
Friday, May 31, 2019

Cystic Fibrosis: An Overview Essay -- Diseases, Disorders

IntroductionCystic fibrosis is an inherited disease that ultimately leads to death. It affects every racial group worldwide, but its prevalence varies from unsophisticated to country. In those with cystic fibrosis, the lungs and digestive system argon primarily affected by the disease. With the new developments in treatment and management, the 50 percent survival swan from the 1970s has greatly improved, allowing patients to continue to live their lives longer than ever expected in the past. The new developments in prevention of exacerbations, therapy drugs and methods to preserve lung function have do great things to help patients extend their lives. Education is another important aspect of treating cystic fibrosis. For example, more the patient knows about the disease and the benefits of the treatment, the more likely he, or she, is to comply with their recommended therapy. Though the treatment can be very costly and time consuming, it gives cystic fibrosis patients the op portunity to go to school, have jobs and even have families. These are normal events that go with aging that many cystic fibrosis patients may never have been able to dream of experiencing.PrevalenceCystic fibrosis is a recessive transmitted disease. It is seen mainly in the Caucasian population, with 1 in 3,000 Caucasians having cystic fibrosis, but does affect every racial group. According to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Patient Registry, as of 2008, there were 30,000 patients with cystic fibrosis in the United States. Keeping this in mind, there are approximately 1,000 patients newly diagnosed with cystic fibrosis each year. The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation to a fault estimates that there are approximately 70,000 children and adults with cystic fibrosis wo... ...fibrosis. In (2011). A.D.A.M medical encyclopedia A.D.A.M., Inc. Retrieved from http//www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001167/Clarithromycin therapy for patients with cystic fibrosis A randomized controlled tr ial. Pediatr Pulmonol,Galli, F., Battistoni, A., Gambari, R., Pompella, A., Bragonzi, A., Pilolli, F., Iuliano, L., Piroddi, M., Dechecchi, M. C., Cabrini, G.. Oxidative stress and antioxidant therapy in cystic fibrosis, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - molecular Basis of DiseaseDowman, J. K., Watson, D., Loganathan, S., Gunson, B.K., Hodson, J., Mirza, D.F., Clarke, J., Lloyd C., Honeybourne D., Whitehouse, J.L., Nash, E.F., Kelly, D., van Mourik, I., Newsome, P.N.. (2012). Long-term impact of liver transplantation on respiratory function and nutritional status in children and adults with cystic fibrosis. American Journal of Transplantation,

Thursday, May 30, 2019

European Colonialism and Imperialism Essay -- Politics Government

How were the europiumans able to conquer and control large areas of the man? What gave them a great advantage over other groups? The proximate campaign of this advantage was their possession of guns, germs, and mark. But how is it that they possessed these things and others did not? Ultimate causes of the Europeans possession of these guns, germs, and steel could be Divine Providence. People at the time thought that god favored the Europeans over other groups. Another ultimate cause could cede been scientific Racism. Other people believed that the Europeans were genetically superior to the other regions of the world. Now, because of Jared Diamonds thesis, we can conclude that the ultimate cause of European colonialism and imperialism was Geographic Luck.One of the main reasons for European colonialism and imperialism was the axis and climate z whizs. Having a long east-west axis results in the same climate zone and same day lengths. Crops are deal intimately on an east-west axis because, moving east to west, there isnt a good deal change in weather. This gave Eurasia an advantage because there was a large mass of crops dispel east to west. There was also a lot of fighting in that area which spread ideas and technology through the conquering of other regions. The Americas had a impairment because they had a long north-south axis. In a long north-south axis, there are many diametrical climate zones. In the Americas, the groups were isolated and ideas rarely spread among one another. There were more domesticated crops in Eurasia because of this east-west axis, and in the Americas the crops were not spread as much because of the change in climate zones throughout the north-south axis.Eurasia also had a great advantage when it came to... ...very separated by the geography, but China was but one area making it easy to have only one ruler. Europe was able to conquer and control large areas of the globe because of Jared Diamonds theory of Geographic L uck. divinity did not favor them more and their race was not genetically superior. Geographic luck is still affecting the world today. mete out is affected greatly, as well as the political unity in different countries. If everyone knew about this theory, I think the world would work together more. I think that more people would help the people who had a disadvantage because of the geography around them. Religions might also be affected if everyone knew about this theory. some(a) people may blame God for the way they live, but really God didnt favor anyone. Wealth and the power in different societies that we have now I think are affected by the geography. European Colonialism and Imperialism Essay -- Politics GovernmentHow were the Europeans able to conquer and control large areas of the globe? What gave them a great advantage over other groups? The proximate cause of this advantage was their possession of guns, germs, and steel. But how is it that they possessed these things and others did not? Ultimate causes of the Europeans possession of these guns, germs, and steel could be Divine Providence. People at the time thought that God favored the Europeans over other groups. Another ultimate cause could have been Scientific Racism. Other people believed that the Europeans were genetically superior to the other regions of the world. Now, because of Jared Diamonds thesis, we can conclude that the ultimate cause of European colonialism and imperialism was Geographic Luck.One of the main reasons for European colonialism and imperialism was the axis and climate zones. Having a long east-west axis results in the same climate zone and same day lengths. Crops are spread easily on an east-west axis because, moving east to west, there isnt much change in weather. This gave Eurasia an advantage because there was a large mass of crops spread east to west. There was also a lot of fighting in that area which spread ideas and technology through the conquerin g of other regions. The Americas had a disadvantage because they had a long north-south axis. In a long north-south axis, there are many different climate zones. In the Americas, the groups were isolated and ideas rarely spread among one another. There were more domesticated crops in Eurasia because of this east-west axis, and in the Americas the crops were not spread as much because of the change in climate zones throughout the north-south axis.Eurasia also had a great advantage when it came to... ...very separated by the geography, but China was just one area making it easy to have only one ruler. Europe was able to conquer and control large areas of the globe because of Jared Diamonds theory of Geographic Luck. God did not favor them more and their race was not genetically superior. Geographic luck is still affecting the world today. Trade is affected greatly, as well as the political unity in different countries. If everyone knew about this theory, I think the world would work together more. I think that more people would help the people who had a disadvantage because of the geography around them. Religions might also be affected if everyone knew about this theory. Some people may blame God for the way they live, but really God didnt favor anyone. Wealth and the power in different societies that we have now I think are affected by the geography.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Potential and Challenges for Carbon Sequestration in Agricultural Soils

