of blame and correction, when the decisions or strategies hit the tough end. Therefore, responsibility is an elaborate quality of leadership. It entails the establishment of the workable strategies for the organization, as well as accountability for the outcomes of the strategies that are applied in the organization. The question of responsibility in leadership resonates from the fact that leaders are trusted wi th both the human and material sources of organizations. Therefore, they are supposed to account for the existence and application of these resources in organizational work and the subsequent outcomes (Epitropaki Martin 2005). This can be likened to the exercise of auditing in organizations, where organizational leaders often require explaining how they utilized organizational resources in meeting organizational objectives. However, sometimes the principle of responsibility in leadership is mistaken with the vice of covering up the negative aspects of organizational performance. This is a critical area of leadership basing on the argument that organizational leaders are supposed to be ambassadors of their organizations. Any person who is given the responsibility to spearhead a certain course becomes the main championing factor for that course (Hinrichs et al. 2012). The rationale behind the action of failing to expose aspects of negative performance within organizations is that the y may taint the image of the organization among the public. Therefore, any practices with such an intention could as well be termed as an act of irresponsibility in leadership. Responsibility calls for a complete observation and explanation of processes and actions taken by the organization. Risks and uncertainties are often accepted by organizations. As organizations keep operating, they can hardly avoid risks. Risks cause organizations to sway from their plans, thus they may fail to meet some of the goals. The essence of true responsibility in leadership is portrayed at the time when organizations are facing difficulties (Smith Sharma 2002). During this period, most leaders tend to dissociate themselves from the happenings. The sense of true leadership and the quality of responsibility is replicated at a point where organizational leaders are willing to stand the organization. Leaders are supposed to explain the causes of the wrong happenings and try to devise solutions to such s ituations (Hinrichs et al. 2012). According to Masi and Cooke (2000), empowerment is not only a responsibility of a leader, but also an important tool through which organizations attain desired relations between organizational leaders and their subordinates. The quality of a leader is often determined by the organizational employees. Employees or subordinates value leaders who engage them in leadership. The embrace of the culture of empowerment by organizational leaders helps to attain participatory or inclusive leadership. This is a behavioural tactic of organizational leadership. It creates the sense of ownership within the subordinates. Subordinates are motivated by the fact that they are given knowledge and responsibility to administer organizational factors. For quite a long time, organizations have used the quality of empowerment to manage performance. The practice of empowerment enhances the relationship between leaders and the subordinates. Empowerment can also begin by the virtue of the establishment of workable relationship between a leader and the employees. Such relationships result to psychological empowerment. This form of empowerment increases the level of employee commitment to the organization (Masi Cooke 2000). The other form of empowerment that is perhaps the most valid form of leadership in the contemporary times is offering employees autonomy and resources. Modern leadership values the equipping of organizational subordinates with all the desired resources and the necessary additional support, including skills and leaving the subordinates to discharge their duties, devoid of a lot of supervision. Employees are often left to work on organizational projects without much subordination from the leadership. Under such a case, organizational leadership only comes in at the latter stages, probably to assess the work that has been done by organizational employees (Masi Cooke 2000). This is the most desired principle of leadership that has been u sed by the leadership of organizations such as Microsoft Corporation. In Microsoft, Bill Gates believes in the principle of empowering organizational teams, which leads to invention. Empowerment is a principle that has proven to be effective in leading project work within organizations. The main challenge with the enforcement of subordinate empowerment is that organizations’ subordinates may take advantage of this, thereby failing to discharge organizational functions as required (Bednarz 2011). Tamkin, Pearson, Hirsh and Constable (2010) ascertained that true leaders believe in the growth of people and the organization though performance. One of the fundamental functions of organizational leadership is to spearhead the performance of tasks within the organization. However, this may be disputed by people who see leadership as an aspect of ensuring that the set processes and procedures are followed by organizational members. While this has some sort of truth, it is termed as a n archaic perspective of exercising leadership. The prevailing environment of management calls for transformational and transactional leadership. Transformational leadership dwells on bringing about change (Mannarelli 2006). Change is brought about through the continued observation of practices and making adjustments that are meant to improve the quality of performance. Leaders are assessed in terms of the amount of change that they bring about during their tenure. A sound leader has to be able to master the ability of each person within his circle of leadership. Different people have different abilities. This is because the ability of an individual is determined by a number of things among them the level of skills, the quality of resources and personal motivation among others. Through group and individual engagement with people, a leader becomes able to unlock the full potential of people. This aids to nurture the long-term value of the people in the organization, thereby enhancing the performance of the organization. Outstanding leaders learn how to mould the performance of people through the creation of growth opportunities. This often begins with the creation of trust between the leader and the people. When there is no trust in the leader, it becomes difficult for organizational leaders to create a learning environment (Tamkin et al. 2010). Communication is also a critical concept of leadership. Therefore, an outstanding leader must learn how to foster communication in the organizations. It is argued that communication is a critical concept of conveying messages to the subordinates. Through communication, the leader also gets feedback from the subordinates. Of relevance in organizational communication is the fostering of a communicating organization. By a communicating organization, it means that the leader has to open the channels of communication between him and the subordinates. At the same time, there must be communication between the subordinates as t his is one way through which the subordinates improve in the discharge of their duties. The offer of trust, which is one of the vital elements of encouraging performance in organizational teams, begins with communication. Outstanding leaders must go up to all odds to ensure that they foster interaction within the organization. Communication is the link through which trusting relationships are formed in the organization. Trusting relationships encourage honest interactions that are quite fruitful for the organization (de Vries, Bakker-Pieper Oostenveld 2010). As mentioned earlier, outstanding leaders must encourage open communication. Open