Agriculture occupies a larger portion of global land area (about 35%) than any other human activity (Betts and Falloon, 2007). Agriculture soil stocks have been suggested as potential measure to sequester atmospheric CO2 to serve up stabilize its concentration in atmosphere and has been estimated that 0.4-0.9 Pg C year-1 can be sequestrated within global agricultural soils (Paustian et al., 1998). This has been supported by the fourth assessment make by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, that identified agriculture as among the economic sectors having the greatest near-term (by 2030) greenhouse fellate mitigation potential, largely via soil organic fertilizer carbon (SOC) sequestration (Smith et al.,2007). However, currently, there is much uncertainty and debate due to uncertainties associated with quantifying the impact of the various mold management practices on green house gas emission ,the spatial and temporal scales involved in quantifying greenhouse gas emiss ions from, and C sequestration in, agro-ecosystems, uncertainty of future climatic conditions that affect type of crop mana...

College Athletics :: essays research papers fc

A Scientific Report On Whether Athletics Should Be Instated At Basten CollegeAn intercollegiate athletic competition program at Basten College would provide many positives for the college. We would like to focus on the benefits to the major(ip)ity of your students which would be spectators and athletes. These include health benefits, social benefits, and the effects on politics and race. We would also like to address the problems link upd with sports. After our presentation we hope you bequeath be confident in the positive effects an intercollegiate program will have on your institute.There are obvious benefits to being an athlete, specific completelyy those related to ones health. Everybody should exercise at least three clock a week in order to establish a healthy way of life. When one is part of a team, they are able to develop certain(a) social skills that can benefit them throughout life. Also, participating in a sport can increase ones level of self-importance-esteem. In selected patients with major depression, aerobic training can produce a substantial improvement in symptoms in a short time, (Dimeo et. al., 5) However, as important as all that is, the majority of the population at Basten College will probably not be varsity athletes. The majority will be spectators and fans. There are three principal(prenominal) benefits to being a spectator. The first is the effects on academics. According to Karla Henderson watching sports or athletic events increases endorphin release in the brain, resulting in a higher adroitness and concentration level. So students have the ability to focus longer and retain more information while studying or attending class. The second contend deals with females personal identity. According to Linda Marsa, Participation in sports pays big dividends physically, psychologically, and emotionally. Extensive research shows that girls who are involved in athletics boost their self esteem improve their physical fitness do better academically are less likely to drop out of school, do drugs, smoke or get pregnant and are more able to weather the physical and emotional storms of adolescence. The third reason is that it has been found that people who continually participate and associate with athletics, begin to relate facts and literature to sports, enabling them to commit the knowledge to long-term memory better. For example, lets say Jon Doe loves baseball, specifically the New York Yankees. He watches his favorite team at every leisurely moment he can. At the same time, at his college, the University of Basten, he is having trouble in his statistics class.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Relationship of Philosophy with Real Life :: essays research papers

Philosophy has a strong influence on everyones day-to-day life. We all enrich our lives by thinking more or less things with a substantial value. We use philosophy as a sort of roadmap to direct us through our lives. We, of course, take other things into consideration while we are firing through our day, but philosophy is one of the more ample ones. Philosophy is, according to the dictionary, Literally, the love of, including the search after, wisdom. This applies to my life, when I am in initiate and when I am out of school. When I am in ramifyes, I use the available knowledge in books, the lovely newspaper articles from English class (hehe), and the brains of teachers, in order to aid in my hunt. Wisdom is something that interests almost all of us. It provides us with answers to the everyday problems we run into, and curbs our curiosity. When I am out of school, I read novels in order to expand my imagination, and learn about what happened in the past. The fiction novels I rea d, allow me to learn about abstract and surreal ideas. I try to dedicate time from my schedule in order to read, because not only does it provide entertainment, but it also allows the intelligence of humans to travel beyond just what is sensible. The intelligence should consist of real hard facts, as well as fictional thoughts as well. I also watch the news about events that are happening around the world. Everyone should do this activity, because you gain insight on mistakes that have happened, and information on how challenges affect people. By integrating both standard thoughts and real facts, it helps create a better-rounded persona, which is one of the outlining definitions of philosophy. This idea is expressed in the following quote the science of truths sensible and abstract.

Relationship of Philosophy with Real Life :: essays research papers

Philosophy has a strong influence on everyones day-to-day life. We all enrich our lives by thinking roughly things with a substantial value. We use philosophy as a sort of roadmap to direct us through our lives. We, of course, take other things into devotion while we are going through our day, but philosophy is one of the more ample ones. Philosophy is, according to the dictionary, Literally, the love of, including the search after, wisdom. This applies to my life, when I am in school and when I am out of school. When I am in classes, I use the available knowledge in books, the amiable newspaper articles from English class (hehe), and the brains of teachers, in order to aid in my hunt. Wisdom is something that interests almost all of us. It provides us with answers to the everyday problems we run into, and curbs our curiosity. When I am out of school, I read novels in order to expand my imagination, and learn about what happened in the past. The fiction novels I read, allow me to learn about precis and surreal ideas. I try to dedicate time from my schedule in order to read, because not only does it provide entertainment, but it as well as allows the intelligence information of humans to travel beyond just what is sensible. The intelligence should consist of real hard facts, as well as fictional thoughts as well. I also watch the news about events that are happening around the world. Everyone should do this activity, because you gain insight on mistakes that have happened, and information on how challenges affect people. By integrating both ideal thoughts and real facts, it helps create a better-rounded persona, which is one of the outlining definitions of philosophy. This idea is expressed in the following quote the science of truths sensible and abstract.

Monday, May 27, 2019


IJARAH (Lease to Own) In mode of support, need is simply a transaction in which transfer of a property from hotshot person to an otherwise person for an agreed succession period on rental basis. Ijarah is an Muslim leasing boil down, representing one of the most common modes of Islamic finance currently practice. Its popularity is due to strong parallel to convential leasing concept. The process of Ijarah is very simple and easy to understand. This has been derived from the Arabic stipulation Ujr or Ujrat which means consideration or return or wages.In simple delivery Ijarah defines bring down of hiring, renting and leasing. This mode of backing is employment in case of equipment as substantially as property. This mode of financing is better for both lessee and lessor. check to Islamic Shariah based rule, Ijarah is an agreement between the two discloseies (Lessor and Lessee. In this mode of financing an possessor (Lessor) transfers its usufruct to Lessee for an agreed magazine period on contract basis. In return, lessee obligation is to pay specific rent or rental for a furbish up period. Period of lease and rental determined at the time of agreement.In Pakistan, this mode of transaction gained popularity to purchase car. Several products have been introduced by buzzwords and institution to facilitate customers and leave behind car on affordable prices and rental prices. Key address 1. The Lessor (Mujjir) The unmarried or organization who leases out/rents out the property or helper is called the Lessor. 2. The lessee (Mustajir) The individual or organization who hires/takes the lease of the property or service against the consideration rent/wages/remuneration is called the lessee (Mustajir). . The Benefit (Maajur) The improvement that is leased/rented out is called the benefit (Maajur). 4. The rent (Ajr or Ujrat) The consideration either in financial terms or in quantity of goods fixed to be paid against the benefit of the goods or service is called the rent or Ujrat or Ajr. Some of the essence(p) aspects of Ijarah Financing Subject of lease should be clearly defines in the agreement with the mutually pinch of the both parties. At the time of Ijarah transaction, asset or equipment in the self-will of the lessor. Only consumable items are permissible to lease out. Non consumable items are strictly prohibited to lease out. Example Money, Wheat. E. g Duration of lease must be mentioned clearly in the agreement. Lessee acts as an Ameen. In case of any modify to asset will be borne by the lessee. On the other hand, any other loss or harm outside the control of the lessee, lessor is liable. Rent should be known at the time of contract. The lessor can not plus the rent unilaterally. Rent will start after the delivery of the asset. Process Flow 1.In prototypic step customer find the bank with the request for financing and enters into an agreement with the bank. 2. The Bank buys an item (car or equipment) f rom the vendor. 3. Bank takes delivery of the car and title of proprietorship from the vendor. 4. The bank makes payment to vendor. 5. The bank signs the agreement of lease with the customer and transfer usufruct. 6. The customer makes periodic rental payment as per the contract. 7. According to the agreement, at the time of maturity customer can purchase the asset from the bank with the help of sepa consecrate agreement.Only Difference 1. In sale transaction, title of property usually transferred to buyer. 2. just now in case of Ijarah, title remains with the lessor. 3. Only the use of the property is transferred to the lessee. 4. Lessee pays rent to the lessor as per as the agreement. 5. At the time of maturity bank sign another agreement with the lessee and lessor gift the asset to the customer. After this transaction, lessee becomes the owner of the asset. This practice is known as Ijarah Wal Iqtina Basic Elements of Ijarah AgreementAccording to Shariah, there are three ge neral linguistic communication used for Ijarah agreement as follows 1. Wording of the agreement stomach and acceptance word must be included in the agreement. 2. Contracting Parties This includes a Lessor, the owner of the property, and a lessee, the party that benefits from the use of the property. 3. Subject matter of the contract This includes the rent and the benefit. Rent Calculation 1. Islamic banks calculate the cost of purchasing the asset that is to be leased and intend to earn an amount equal to the rate of interest. . Agreement between the parties provides that the rental will be equal to the rate of interest or in addition to something. 3. While the rate of interest is variable, it cannot be set for the whole duration of the lease. 4. It is permissible to divide the cost price of the Asset and self-control of the Lessor to the Asset into several parts and to sell each part of ownership on payment of proportionate price/equity of the Lessor under a crack sale contract .IjarahaIJARAH (Lease to Own) In mode of financing, lease is simply a transaction in which transfer of a property from one person to another person for an agreed time period on rental basis. Ijarah is an Islamic leasing contract, representing one of the most common modes of Islamic finance currently practice. Its popularity is due to strong parallel to convential leasing concept. The process of Ijarah is very simple and easy to understand. This has been derived from the Arabic term Ujr or Ujrat which means consideration or return or wages.In simple words Ijarah defines contract of hiring, renting and leasing. This mode of financing is use in case of equipment as well as property. This mode of financing is better for both lessee and lessor. According to Islamic Shariah based rule, Ijarah is an agreement between the two parties (Lessor and Lessee. In this mode of financing an owner (Lessor) transfers its usufruct to Lessee for an agreed time period on contract basis. In return, lesse e obligation is to pay specific rent or rental for a fixed period. Period of lease and rental determined at the time of agreement.In Pakistan, this mode of transaction gained popularity to purchase car. Several products have been introduced by banks and institution to facilitate customers and provide car on affordable prices and rental prices. Key words 1. The Lessor (Mujjir) The individual or organization who leases out/rents out the property or service is called the Lessor. 2. The lessee (Mustajir) The individual or organization who hires/takes the lease of the property or service against the consideration rent/wages/remuneration is called the lessee (Mustajir). . The Benefit (Maajur) The benefit that is leased/rented out is called the benefit (Maajur). 4. The rent (Ajr or Ujrat) The consideration either in monetary terms or in quantity of goods fixed to be paid against the benefit of the goods or service is called the rent or Ujrat or Ajr. Some important aspects of Ijarah Fin ancing Subject of lease should be clearly defines in the agreement with the mutually understanding of the both parties. At the time of Ijarah transaction, asset or equipment in the ownership of the lessor. Only consumable items are permissible to lease out. Non consumable items are strictly prohibited to lease out. Example Money, Wheat. E. g Duration of lease must be mentioned clearly in the agreement. Lessee acts as an Ameen. In case of any damage to asset will be borne by the lessee. On the other hand, any other loss or harm outside the control of the lessee, lessor is liable. Rent should be known at the time of contract. The lessor can not increase the rent unilaterally. Rent will start after the delivery of the asset. Process Flow 1.In first step customer find the bank with the request for financing and enters into an agreement with the bank. 2. The Bank buys an item (car or equipment) from the vendor. 3. Bank takes delivery of the car and title of ownership from the vendor . 4. The bank makes payment to vendor. 5. The bank signs the agreement of lease with the customer and transfer usufruct. 6. The customer makes periodic rental payment as per the contract. 7. According to the agreement, at the time of maturity customer can purchase the asset from the bank with the help of separate agreement.Only Difference 1. In sale transaction, title of property usually transferred to buyer. 2. But in case of Ijarah, title remains with the lessor. 3. Only the use of the property is transferred to the lessee. 4. Lessee pays rent to the lessor as per as the agreement. 5. At the time of maturity bank signed another agreement with the lessee and lessor gift the asset to the customer. After this transaction, lessee becomes the owner of the asset. This practice is known as Ijarah Wal Iqtina Basic Elements of Ijarah AgreementAccording to Shariah, there are three general terminology used for Ijarah agreement as follows 1. Wording of the agreement Offer and acceptance w ord must be included in the agreement. 2. Contracting Parties This includes a Lessor, the owner of the property, and a lessee, the party that benefits from the use of the property. 3. Subject matter of the contract This includes the rent and the benefit. Rent Calculation 1. Islamic banks calculate the cost of purchasing the asset that is to be leased and intend to earn an amount equal to the rate of interest. . Agreement between the parties provides that the rental will be equal to the rate of interest or in addition to something. 3. While the rate of interest is variable, it cannot be set for the whole duration of the lease. 4. It is permissible to divide the cost price of the Asset and ownership of the Lessor to the Asset into several parts and to sell each part of ownership on payment of proportionate price/equity of the Lessor under a separate sale contract.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Team and Small Group Experience