communication here means that there should be clear channels of communication, where the leader can give instructions and receive feedback from the people. This implies that the gaps that can prevent organizational subordinates from communicating to the leader must be sealed. However, open communication is the quality of leadership, which only wor ks in organizations that embrace democratic principles of leadership. However, it has been observed that most organizations are adopting the democratic principles of leadership. Also, organizations that are still old to bureaucracy encourage feedback communication (Tamkin et al. 2010). Conclusion Leadership is a critical determinant of success in every facet of management. It is argued that leadership is an attribute of management, which is developed by a leader. This paper has explored the principles of leadership that can be used to develop a leadership philosophy by a leader. Leadership principles that have been explored in this paper include the pursuance of open communication, growth of people through performance, empowerment of self and subordinates, exercising responsibility and accountability, the embrace of visionary evangelism, and the exercise of self-awareness. In the paper, it has been observed that leadership is something that is developed through the combination of di verse attributes of management. In other words, it argues that no single attribute can form satisfactory leadership. This makes leadership a comprehensive exercise, thereby calling from the combination of different principles of leadership. As noted in the discussion, leadership principles are developed from the behaviours and traits of leaders. Therefore, there are a substantial number of leadership principles that can act as a basis upon which a leader can develop a sound leadership philosophy. These leadership principles interact, thereby enabling the leader to attain a desirable leadership philosophy. Reference List Bednarz, T 2011, Fostering an empowered organization. Web. Daft, RL Lane, PG 2008, The leadership experience, Thomson/South-Western, Mason, OH. de Vries, RE, Bakker-Pieper, A Oostenveld, W 2010, ‘Leadership = Communication? The relations of leaders’ communication styles with leadership styles, knowledge sharing and leadership outcomes’, Journal of Business Psychology, vol. 25 no. 3, pp. 67–380. Epitropaki, O Martin, R 2005, From ideal to real: A longitudinal study of the role of implicit leadership theories on leader–member exchanges and employee outcomes, Journal of Applied Psychology, 90, pp. 659–676. Greg, CA Roni, R 2012, Self-awareness and the evolution of leaders: The need for a better measure of self-awareness, Journal of Behavioural and Applied Management, vol. 14 no. 1, pp. 2-17. Hinrichs, KT, Wang, L, Hinrichs, AT Romero, EJ 2012, ‘Moral disengagement through displacement of responsibility: The role of leadership beliefs’, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, vol. 42 no. 1, pp. 62-80. James, K Lahti, K 2011, ‘Organizational vision and system influences on employee inspiration and organizational performance’, Creativity and Innovation Management, vol. 20 no. 2, pp. 108-120. Leadership Resource Group 2012, Successful Leadership Sir Richard Branson. Web. Lussier, RN Achua, CF 2010, Leadership: Theory, application, skill development, SouthWestern/Cengage Learning, Australia. Mannarelli, T 2006, Accounting for leadership: Charismatic, transformational leadership through reflection and self-awareness, Accountancy Ireland, vol. 38 no. 6, pp. 46-48. Masi, RJ Cooke, RA 2000, Effects of transformational leadership on subordinate motivation, empowering norms, and organizational productivity, International Journal of Organizational Analysis, vol. 8 no. 1, pp. 16-47. Ray, TK 2006, Principles of leadership: Leadership management, Futurics, vol. 30 no. 1, pp. 52-71. Smith, PAC Sharma, M 2002, ‘Developing personal responsibility and leadership traits in all your employees: part 2–optimally shaping and harmonizing focus, will and capability’, Management Decision, vol. 40 no. 9, pp. 814-822. Tamkin, P, Pearson, G, Hirsh, W Constable, S 2010, Exceeding expectation: the principles of outstanding leadership. Web. Zaccaro, SJ Banks, DJ 2001, ‘Leadership, vision, and organizational effectiveness.’ In Zaccaro, S.J. and Klimoski, R.J. (eds.), The nature of organizational leadership, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA, pp. 181–218.
Monday, October 21, 2019
The 10 Most Frequently Looked-Up Words
The 10 Most Frequently Looked-Up Words The 10 Most Frequently Looked-Up Words The 10 Most Frequently Looked-Up Words By Mark Nichol According to Merriam-Webster’s website, these are the ten most frequently search terms on the site- not what is trending now, but the words that consistently rank among the top searches. 1. Affect/Effect This double entry is not surprising; the confusion between affect and effect is one of the most common among homophones (words that sound alike but are spelled differently) and near homophones. Merriam-Webster advises that writers can use a simple rule in mind when determining which word to use- affect is usually a verb and effect is usually a noun- but exceptions in which the reverse is true are frequent enough to render this advice scarcely useful. Another mnemonic to help you distinguish the two is that to affect is to have an effect, and an affect leads to an effect. Affect usually means â€Å"have an effect or influence,†as in â€Å"Will not completing this assignment affect my grade?†while an effect is something that is the result of a causative phenomenon (hence the phrase â€Å"cause and effect†), as in â€Å"Will not completing this have an effect on my grade?†But note that affect can also serve as a noun meaning â€Å"aspect of an emotion†or â€Å"evidence of an emotion.†In psychology, to say that one presents a flat affect is to express that the person exhibits little or no emotion. In addition, effect is sometimes used as a verb meaning â€Å"bring about,†as in â€Å"Our goal is to effect a change in policy.†One can also say, â€Å"Our goal is to affect a change in policy,†but that means that one merely wishes to have an impact; to effect a change is to deliberately create the change. As a verb, affect also means â€Å"create the appearance of,†as when one affects a sophisticated manner to conceal humble origins, or â€Å"pretend,†as when one affects not to know about something that one is actually aware of. Either sense implies deception. The adjective affective means â€Å"emotional†or â€Å"expressing emotion,†while affecting, as an adjective, means â€Å"evoking a strong emotional response.†Effective means â€Å"producing a decisive or desired effect†and pertains to being actual, operative, or ready (and rarely, as a noun, denotes one who is effective), while effectual means â€Å"producing, or able to produce, a desired effect.†2. Albeit This archaic-seeming word means â€Å"even though†; one would write, for example, â€Å"The jacket was expensive, albeit a practical necessity in cold weather.†It is one in a category of compound words combined to serve as an adverb, such as notwithstanding and nevertheless, or a conjunction such as the rare word howbeit or the common term whereas. 3. Ambiguous Ambiguous means â€Å"doubtful or uncertain†or â€Å"unexplainable,†but usually it denotes something that can be understood in two distinct ways, as when one exclaims, â€Å"I’ve never seen anything like it,†which does not inform the listener about whether the speaking is commenting positively or negatively. The first element, ambi-, meaning â€Å"both†or â€Å"on both sides,†is also seen in ambivalent (with which it is often confused, though that word means â€Å"having contradictory feelings†) and ambidextrous. The noun form of ambiguous is ambiguity. 4. Apathetic Apathetic is an adjective meaning â€Å"indifferent†or â€Å"uncaring†; the noun form, apathy, literally means â€Å"lack of feeling.