There fork over a few experiences that I have had, where I have been a subdivision of both a aggroup up and a group. There are many similarities as well as differences among a team and a group. One of the biggest and almost common similarity is that both of them want to be able to r to for each one one a particular goal. The team that I am currently a penis of is a womens basketb tot everyy team. I am also part of a small group. I met a few local girls through Facebook that have been wanting to loose weight that like me. My team was started up by some friends that wanted to form a league to play for the city.They dress some ads on Craigslist and Facebook to con if anyone wanted to try out for the team. After doing the try outs and deciding who was actually going to be on the team, we got to give-up the ghosther double per workhebdomad for a period of one month for practice basketball game poles. Currently, we are in the tournament period and we play all(prenominal) Tues day at 700 pm with other teams that are also playing with the city. We have three games left before we know how we placed and if we go to finals. After e very game we get together for a few minutes and discuss how we did and what we can do to do things better and to strategize.Communication among the team has really made us improved the way that we play and attract us better in every game. The group I belong is made up of six girls including myself. We all chat online and deposit plans, we state our goals and what we want to achieve with them. Each calendar week one of us will make an exercising plan for the entire week and then at the end of the week we meet up somewhere to talk about how we did with our exercise plan. It is non all about work, we also get together to have some fun, like go to the movies, eat dinner or take out our kids to the park.Most of us have lost at least 10 lbs since we started our little group. We just support each other when we are lacking motivation. There are some differences that I noniced amid the team and the group. For example, we had to try out for the basketball team. Then we were chosen and assigned to a blot by the organizers of the team. We have all been working together to make our team better and become a swell and strong team. The group that I am currently was actually made up by a group of friends that just wanted to have a support system to lose weight.We have made sure to always have something going on to help us stay fit or keep helping us lose weight. The team used practice basketball games twice a week and a little get together that we had at the beginning of the season to motivate us and help us to get to know each other. This helped us feel more relaxed at the actual games and to know how each team player was used to playing in the court. The teach and the assistant coach wanted to do these two things to ensure that there was a healthy relationship among the players be piddle in the past not knowing ea ch other had cause much tension in the games, causing many looses.Getting the basketball team together virtually would have not been a good idea. Practices take to get done and there was no possible way that it could have been done over a computer, The best method of communication for the basketball team was in person, by phone or by text messaging. This methods were used to communicate with each and to be updated on times and location for basketball practices or actual games. My group of seaworthiness pals, is able to interact virtually. We were able to chat via skype, email and use sites such as Facebook to stay in touch with each other.We were also able to interact with each other virtually to make actual plans to meet with each other on a weekly base in person. Whenever the teams or groups meet exclusive using virtual communications, there is no physical contact, for that reason, the relationship would be more impersonal rather than personal. This is not the case with either t he team that I am involved with or the group that I am involved in, since in both cases we do see each other face to face. The team and the group work well the way that they have been communicating and meeting, exclusive virtual communication would not be an option for either of them.Each player on the times played on assigned position, depending on the tryouts and what the coaches thought they would be best at. In the group, every week, a different person would take leadership and make a fitness plan for all of us, she would also plan a day during the week where we could all meet, talk or just hang out in person. It worked out better that way because that way we would not run in to reoccurring exercises or activities. Everyone in the basketball team did the same thing. We all showed up for our practice games and we would also show up 30 minutes before an actual game, just to make sure that we had a complete team.We got sponsored by my husbands place of employment, so with the spons orship they also gave us red uniforms for all the girls. Every week our coach assigned one of the team sections to bring bottled water for all of the team players. Most of the time all of the players play fairly but in some instances things would get out of hand and the team member would either get benched or even suspended for a game. For the fitness group, there were not many rules. The only thing is that everyone had to participate in some way. Everyone had to take initiative at least once every two months two make plans and set goals on how to lose weight.That same person also had to plan something fun for us to do so that we could meet in person. Status and differences for the team was each individual team player, they had different positions and they each were in charge of covering it on the games. The coach and the assistant coach decided who would start in each position after they held the tryouts and saw us play. In rare occasions the players were change from positions, bu t mostly we always held our own position. In our fitness group, every week we had someone doing all the planning for our fitness goals and weight loss progress.A certain person would plan and then all of us would follow the plan and at the end of the week meet somewhere and discuss our progress. So basically the only thing that would change is that every week we had a different leader and different fitness plans and weight loss goals. fit to the Maslow theory, the teams belongingness depended on the power of the team players in that position that they were given by the coach and assistant coach to play in. Good self esteem was built because the team players feel that they are doing a good job with their position and in their own way feel that they are helping the team win the games.Safety in the basketball team was very important. All of team players needed to feel protected by one another when playing the game. The small group worked very close and well together. According to Masl ows belongingness theory, the group worked well because they worked together to achieve a goal that they all had. Esteem was built by the group because we would talk to a day-by-day basis and get together with each other once a week making us have some sort of bond. Each member of the group felt safe with each other because we were all working for the same urpose and we didnt feel the need to hide anything from each other. In conclusion, I think that the main purpose of working with a team and having specific roles in it is to accomplish a goal. In this case the one goal that the basketball has is to win as many games possible. Working with a does not have many differences from a team, but in my group in particular we all have the same goal, which is too lose weight and get fit. A small difference is that on the group we are all working for ourselves alternatively of for a victory that belongs to everyone else.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Moving Files

Although you dismiss store bills on off-site servers or use local file budge protocol to send files, on that point ar several advantages to using netmail holdfasts to sh atomic number 18 files with contacts. Email attachments do not work In every situation, but If you are sending dwarfish files (Like pictures,documents or short audio files), there are several reasons why sending telecommunicate attachments Is advantageous. Ease of use Attaching a file to an email nitty-gritty is a very simple process. All you need to do is enter the recipients email address, compose a short message, and then press the attach button.Then assign the file from your computer and press K. If the file is large, you may strike to wait a few seconds for the file to finish uploading. Then press the send button, and the file allow be on its musical mode to its recipient. This process is much simpler than using a complex FTP or off-site server, as it does not charter you (or the recipient) to sign up for each services or divide links to sites that may or may not be compatible with the recipients browser or operating system. However, email attachments are compatible with any system, as long as the recipient has the program necessary to open It.Convenience * Email attachments are excessively a very convenient solution for transferring sm all in all files. While FTP services often require two users to be on the same time, email attachments nates be opened anytime, since they are independently stored in the email inbox. Email attachments bathroom also be stored indefinitely and do not strike an expiration date, like files stored on an off-site server file uploading service. Security * Most web-based email accounts as well as well as email handling programs have anti-virus software that will scan your attachment for viruses both before it is sent ND after it is received.This will ensure that the files you send are safe and not contaminated with viruses or other malicio us software. The security aspect of sending email attachments will also give your recipient(s) piece of sagacity about downloading your files. DISADVANTAGES I nerve are many reasons to Aviva Senegal or rearing many Kolas AT attachments sent via email. Lets start with the disadvantages of one particular type of attachment a Microsoft cry document. It is usually preferable to send plain text in the body of the message or HTML rather than a account book file.See below for how to do that. The sender may be unwittingly show confidential information. Many versions of interchange have a habit of revealing enlarge about your computer and saving deleted text in a way that the recipient can uncover (e. G. Law firms have ended up revealing damaging information). * Word files can transmit viruses, so they should only be opened if you are expecting the message. * Many people do not have any software they can use to read Word files, and it is often more of a hassle to read a Word file for t hose that do have such software.Many people avoid the use of Word and other Microsoft rodents because Microsoft has been convicted of illegal anti-competitive behavior and has a bad record on security. * Word files are heavy to send and waste space. A typical one page document can be ten times bigger and slower in Word than in web format (HTML) or plain text. Many people have a limited amount of space in their mailboxes. There are some free programs which allow people using some operating systems under many circumstances with many modern computers to read many Word documents.But some other people cannot use these programs even if they wanted to, and it is the clear goal and practice of Microsoft to continue to modify Word and its other programs so that all attempt to be compatible with them will fail. Remember Microsoft has been convicted in court of well(p) this sort of monopolistic behavior, and it was sustained upon appeal. Sharing Files Attaching a file to email is a common a nd familiar way of sharing a file with others, but email was never designed as a way to transfer files. In fact todays large files can overwhelm a mail server.Fortunately there are many other ways to piece of land files, most of them Just as patrician as sending an attachment. Most of them offer other advantages over email as well. Different Ways to Share Files The right way to share a file will depend on the situation, so it is a good idea to know your options. A few relevant questions are * Are all the people who need to see the file SC members? * Is it important that other people not see the file? * How often will you be sharing files with these people? * Do they need to make changes and then share them with you? * What kind of Internet connection, software, etc. O your intended recipients have? universal Network Space All files on the Y drive are accessible to any SC member, so one quick way to share files is to put them on the Y drive. Just make yourself a folder (give it yo ur name so its easy to tell who it belongs to), put the files in it, and tell the others where they can get it. Advantages of this method * Its very quick and easy. * Winston allows SC members to logarithm in remotely and access the Y drive. Disadvantages of this method * Any SC member can scene files on the Y drive, and in theory they could delete or modify them. Files on Y are automatically deleted after 30 days. merely s c memoirs can access ten Y Arleen. * impertinent users must be able to log in to the SC network to view the file. Shared Network Space Linux and Windows have the ability to define groups which can share files on the network. A group can have a central location where shared files are storedhere at the SC we call these project directories. Windows project directories are stored on the X drive, while Linux project directories are stored under project, available from Windows as the V drive.If you need to repeatedly share files with the same people, displace up a group is a very easy way to do it. If you need to have a group created or would like a shared directory for your group, please contact the Help Desk. Advantages of this method You image who can view the file (by specifying who is in your group). * They can change the file and easily make the changes available to you. * The file is backed up regularly. * Winston allows SC members to log in remotely so they can access shared files. * Only SC members can be part off group on our network. Remote users must be able to log in to the SC network to view the file. * You will need to contact the Help Desk to have people added to or removed from your group. The Web You can make any file available on the Sacs web server. All SC users can set up a web site, and its not as difficult as it may sound. Take a look at Publishing a Web Site on the Sacs Web Server. If the file should not be available to the general public it is possible to password-protect a web page so that only people with a user n ame and password you provide can view it.Please see Limiting Access to a Web Page for instruction on setting it up. You can put the file on the web server as is, or in some cases (a Word document for example) you can convert it to an unfeigned web page so no software is needed to view it other than a web browser. Advantages of this method * The file is available to anyone with Internet access, disregarding of location or SC affiliation. * If you password protect the file, you control who can view it by giving them the user name and password. * If you convert the file also web page, the recipient does not need to have the same software you do in order to view it. Unless you password protect the file anyone can access it. * Web passwords are sent in plain text and there is a small chance someone could intercept itthis method is not secure enough for sensitive data. * Users cannot change the file and make the changes available to you. CD The SC has CD burners available in 2470, 3218 , and 4218 Social Science. If you deed to share a large file or a large number of files, you can burn them onto a CD and then distribute the files by distributing the CD, by mail if necessary. This is also an excellent way to take files with you when you change locations.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Sample Business Plan