†(This post discusses this and other words formed from the root pathos, meaning â€Å"feeling†or â€Å"suffering.†) 5. Conundrum Conundrum refers to complex, difficult problems or, more informally, a mystery or puzzle (or a riddle with a punning answer). The word is, ironically, itself a mystery, with an unknown etymology, although one theory is that hundreds of years ago, an Oxford University student coined the word to parody Latin; indeed, more than one spelling among various forms used in the word’s early years began with qu-, often a sign of Latin origin. 6. Cynical A cynical person is one skeptical of others’ motives or convinced that people always put their own interests before those of others. The word derives from the name of a Greek school of philosophy, whose adherents were called Cynics (from the Greek term kynikos, meaning â€Å"like a dog†); one with a cynical attitude is a cynic, and the quality of being cynical is called cynicism. 7. Integrity Integrity is the quality of being fair and honest (said of a person) or of being complete or sound (said of an object), as in the notion of structural integrity of something constructed. 8. Love Love is the most curious entry in this list, as it is a deceptively simple word. Love, however, can- as a noun or a verb- express a passion for anything (â€Å"I love that movie!†) as well as romantic and sexual feelings or behavior, in addition to religious passion. Loving and lovable are adjectival forms, and one who loves is a lover. 9. Pretentious Someone who has an exaggerated sense of importance or worth is pretentious; such a person is said to have pretensions, even if only one category of pretension exists, and a pretense is a deception (as in the redundant but idiomatic phrase â€Å"false pretenses†). The word is derived from the Latin verb praetendere, which literally means â€Å"stretch in front†; pre means â€Å"before,†and tendere, meaning â€Å"stretch,†is the basis of tender (as in â€Å"tender one’s resignation†) and tendon, the term for connective tissue that stretches between muscles and bones. (Tender in the sense of â€Å"sensitive†or â€Å"loving,†among other meanings, is unrelated.) By extension, the notion of literal stretching gave way to the meanings â€Å"stretching the truth†or â€Å"acting as if something not true is true,†and one who acts pretentiously is a pretender. 10. Ubiquitous Something widespread is ubiquitous; the quality of something existing everywhere or being encountered often is ubiquity. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Is She a "Lady" or a "Woman"?Dawned vs. Donned50 Words with Alternative Spellings
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Reasons You Can Be Denied a Firearm Transfer
Reasons You Can Be Denied a Firearm Transfer Since the passage of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993, anyone who purchases a firearm in the United States must submit to a background check to determine if they are eligible to buy and possess a gun. Licensed gun dealers must check each person who tries to buy a firearm through the FBIs National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). When a prospective buyer wants to purchase a firearm, they must first provide the dealer with photo identification and a completed Firearms Transaction Record, or Form 4473. If the buyer answers yes to any of the questions on Form 4473, the dealer is required to deny the sale. It is a felony, punishable by up to five years in prison, to lie when completing the form. If the buyer qualifies, the dealer will then request a NICS check. The NICS has three business days to either approve or deny the sale. If the three days pass without a NICS determination, then the dealer can process the sale of the firearm (depending on local laws) or wait until the NICS responds. On average, only about one percent of firearms transfers are denied by the NICS system, mainly because most convicted criminals already know they are not eligible to own a gun. Prohibitive Criteria for Firearm Transfers Under federal law, there are specific reasons that a firearm transfer can be denied. If you have had a firearm transfer denied, it is because you or someone else with a similar name or descriptive features has ever been: Convicted of a felonyConvicted in any court of a crime which is punishable by a term of more than one year or a misdemeanor punishable by more than two years. This is the number one reason why requests for firearm transfers are denied.Indicted for a crime punishable by more than one yearA fugitive from justiceA user of illegal drugs or an addictInvoluntarily committed to a mental institutionAn illegal alienDishonorably discharged from the armed forcesRenounced your U.S. citizenshipSubject to a restraining order for threatening a family memberConvicted of domestic violenceUnder an indictment, but not convicted, of a crime carrying a possible year-long prison sentence State Prohibitions The NCIS can also deny a firearm transfer based on any applicable state laws. For example, if your state has a law prohibiting the possession of a specific type of firearm, the NICS can deny your transfer even though possession of that firearm is not prohibited by federal law. The Brady Law was designed to make sure that only law-abiding citizens can purchase and own firearms, but critics claim that the law only created a huge black-market demand for illegal guns sales to criminals. NCIS Accuracy In September 2016 the Department of Justices Office of the Inspector General performed an audit to check the FBIs quality control of NICS transactions. They selected 447 denied transactions and found that only one transaction was incorrectly denied, which resulted in a 99.8 percent accuracy rate. Next, the auditors looked at records that the FBI had denied the transaction within three business days. Out of 306 records chosen randomly, 241 were processed by the FBI appropriately. However, six of the transactions were denied internally by the FBI, but the denial was not communicated to the dealers from one day to more than seven months after the denial. Auditors also found 59 transactions which the FBI approved, but should have denied. The FBI’s quality control checks caught and corrected 57 of these errors as a part of its internal controls. Appealing a Firearm Transfer Denial If you try to purchase a gun and you receive a firearms transfer denial during the background check, you can appeal that denial if you do not meet any of the above criteria and you believe a mistake has been made. Approximately, one percent of firearms transfers are denied and many times it because of mistaken identity or incorrect records at NICS. Therefore, many firearms transfer denial appeals are successful. Source U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Criminal Justice Information Services Division. Guide for Appealing a Firearm Transfer Denial.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
CDMA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