Business Plan CLK Corporation Food Industry Members Claudine Aurellano Liza Gaston Kashka Lantion A. Name of Enterprise Krasi & trofi? erst upon a Greek Bistro B. Location Bonifacio mettlesome Street Global City, Taguig City C. Project Description Krasi & trofi? (once upon a Greek Bistro) will open at Bonifacio High Street(B1). The store is open from Monday to Sunday at 10AM to 10PM. It enfolds an exquisite type of Greek Cuisine in the Philippines. It offers a Greek traditional way of fine dining, where customers rouse enjoy the customs of Greece like being introduced to the Greek superstitions, traditions, and holidays.The Bistros color scheme is blue and white since its the color of the national flag of Greece. Its returns is the specialty dishes that are Greek inspired, as well as the fresh ingredients. D. Project Objective To introduce a new taste to Filipino customers. To introduce to Filipinos the traditions and cultural ways of Greeks. To allure future investors throu gh the unique way of our business. In any business, the main goal is to earn profit. To be competitive in the food industry by producing income. E. Mission StatementOur harvest-time mission is to let our clients/target market experience the Greek way of living as well as satisfying their wants, needs, and expectations. Our economic mission is to gain profit and to expand the business as well as to achieve our set margins in order to have a stable business and to satisfy shareholders. Our social mission is to provide employment to Filipinos and give them a peachy opportunity of experiencing a different way of serving in a fine restaurant, in order for them to have an extraordinary skill in the future.Vision The companys vision is for the next 3 years is to increase our profit to more than 50% of our current earnings. The business performance will also increase and attract other investors and shareholders. Gaining more investors will lead to the expansion of the business to greater markets. In those three years we intend to gain more clients that patronize our product and services. We, not only sell the products, but as well as the different yet wonderful experience in dining with us. F. Highlights of the Project social clubs HistoryGreece is famous for their large appetite which is identical to the eating habits of Filipinos, that is why Krasi & trofi? wanted to bring a new kind of cookery that is known as well in the Filipino culture. Greece is also known for its specialty ingredients like lambs, yogurts, olives, and wine that create remarkable dishes. Greece is also well-known for its lively enjoyment and its superstitions and traditions that they practice up to now. Krasi & trofi? would also illustrate a Greek Style of service that would bring excitement and satisfaction to its customers. Project time table and term Industry analysis Financial analysis Investment G. Major Suppositions Used and Summary of Findings Market Viability Technical Viabi lity Financial Viability Socio-Economic Viability Management Viability H. Conclusion of the Study Chapter II Market Study A. Product Description Krasi & trofi? is a fine dining Greek Bistro that caters dishes like Fricasse (arn-nee free-cah-seh), a stew lamb made with spinach, Sadziki (tsa-tsi-key) Yogurt, cucumber and garlic, and salt.It is great on fresh Greek bread. Those are few of the cuisines that we offer. Our dishes are both Greek and Filipino-inspired that interest more customers. B. Demand and Supply Demandrefers to how much (quantity) of a product or service is desired by buyers. The quantity affected is the come up of a product people are willing to buy at a certain price the relationship between price and quantity demanded is known as the demand relationship. Supplyrepresents how much the market can offer.The quantity supplied refers to the amount of a certain good producers are willing to supply when receiving a certain price. The correlation between price and ho w much of a good or service is suppliedto the market is known as the supply relationship. Price, therefore, is a reflection of supply and demand. C. Demand and Supply analysis The analysis of demand and supply depends on how the relationship is doing. For example, if the demand is high and the supply remains constant, the price therefore will increase.It is because there is a scarcity of supply therefore there is a limited number of product/service that can be purchased so people who can only afford the product can buy it. And when the demand is lower than the supply, then the price would decrease because the company should be able to produce and sell all the supplies in order to gain back their capital. Price, therefore, is a reflection of supply and demand. D. List of competitors CYMA Greek Taverna Manos Greek Taverna E. Study on Product, Place and Promotion (Needs geographic, survey and demographic) F. Marketing program

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Barabas’ Role in the Jew of Malta Essay