CDMA - Essay Example Soft handover capabilities are offered to improve the voice quality whereas a RAKE receiver is used to reduce the effect of multi-path fading. J-STD-008 is the PCS version of IS-95; both were combined to IS-95B. Modulation is a process by which the characteristics of a sinusoidal carrier waveform are modified using values of coded symbols that represent the original message. Once the carrier waveform is modulated, it carries the message along to the receiver, where demodulation will reverse the process and extract the original message from the carrier. In the CDMA (IS-95) cellular system, Binary phase shift keying (BPSK) modulation is used on the forward link. Using algebraic notations, we can mathematically express a carrier wave with certain phase shift applied as the sum of a cosine or I(t) and a sine or Q(t) wave component. I(t) and Q(t) , or simply I and Q, are called the real (in phase) and the imaginary (quadrature-phase)data components respectively. This representation is not simply an algebraic identity; it also provides the required base for the necessary modulation and demodulation operations. With this representation we have two superimposed binary PSK waveforms. It is easier to modulate and demodulate such waveforms. The waves are generated by the transmitter at the same frequency, and then each of the components is modulated by 0 or 180 degrees phase shifting (detecting 180 degrees phase shifts is easier than detecting 90 degrees phase shifts). After that the components are summed together and transmitted. Once the s ignal arrives at the receiver, the receiver will generate two reference waveforms for the demodulation process to be carried out. A 64-ary orthogonal modulation scheme using Walsh words are employed on the reverse link. This conveys 6 coded symbols per each Walsh word. Note that "Walsh words are groups of 2N vectors or words which contain 2N binary elements which with them selves and their logical inverses form a mutually orthogonal set."(Ernest) phase modulation remains the form of change the carrier will undergo. This means that a Walsh word w(t) with binary chips 1 will be multiplied by the carrier to mathematically produce either a positive or a negative version. The effect of the Walsh word will be to shift the phase of the negative version by 180 degrees, while the positive version will be shifted by 0 degrees (which means that it will be left intact). The mobile determines the data bit on the forward link by simply examining all the received Walsh chips and checking if they are all either inverted or not relative to the chip values assigned to it. The base station will also recognize the 1 pattern of the transmitted Walsh word using the fast Walsh transform (FWT) on the reverse link. In this process, the 1 pattern received will be compared with all possible 64 Walsh words. RAKE RECEIVER CDMA spreading codes are different than other conventional modulation schemes. They are designed to offer extremely low correlation between successive chips. As a result, the effects of the channels propagation delay spread are merely multiple versions of the original signal. If such multipath components experience a time large time delay compared to the chip duration. They will be discarded as uncorrelated noise by the CDMA receiver. This happens because the uncorrelated noise will be made negligible by the spread spectrum processing gain after
Friday, October 18, 2019
Operation management exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Operation management exam - Essay Example The main objective of the concept is to optimize from the production processes while reducing on wastage. The concept aims to reduce lead time and batch size and increase the throughput time. The implementation in company results to efficient running of the processes perfectly aligned to the quantity demanded. The history of the concept dates back in Japan where it was recognised as a means of production. The concept was initially known as the Toyota production system since it was practised in order to compete with the automobile industry in America as explained by Coyle, Bardi and Langley (2009). It was observed that in America, production was based on the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) however, the method could not work in Japan as the domestic demand was lower and there was demand for different models in small quantities. This led to the introduction of the concept that was based on elimination of waste resulting from inventory costs, processing time , transportation, time spent waiting and excess production. The implementation of concept saw the rise of the industry and realised more profits however the system needs employee participation and good management for it to yield benefits to the company. The JIT manufacturing system benefits a company in several ways the most important are the reduction of inventories. Customer relations improves as the company reduces the throughput time resulting to greater output and fast response to the customers demands and also minimizes the rates of defects leading satisfaction. There is reduced setup time that allows the company to eliminate the stock for change over time. The system simplifies inventory management as there is improved flow of goods from the warehouse. Schedules of working hours, production and supply are synchronized with the demand and optimal inventory amounts.
Pleas read the artical and answer qestion 5 with 6 steps. the answers Essay
Pleas read the artical and answer qestion 5 with 6 steps. the answers should be short and to the point - Essay Example The school is allowed to removal of the IDEA, Section 504, and ADA claims because the parents did not exhaust administrative remedies under IDEA. One issue raised by the trial court is that the exhaustion requirements of the IDEA applied in equal measure to the other claims since the Section 504 and ADA claims are associated with injuries that could be sought redress to under the IDEA. The issue put forward by the parents is that their complaint was with the refusal of the school to provide Section 504 services, to which the court noted that â€Å"a parent may not circumvent the administrative procedures of IDEA by voluntarily revoking approval under IDEA, and afterwards recast their complaints under Section 504 and the ADA. The trial court’s decision was that the parent are not capable of revoking assent to services under IDEA, and then proceed to demand that the school make available Section 504 services instead. Therefore, the school was not under any legal obligation to provide services. The reasoning behind this decision was influenced by a citation from a Letter of McKethan issued by OCR. By refusing services developed under IDEA, the parents effectively rejected services under Section 504. Hence, the revocation of services by the parents under IDEA was equivalent to revocation under Section 504 and the
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Leadership of Steve Jobs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Leadership of Steve Jobs - Essay Example The researcher states that over the years it has been found that the business world has faced significant turbulent events. The stock market went through topsy-turvy situations. The cold war ended but the new issue of global terrorism has raised its ugly heads. Energy prices have increased. Economic power has been shifted towards the emerging economies like India and China. Due to the increase in the raw material prices profit margins have lowered. With his visionary leadership style, Steve Jobs was able to predict the hyper-competition and turbulent nature of the industry. The situational leadership style of Steve Jobs made the Apple one of the most successful business organizations in the world. His leadership style has provided Apple the similar outlook of a Canopy tree in the Rainforest. Under his leadership, the organization was able to dodge different difficulties and absorbed considerable sunlight of success and recognition. Innovative and entrepreneurial mindset are the impor tant characteristics of the leaders. Innovations like iPhone, iPod, and iPad have made the business leadership style of Steve Jobs immortal in the minds of global followers. All these products are the indicators of his supreme innovative capacity. Leadership skills of Steve Jobs can be analyzed with the help of L.E.A.D.S. model which represent Learning, Executing, Analyzing, Designing and Strategizing. Steve Jobs made Apple a learning-based innovative organization. He always encouraged its followers to innovate and learn continuously. Under his leadership style learning rate of the organization was always higher than the rate of change in the industry. Due to his leadership of continuous learning, the organization has succeeded to change itself according to the needs of the hour. Very often his leadership style forced the whole industry to change. His leadership style gave significant focus towards strategic learning.