Christopher Marlow was born in 1564, as William Shakespeare. This play was probably written in 1589 however, it was not actu ally create until 1633, after Marlowes finish in 1593 when he was just 29 years old. This play was performed for many years and had a great influence on Shakespeares The Venice Merchant. 1. Summary of the play The play is set on the island of Malta in the Mediterranean Sea. Calymath (the Turkish prince) arrives to exact Maltas tribute which has been accumulated to a large sum. Ferneze (Maltese governor) cannot pay the tribute immediately, but he promises to pay within a month.After the Turks leave, Ferneze decides to collect the needed money from the Jews of Malta each Jew must confuse up half of his fortune. Barabas complains strongly, so his full fortune is confiscated. The Jew tries to keep part of his fortune which was hided in his mansion. Having confessed falsely, Abigail was admitted in the nunnery (formerly Barabas mansion) and recovered her fathers hidden fortune. Meanwhile, the Spanish Martin Del Bosco convinces Ferneze to perish Maltas agreement with Turkey, promising to write the Spanish king for military help.Del Bosco excessively sells Ferneze his slaves, and Barabas ends up buying the Turkish slave Ithamore at the marketplace. At the marketplace, Barabas excessively runs into Mathias and Lodowick. Each young man desires to see Abigail, and Barabas promises his favours to each, but at the same time, Barabas is planning their death helped by Ithamore. Broken by his fathers selfishness and the death of her lover Mathias, Abigail on her induce decides to enter the nunnery at a time again. Barabas, afraid that Abigail will betray him, poisons all the nuns included her own daughter Abigail who is the last to die.Before this, she manages to give friar Barnardino a written confession of her fathers crimes. Barnardino in companion with the friar Jacomo nominate to face Barabas and insinuate they know ab break the Jews crime s. In response, Barabas says that he would like to repent and be screw a Christian. Naturally, he will donate his massive fortune to whichever monastery he enters. The two friars, being from diametric monasteries, fight to win Barabas favour, each hoping to benefit from the Jews considerable fortune.Barabas once again has set a trap he will kill some(prenominal) of the friars without arousing suspicion. Ithamore knows plenty of incriminating information. Once he is seduced by the courtesan Bellamira, Ithamore begins to blackmail Barabas with threats to confess if the Jew does not send him gold. In the last scene of the fourth act, Barabas arrives at Bellamiras house in the suppress of a French musician and poisons his blackmailers. Meanwhile, the Turkish Bashaws mother arrived. In response to Fernezes refusal to pay, they declare war on Malta.In the final act, Ferneze prepares to defend Malta against the Turks. Ithamore, Bellamira, and her attendant Pilia Borza enter and all pl ay their parts in revealing Barabas crimes, but the Jews poison takes effect and they all fall dead. Barabas meanwhile has been captured, but he pretends he is dead through the effect of a drug. He finds himself left outside the city walls. The Jew betrays Malta and leads the Turks into the city. He takes point as governor but he decides to return Malta to help Ferneze to massacre the Turkish forces.The Turkish troops also believed the Jews trick. But Ferneze turns the tables on Barabas at the last moment, and Barabas dies. Ferneze takes Calymath as a prisoner in order to ensure Maltas future safety. 2. About Barabas Barabas in the Jew of Malta is an extremely revengeful and ambitious character. He challenges the power with a great cunning. The accumulated tributes, Malta has to pay to the Turks, are more than this country can afford, that is why the governor of Malta is determined to ally to the Catholic Spain if this huge European power keep at bay to the Turks.Spain would take a dvantage of the sales of Turkish slaves in Malta and many other advantages in business. Malta wouldnt have to pay the tribute to Turkey and could keep the money collected among its Jew population. This selfishness characterizes all the agreements between the Mediterranean governments. The word that designates these actions is politics and the Jew, Barabas, perceives this selfishness is the rulers main rationale I, policie? Thats their profession, /and not simplicity as their suggest. Besides, the rulers speak frankly about this, as we can see when Del Bosco is asked what turn over drives you in thus into Malta Rhode? And one of his Bashaws answered the wind that bloweth all the world besides, /desires of gold. In this world in which each nation an d each man take care only of their own self-interest, the Jew of Malta appears at the beginning of the play as victim. Ferneze states Malta as the unique priority and states this to save the ruine of a multitude /and better one want for a common good, then(prenominal) many perish for a private man.But actually, their taxes on the Jews are hugely inequitable. Moreover, Farneze, expect to keep the confiscated fortunes, once the alliance with Spain lets Malta to avoid the tributes that owes to the Turks. These unfair circumstances give Barabas the opportunity to create eloquent speeches against intolerance. He reproaches the Christians for using the scriptures to confirm the measures which go against the Jews What? Bring your scripture to confirm your wrongs? / Preach me not out of my possessions./some Iewes are wicked, as all Christians are / but say the tribe I descended of were all in general cast away for sinne, / shall I be tried by their transgression? / the man that dealeth righteously shall lieu /and which of your can charge me otherwise? The references to the bible in this extract emphasize how miserable he shows himself in this moment. Barabas is right when he calls theft and not taxes to the requisition of his wealth, and we cannot avoid feeling affected by his sad situation.The funny thing is that, as a Marlowes dramatic and moral strategy, in the prologue Barabas has been afforded as the same Machiavelli and the Devils son, and Machiavelli in the prologue states this I count religion but a childish toy, /And hold there is no sinne but Ignorance. At the very beginning, Barabas is shown as a unbelievable wealthy man and extremely shrewd and evoke just in his own contentment. He is determined to let the Turks to invade Malta and slaughter everyone, he confesses in a soliloquy, if he would have the opportunity to get away with the situation. Ile helpe to slay their children and their wiues, /to fire the churches, pull their houses downe. /take my goods too, and seize upon my lands. He is completely decided to cheat on the others Jews he also turns his back on his daughter when she abandons her loyalty to him. Later on we realize that his former speech about the sad situation of t he Jews is just a representation trick created for the situation and refused in his soliloquies, he is a Jew because he was brought up as a Jew, but he is mainly a Maquiavelli and an immoral check of vice.This vicious identity is clearer and clearer along the play, thus the Jew of Malta is developed more by disclosure of character than by change of personality. Barabas does not change but we increasingly discover how he really is. Maybe the persecution ordered by Ferneze wakes in Barabas a desire of revenge, but he has always hated everyone and has always looked for his own benefit and survival using any means.His plan for kidnapping to her daughter and recovering his money hidden in his house, at that moment turned into a nunnery, results comprehensible and in fact Abigail shows herself decided to help him. However, when Barabas ignores Abigail happiness conspiring against her Christian lover Ludowick, just because he is the governors son and against Mathias, uses several strateg ies as the usury, extortion and persuasion which makes him an evil person even before the unfair tax of Farneze. Barabas boasts of his acts as we can read in the following line Slew hotshot and enemy with my stratagems. He considers Ithamore as one of his friends because why this is something make account of me/ as of thy fellow we are villainies some(prenominal) Both circumcised, we hate Christian both Here the dichotomy of motivation and unmotivated evil (a Samuel Tylor Coleridges expression) is evident in this combination of Judaism and pure evilness. Barabas vicious evilness is more and more present in his behaviour. Instead of sad laments, we can hear the satisfied laughter of Barabas who wants to solve skilfully all his plans.Abigail, who finds herself forgotten and rejected by her father embraces Christian faith as she states but I perceive there is no love on earth/ pitty in Iews, nor piety in Turkes. As a punishment Barabas poisons every nun in the nunnery included her d aughter. Barabas also cheats on the friar community taking advantage of their corruptness Barabas is a hypocrisy and disguise master, and he is surrounded by a group of thugs and courtesans that turn against him as the same time that he turns against them.His achievements in conspiracy and politics drives him to rule Malta, devising agreements firstly with the Turks and then with Farneze. Brabas evilness is more persistent than even his own conduct as he lets us know Stand close, for here they come why, is not this/ a kingly kinde of trade of purchase Townes/ by treachery, and sell em by deceit? /Now tell me, worldlings, underneath the sunne, / If greater double-dealing ever has bin done.Even in the moment of his death, when he is finally betrayed by Ferneze, he yearns for longing his wealth and domination and contemplating his Empire once more as we also saw in Faustus. and had I but scapd this stratagem, /I would have brought confusion on you all, / Damn Christians, dogges, and Turkish Infidels. It is enkindle how Marlowe gets Brabas huge ambition wakes in the readers a great admiration. There is no doubt that Barabas received a severe punishment when, at the end, he locomote inside a caldron made by himself he fell in his own trap and died shouting boastings and challenges.Anyway, this is an appropriate punishment for a life full of crimes. However, it is difficult to contemplate his end from an instructive and moral point of view because, Ferneze, his nemesis, is neither seen as virtuous character. Although he wants to look pious, (No, Barabas, to staine our hands with note / is farre from us and our profession) he believes in his own policy, which has overcome Barabas evilness. He defeats Barabas by betraying him and then attributes his victory to God.This is an act typical of Maquiavellis disciple, who assigns the highest value to the nominate survival and uses religion as a mean for shaping the public opinion. If Farneze is an important figure i n this play, is not because of his Christian uprightness but because of his Maquiavellic virtue Maybe, Marlowe is inviting us to admire this shrewd governor whose policy ensures Maltas survival and Barabas destruction. Marlowe destroys Barabas just for showing the strength of a really Maquiavellic strategist. Marlowe presents to his Elizabethan audiences a plan which completely disagrees with any religious doctrine.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Martin Luther King I Have a Dream Essay