Immigration and the challenges associated with socio-political Essay
Immigration and the challenges associated with socio-political integration in the European Union - Essay Example While the government has framed policies aimed at diluting specific differences that hamper active social participation and economic inclusion, differences associated with cultural identities have been fashioned into new processes of delineating and being a ‘true’ European. The governmental policies that aim at resolving differences between the native population and immigrants face major challenges owing to the large number of immigrants entering the EU from various developing nations. There are growing concerns about the immigration policies in both receiver and sending countries, wherein there are speculations about a large-scale increase in migration flows in the near future. According to various reviews, calculations on future flow of immigration from developing nations to the EU show that there may be 13.5 million immigrants within the EU, from the year 2000 until 2050 (Mansoor and Quillin, 2007). The calculations that give an average estimate are based on various e conomic and demographic factors significant in determining immigration flows. Along with these numbers, one must also take into consideration political, social and cultural aspects of the immigrants, owing to the intricate nature of the issue, closely related to human trafficking, irregular migration, and shifting borders. The demographic framework of a nation is greatly affected by migratory movements, and owing to the inherent differences in socioeconomic and demographic structure of the immigrant populations in regard to the host population, migration flows significantly influence public expenditure, income distribution, demographic evolution, social stratification along with economic development (Amin, 1995). With rising economic challenges emerging from a steady increase in elderly the population within European societies, the European Commission regards the entry and integra tion of immigrants within the EU an added demographic challenge that involves providing better living and working conditions, employment, and education for the immigrants and working out a long-term, sustainable budgetary plan (Linz and Stula, 2010). Immigration may be triggered due to various reasons that may vary from political, economic, or personal reasons, while migration may also be voluntary or even forced, and the later often involves human trafficking (Kraler, Kofman, Kohli and Schmoll, 2011). From a historical perspective, Europe has always faced migration from different parts of the world. Prior to WWI, during the era of industrialisation, there were large-scale transatlantic labour migrations. Post WWII, during the period of severe economic crises and reconstruction, Europe became an important destination for many immigrants. This was mainly due to large numbers of la bourers migrating to the European continent from various parts of the world due to work shortage in their own countries (Castles and Miller, 2010). At this time, there were also intra-European migrations, where labourers from south Europe moved to various west European nations. Subsequently there were settlements established, and families brought over for reunification. Besides labour migration, there were war refugees and natural disaster refugees that came to Europe from the former USSR, Africa and the Balkans, thus further adding to the social and cultural diversities within the EU population. In this context, the essay will review various research papers and analyse the different challenges associated with
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Leadership of Steve Jobs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Leadership of Steve Jobs - Essay Example The researcher states that over the years it has been found that the business world has faced significant turbulent events. The stock market went through topsy-turvy situations. The cold war ended but the new issue of global terrorism has raised its ugly heads. Energy prices have increased. Economic power has been shifted towards the emerging economies like India and China. Due to the increase in the raw material prices profit margins have lowered. With his visionary leadership style, Steve Jobs was able to predict the hyper-competition and turbulent nature of the industry. The situational leadership style of Steve Jobs made the Apple one of the most successful business organizations in the world. His leadership style has provided Apple the similar outlook of a Canopy tree in the Rainforest. Under his leadership, the organization was able to dodge different difficulties and absorbed considerable sunlight of success and recognition. Innovative and entrepreneurial mindset are the impor tant characteristics of the leaders. Innovations like iPhone, iPod, and iPad have made the business leadership style of Steve Jobs immortal in the minds of global followers. All these products are the indicators of his supreme innovative capacity. Leadership skills of Steve Jobs can be analyzed with the help of L.E.A.D.S. model which represent Learning, Executing, Analyzing, Designing and Strategizing. Steve Jobs made Apple a learning-based innovative organization. He always encouraged its followers to innovate and learn continuously. Under his leadership style learning rate of the organization was always higher than the rate of change in the industry. Due to his leadership of continuous learning, the organization has succeeded to change itself according to the needs of the hour. Very often his leadership style forced the whole industry to change. His leadership style gave significant focus towards strategic learning.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Effective recruitment and selection of employees Essay
Effective recruitment and selection of employees - Essay Example 1. Starbucks introduce the recruitment and selection based on equal opportunities policies. They include racial and national diversity of the staff, fair treatment of all recruiters in spite of their religion, sexual orientation, social background, marital status, age and disability. The main advantage of Starbucks Coffee HR management is that it does not consider recruitment and selection in isolation, but in the context of the overall manpower plan and personnel management action program. For example, it investigates the potential of the persons appointed for training, development and future promotion; and their flexibility and adaptability to possible new methods, procedures or working conditions. In anticipation of a suitable applicant being selected, Starbucks have also prepared an orientation script and training proposal to assist both with their smooth transition into the role, together with their future development and advancement (Armstrong, 2003). The first step includes position requirements, needs and skills identification, selection of the tools to be used. During this process, strategic areas of competency are identified. These are broken down into number of clusters and a series of specific individual competency requirements. For example, the strategic competency business knowledge and skills, had marketing as one of the items in its cluster, and understanding the strengths and weaknesses of competition as one of the individual competency requirements (Stone 2005). Starbucks Coffee uses both online and off line recruitment which helps to attract wider target audiences of job seekers. One of the critical differences among Internet recruiters is the method by which their service matches candidates with jobs. Bulletin boards allow employers to search using key words they choose but do not participate actively in making matches. Other types of services take advantage of computer technology to varying degrees in the method they use to match candidate characteristics with the requirements of open jobs (Stone 2005). For off line recruitment, Starbucks uses recruitment agencies and advertising in press. The recruitment and selection practices are based on the interview structure and practical assessment of skills and knowledge of employees, his/her psychological peculiarities and ability to work in teams. The main types of practices are: "behavior-based interviews, training and experience evaluations, ability tests, biographical data, motivational fit inventories" (Armstrong 2003, p. 338). In Starbucks, the practices are based on collecting, measuring and evaluation of the information about recruiters and their skills. Usually, the selection process is based on the interview method. Interview consists of two stages (HR manager's evaluation and interview with the department manager). During interviews, two distinct strategies for selection are used by Starbucks. One strategy, used for managers and leadership positions, suggests that in an environment of rapidly changing job demands, selection based on general abilities such as intelligence, conscientiousness, or adaptability will con tribute most to the overall effectiveness of the organization.
Owens Dulce et Decorum Est Essay Example for Free
Owens Dulce et Decorum Est Essay Writing in a similar style to Owens Dulce et Decorum Est, Siegfried Sassoon also decided to attack figures of authority and those with no direct experience of trench warfare via Base Details. Base Details is entirely speculative. The word base in the title has two distinct meanings. It could be used as a noun, to mean place, as in a centre of operation; or you could interpret the word as an adjective meaning morally low or unacceptable. Sassoon has used play on words in the title so that the reader may more adequately perceive the irony and sarcasm expressed in this poem. The adjectives used in the first two lines of Base Details reflect the authors perception of his superiors: If I were fierce, and bald, and short of breath, Id live with Scarlet Majors at the Base, The first line indicates that Sassoon is contemptuous of these officers. He has classed the Majors as unpleasant stereotypes, to be criticised and jeered at. In the following line, the word scarlet has a double meaning. On face value, it could be taken to mean that the officers have bright red cheeks. However, Sassoon has used the word as a metaphor, meaning that the Majors have been metaphorically splattered with the blood of the young men they had sent to the front line to die. The stanza continues: And speed glum heroes up the line to death. Here, speed indicates haste. The Majors are unnecessarily rushing soldiers to their deaths. The soldiers are referred to as glum heroes because that is exactly what they are. Their country is expecting them to be noble, intrepid and courageous. Instead they are despondent because they know that as soon as they are out of the trenches their grisly demise could come about at any second. All the hope, joy and energy that is a part of youth has vanished from these men. Sassoon then regales us with further speculation thus: Youd see me with my puffy petulant face Guzzling and gulping in the best hotel, The first thing we notice about these two lines is that Sassoon has used alliteration in order to make more of an impact on the reader, and to vary his writing style. Also worth noting is the fact that Sassoon uses rhyme throughout Base Details to good and memorable effect. Saying that the Majors are puffy and petulant indicates incredulity on Sassoons part, similar to that conveyed in the first lines of the poem. The phrase guzzling and gulping indicates greed, and animal-like actions. The Majors are inhuman. Then, we are told that the Majors stay in the best hotel. This brings home the stark contrast between the lives of the soldiers in the vermin-infested trenches, and the sedentary lives of their superiors. Sassoon continues: Reading the Roll of Honour. Poor young chap, Id say. I used to know his father well: Yes, weve lost heavily in this last scrap. The Roll of Honour referred to here was an official list of those who died in the war. The Majors words regarding one of the deceased are not at all heartfelt. They are meaningless, detached and emotionally void. He is unconcerned and he has placed himself above feelings of pity for those lost and their families. Each new death is just another name on the register and another letter to be dispatched. In the last line of the stanza, the Major refers to trench warfare as a scrap or game, which is identical to Jessie Popes view of war. This is a direct reflection of how little the Major knows about the fighting going on outside his quarters; and similarly, how unequipped he is for his job of directing troops. Base Details closes with the following: And when the war is done and youth stone dead, Id toddle safely home and die in bed. By using the words stone dead to describe the deceased soldiers, Sassoon makes a brutal and graphic impression on the reader. It is a cold and unfeeling phrase, and seems to render those who died as useless and unimportant. The Major wishes to die peacefully, and in bed unlike those he sends out to the front. The Major considers himself superior in all aspects, even in death. Base Details attempted to show the ignorant public back in Britain the hypocritical attitudes of many of these Majors; and how soldiers in the trenches were being treated in comparison to those who had obtained top jobs merely on the basis of their public schooling. Whilst Base Details depicts the life of a typical Major serving during World War One, another of Sassoons poems, The Hero, depicts the sequence of events on the home front following the death of a soldier. The poem Base Details by Siegfried Sassoon is a sarcastic attack against the army generals who view the war as a game similar to checkers. It is therefore evidence of why Siegfried Sassoon is known as the voice of protest. The first noticeable thing about the text is the title. The word base is a pun for the fact that base means headquarters as well as dishonourable or cowardly, which implies that he will talk about the dishonourable activities at the Army headquarters. Secondly, Sassoon appeared to have blamed the officers for the purposeless deaths of his fellow men, while they were behind the front line and had no idea what it was like. Sassoon uses many adjectives to describe his generalisation of those at the top fat and bald and short of breath which shows the hatred that he has. In this poem, Sassoon writes poor young chapI used to know his father well. This statement alone is typical of an army general. To show the fact that army generals can not comprehend what war is like he uses the phrase we lost heavily in this last scrap. The army generals are calling this a scrap like its a fight between boys at school. Sassoon calls the army generals Finally, Sassoon rounds the poem of with a phrase by reinforcing that they are unfit and fat. He also shows that those at the front line could die any moment by saying When the war is done and youth stone dead, Id toddle safely home and die, in bed which is a good ending because it says that the generals will die in a nice warm peaceful place, while the soldiers will die among the rats. Sassoons feelings towards the officers are best described in the poem Base Details. In this poem, Sassoon shows his resentment towards the officers by describing them drinking in the best hotels, and reading the names of those who died, saying poor young chap I used to know his father well and saying yes, weve lost heavily in this last scrap. The poem is finished with the lines and when the war is done and youth stone dead, Id toddle safely home and die in bed This poem truly shows the bitterness and resentment Sassoon felt towards the officers. He felt that they didnt really care about those who died, because they were safe themselves and had no idea of what was going on at the front line calling the battle that was fought a scrap, like it was nothing more than a small fight. In the last two lines of the poem, Sassoons feelings are clearer than ever, the way he says that theyll toddle home and then die in bed shows that he thought that the officers were safe and living comfortably while the soldiers, who were actually fighting the war, were living in shocking conditions, where they would die at any moment. Sassoon uses many different ways to convey his feelings, and particularly his bitterness and resentment towards the war and the officers, but in all his poems, his true meanings are clear and he writes in such a way that shows us clearly what he thinks and feels about the war. BASE DETAILS ESSAY In the poem, Base Details, SiegFried Sassoon expresses his great disgust towards the majors in the military. He is horrified and appalled at the way the majors act while men are dying out in the battle field. Mr. Sassoon is so furious towards the majors that it takes more than just one word to describe how indignified Sassoon is. These great feelings of anger are derived from the fact that the majors are living a life of luxury while sending young men up the line out into the battle field. This is all suggested in the title of the poem with the word base suggesting a military base, and/or a base person. And the word details suggesting a command, an assignment, and something or someone lowly. Base Details is a poem which expresses the feelings of the author towards military majors using differentiable types of imagery. The poem begins by Sassoon describing the majors as demanding, mean, and belligerent men. Bald, out-of-shape and full of gluttony. Sassoon categorizes the majors under the word scarlet signifying childless, bright redness from excessive drinking and yelling of anger. Sassoon presents to us the fact of the majors sending up the young men as soon as they are drafted up the line to death. This attitude taken from the majors is what angers Sassoon to the point of hatred. To convince the reader of such horrific truth, Sassoon describes how disrespectful the majors are with their puffy petulant faces from eating and drinking excessively. Sassoon states how the majors are stuffing their faces and Reading the Roll of Honor in safe luxurious hotels while men are dying out on the field
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Management Of Change Within Mcdoanlds Restaurant Business Essay
Management Of Change Within Mcdoanlds Restaurant Business Essay McDonalds is the worlds largest fast food chain serving more than eight million customers daily. It starts its operation by giving franchise right, affiliated company and starting its own unit. Source of revenue generations are rent, royalties received from franchise or sales units operated by McDonalds. Main products of McDonalds are hamburger, chicken, cheese burger, break fast item, soft drinks and deserts. It is rapidly growing organization; it generated 9% more net income in 2007 than the year 2006. In order to sustain its sell in the market and make company more profitable McDonalds is focusing to bring some changes. It is utmost priority of every organization that it should improve itself in order to strengthen its capabilities and sustain its competitive advantage. It strives for the attainment of this purpose in shape of introducing change management in the organization. In order to remain in the market with full potential management of the organization and lower staff must be ready to bring the change because environment is dynamic and it is rapidly changing and businesses are going to be complex. It is necessary for the organizations to bring changes to operate and keep itself competitive in this dynamic environment. Business world is continuously changing and new technologies and innovative products have been introduced on daily basis and most of the organizations are accepting theses change even they are not willing to accept. It is because of change benefits, changes bring improvement. When a person accept change and cope up with changes and equipped himself / herself then he/ she bec omes different from other. His worth exceeds than that of the person who does not keep himself / herself up to date. If any employee enhances his/ her skill with new technology, his/ her efficiency increase, can perform better than previous, increase the productivity of the organization.  Thats why it has been observed in the most of the organizations that they adopt changes quickly because they understand the worth of change. They try to equip their employees with modern technology as their performance gets improved. Change is very important for every organization. Companies and business adopt change and incorporate it in their organization for fulfilling the needs of suppliers and customers and to remain competitive in market. We can define change as implementation of new activity; the main purpose of that activity is to enhance the productivity by applying new policies and procedures. Change management process and change implementation has different strategies to change, so the change process is very complex and comprehensive. The most important approach in change implementation process is one which brings accomplishment. Changes in organization are essential at different activates such as modification in management system, change in operations, change in organization structure and change in other activities which management may consider important. Change in necessary when management is facing problem in current system or for getting better the performance of the organization the management may modify the current system or implement change in any activity. The factors that may bring change may be internal and external. Different activities and different new strategies can be introduced tat different level, and these changes and modifications may be restricted or unrestricted, common or general in nature. Internal factors for change may include the following: Change in structure of organization Increase in business needs Alteration in business plan Modification in goals of business External factors for change may include: Technology growth Changes in economic conditions that affect the profitability or value of money Requirement of electronic and technological services It is the primary responsibility of the McDonalds to bring changes in order to achieve organizational goals and objective in effective manner, due to that it must plan from initial stage of change to proper implementation. For the effective implementations of the change and successful results of the change organization must focus on Individuals and their relationships and continuous improvement system is introduced in which change is carried on properly. In order to improve the organization and bring change successfully, McDonald should consider the issues wisely and come up with positive solution that may break hinders. At each stage organization should take action to overcome the resistance and implement change properly. NEED FOR CHANGE The extent of the change management in McDonald as companys marking plans is restricted to execution of incorporated marketing communication. For bringing new things and new activities in organization, the marketing, advertising and promotional operations of the organization must be focused. Normally different communication mediums are used for marketing and advertising and considered as aid for offering services and ideas and products. Different kinds and different types of communication media are used for marketing and advertising the products. The concentration shall be given on marketing, advertising and promotion in integrated marketing operation. The part of new marketing plans of the McDonald, integrated marketing operation shall be highlighted by this change and new modification. The basic idea of the integrated market operations is to implement change related to health, which spread the information about current development in health and the increasing ration of fatness amon g children and adults for creating target marketing. The objective of integrated market operation is to launch new products for children, and to reduce the effect of growing bad perception about McDonald among the individuals. The marketing approach which focuses on the peoples heath will provide information to parents and children about the new product of McDonald McKids, and about differences between new product and existing products. If the integrated marketing communication system is successfully implemented, then it would provide successful marketing, advertising and public relations operations for efficiently introducing the new products of McDonald to general community. The organization should form a team for bringing new activities that would handle the necessary issues for this change. The new dietary material information of new product has also uploaded on McDonald (Bahrain) website. This change will mainly concentrate on marketing and sale promotion. Nowadays, the menu of McDonald for children has facing the problem of criticism. The integrated marketing communication has been implemented by the McDonald for changing the perception of people about the kid menu of McDonald. Through integrated marketing communication, it will also be ensured that the mission and vision that the McDonald is utilizing has been highlighted in every advertisement or promotion or not. RESISTANCE TO CHANGE It is the well known fact that when any organization brings changes, it faces difficulties while implementing these changes. Resistance may occur before implementing the change, during implementing the change and after implementing the change. thats why these changes are carefully managed as organizations can avoid adverse outcomes of the change because change is brought for the betterment of the organization and management expects some thing better from that change, if it is not properly implemented and it get victimized of extreme resistance then the expected result would be inverse. It is the priority of the organization that it should manage the change proper way and for this purpose open talks with employees are conducted in order to know the view of the employees because change will directly effect on the employees and if they do not accept it, organization would not achieve desired results. Now it is the responsibility of top authorities to find out ways that can bring org anization up as well as they must terrace out he ways through which that change will be implemented successfully. McDonald is striving to encounter the environmental changes by bringing changes in its promotional activities, by making changes it can respond the external and internal factor that are rapidly changing. Change will be made in promotional activities in which organization will boost its image in the mind of customer. Because of that change McDonald is facing some problems to implement the change that is resistance from employees side. Problems that have been encountered by employees are misperception and negative reaction by the customer and employees, culture is not supporting for these changes. Major problem is reaction by employees and customer regarding the implementation of this change. a few of the employees are in favour of changes, they want that integrated marketing communication should be implemented. Others are resisting implementing that change. They are opposing change because they fear that company is going in wrong direction. They think company what ever is expecting would not attain it but it would encounter more problems due to this change. It is also a problem that those who suggested the change to be implemented are not able to properly convey the outcome the organization would gain from that change. Though technology is rapidly developing in these days, information technology has grown more rapidly than any other technology. specifically in the information technology, if organization purchases computers and uses it for marketing purpose as McDonald is expecting to bring the changes but the issue is that, with the passage of time these computer would be outdated and company will have to replace them. It may cause severe losses for the company. This issue has been raised not only by employees but also by customer thats why they are opposing to bring changes. This has created big issue for the McDonalds because it would not be able to achieve desired results that it is expecting from that change. Company may lose the key employees those who basically operate that change because due to resistance many of the employees may quit the McDonald and McDonald may require a number of other employees who can operate and run this change. It is purely technical task and only IT literate person can handle it. Every organization faces barrier when it comes with innovative idea as McDonald is going to implement new change it also facing barriers and organizations success depends upon the change. Barriers may not be in shape of resistance but they may be resources that required bringing change. Stakeholder may resist because they may not rely the proper usage of that communication media, there may short fall of amount because its implementation requires finance. MANAGING THE RESISTANCE It is the responsibility of McDonalds that how wisely it deals these issues because these issues are not as bigger as they are perceived, for this purpose it must ensure the employees that the change is not going to hurt them rather it would be beneficial for the organization and if organization will move in right direction then ultimate benefit will be given to employees. Major problem that is with this change in technology that McDonald is going to introduce is not long lasting because computer is rapidly changing, the growth ration in this sector is high. So stakeholder fear that if this change is brought then it would not be the permanent solution, organization may have to change in future. Thats why it should be considered wisely that technology should perform long lasting duration. Information regarding the change will be provided to the employees would be accurate and every one can easily understand. Third issue that McDonalds have to ensure that after implementation how this program will be carried on, the follow up of this program will be ensured by the top authority of management. Necessary training must be provided to the employees who would directly interact with this change and handle all the activities that would occur after change. McDonalds should provide necessary things to carry on the functions that would be run by the employees. There are differences in cultures among the employees who are working in McDonalds. They would not synchronize the activities with the changes because of their differences in culture thats why it would be more difficult for the management of McDonalds to implement the change properly. Apart from that this is most difficult type of conflict; the reason for this conflict would not be change. While implementing the change McDonalds must ensure that who would be responsible to manage the change if any cultural difference is found it must be observed and they must terrace out subcultures to overcome this problem. They must identify that that would be empowered by this change. For solving these types of problems, the executives of McDonald should form a successful culture of the organization, and tough organization by the use of good control of the stakeholders in organization; they should also provide their needs and wants which they require for the motivation of stakeholders which benefit the stakeholders as well as company. For certifying or confirming the continued success in change implementation, some elements are part of human capital management strategy and plan. These elements include processes and procedures for work, design and structure of organization, management performance and program for providing compensation. Some of the customers of McDonald have also created problems in implementation of change in organization. The McDonald should introduce governance process for ensuring the equality among employees and controlling the people of different cultures. The managing and controlling of people in organization is very difficult and challenging task, if we give careful consideration, attention and focus, on it then it will increase loyalty of employees and hardworking which will benefit the organization and employees. If the management provide reasonable time, advance information, incremental peoples for doing job effectively and provide extra hands and minds then the employees work more than what is expected from them. The not availability of any support in achieving the success from processes is the main clash in execution of change. Change can be implemented in different phases; it can not be implemented just by any decision. The people which are involves in change process must go through their experiences for realizing the objectives of the modification. For success in implementing change and solve these types of clashes the management of McDonald should that the information regarding the change objectives and purposes has been properly distributed to all stakeholders and these all stakeholders such as employees, customers, suppliers, staff should realize that they are m ain source and vital for these changes. The management must be able to identify and predict problems which may be faced by organization and those problems may hamper the employees and other stakeholders from supporting the change. RECOMMENDATIONS To shifting the behaviour and perception of the children about healthy fast food may be very complicated, so success of these changes is very doubtful. There Is also indications to be successful in change implementation because of good features of integrated marketing communication. McDonald should ensure that the new advertisement for the new image has been reached to every child in all countries where the products of the company are available, for this the company may use different types of media that disperse the information. These new advertisements for building image of McDonald should also reach to the parent because these are the parents who purchase the food for their children, and these advertisements should persuade the parents to encourage their children for eating healthy and dietary food. There are many ways for changing and innovation, the more concentration is given to research and development. Novelty can be achieved by less formal changes in the job by exchanging and merging professional experience or other approaches may also be used. Innovation can be defined as new ides, new goods, new activities, new services or practices initiated by organization which are useful in achieving the objective of the business. Innovation is much debated area in modern world, whether the innovation is based on new knowledge or expertise or based on needs of societies or communities and market requirements. The common factor in successful innovation is acknowledgement of demands rather than acknowledgement of technical problems. This innovation will positively result for McDonald; it should try its level best to implement this change any way. For the implementation of this change if it has to encounter few problems its must concentrate on it and try to resolve this problem. There are many possibilities for the McDonalds that it would bring revolution in the food industry and will gain competitive advantage. Thought it is food producing company if it crates this promotional activity not only it would attract customer but also affects positively in the minds customers.  CONCLUSION It is utmost priority of every organization that it should improve itself in order to strengthen its capabilities and sustain its competitive advantage. It strives for the attainment of this purpose in shape of introducing change management in the organization. It is the primary responsibility of the McDonalds to bring changes in order to achieve organizational goals and objective in effective manner, due to that it must plan from initial stage of change to proper implementation. The extent of the change management in McDonald as companys marking plans is restricted to execution of incorporated marketing communication. For bringing new things and new activities in organization, the marketing, advertising and promotional operations of the organization must be focused. Normally different communication mediums are used for marketing and advertising and considered as aid for offering services and ideas and products. Resistance may occur before implementing the change, during implementing the change and after implementing the change. thats why these changes are carefully managed as organizations can avoid adverse outcomes of the change because change is brought for the betterment of the organization and management expects some thing better from that change, if it is not properly implemented and it get victimized of extreme resistance then the expected result would be inverse. Information regarding the change will be provided to the employees would be accurate and every one can easily understand. Third issue that McDonalds have to ensure that after implementation how this program will be carried on, the follow up of this program will be ensured by the top authority of management. This innovation will positively result for McDonald; it should try its level best to implement this change any way. For the implementation of this change if it has to encounter few problems its must concentrate on it and try to resolve this problem.
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