1) Rock solid, unshakeable confidenceYou sens see from Martin Luther Kings body language that he was calm and grounded as he delivered his speech. Although you cant see his feet as hes speaking, Id imagine him to be heavily planted to the ground, with a solid posture that says present I am. Im not budging. Now, you come to me.As a speaker, Martin Luther King had the solidity that is surely only found with those who have completely adjust their actions with their firm commitment. The 200,000 people at the Washington rally could not have pushed King off-track if theyd tried, so solid was he in his convictions. Self-belief from a beyond-personal opening gives this sort of power and you can see the impact.Martin luther king with this faith2) The VoiceIt would always take a commanding voice to inspire thousands and Martin Luther Kings booming voice was well practiced in his capacity as a Baptist preacher. His cadence, his pacing and his preacher-like drama bring real passion to the s peech.Martin Luther King utilize tidy, evocative language to draw emotional yokeion to his audience, such asNow is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the light path of racial justice.This sweltering summer of the blackamoors legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of immunity and equality.We can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the citiesMartin luther king let independence ring3) Rhythm & RepetitionThe intensity of Kings speech is built through bold statements and rhythmic repetition. Each repetition builds on the one before and is reinforced by Martin Luther Kings ever increasing passion.We can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality. We can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging i n the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities. We cannot be satisfied as long as the negros basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a larger one.Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to South CarolinaWith this faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith, we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to lock in together, to stand up for emancipation together, knowing that we will be free one day.Let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia.Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee.Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi.From every mountainside, let freedom ring.As the speech comes to a mingy the pace of Martin Luther Kings repetition increases, helping to build to a crescendo.4) Ditching the ScriptIf that wasnt dra matic enough, Martin Luther Kings I have a dream speech was never meant to even include its most famous sequence and climax. Originally penned under several names, such as the catchy normalcy speech and A Cancelled check, King put aside his bridge player ten minutes into the speech. Few would dare risk it at such a moment, but King was said to have responded to the cry of Gospel singer Mahalia Jackson Tell em about the dream, Martin and ad-libbed what came next. This is what gave I have a dream its raw power and edge King was living the words that he spoke.5) With, not at his peopleIts thought that King ditched the script so that he could connect more with his audience. And it worked. I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of great trials and tribulations, he begins. King goes on to talk to his audience and their personal situations directly, Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to South Carolina, go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed.King is with the people, fully connecting to them with his eyes and delivering a powerful rhythm in his speaking. Martin Luther Kings script writer, Clarence B Jones reflected, It was like he had an out-of-body experience.So often it is the speaker who is flexible and vulnerable enough to connect with their audience who has the most powerful impact.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Federal Civil Procedure

I. Personal Jurisdiction in what state crapper the P sue the D? a. Two step-analysis i. Satisfy a statute AND ii. Satisfy the constitution (due process) b. In Personam Jurisdiction jurisdiction over person, not property, b/c of some contact b/t D and assembly state i. Statutory Analysis 1. Every state has statutes allowing jurisdiction based on domicile, presence instate when served w/ process, and consent (implied or actual). 2. Long-arm statute ( allows jurisdiction over non-residents ii.Constitutional Analysis (International Shoe) 1. Test ( Does D have such minimum contacts w/ the forum so that exercise of jurisdiction does not violate traditional notions of fair play and substantial justice 2. Factors a. Contact some tie b/t D and forum i. Purposeful Availment Ds voluntary act 1. i. e. D ships goods into forum state or D practises roads or ca uptakes effects in forum state ii.Foreseeability D would pop sued in this forum b. Fairness i. Relatedness b/t contact and the c laim 1. not always necessary to have relatedness if have substantial ties w/ the forum a. i. e. D domiciled there, business there, served w/ process there can be sued in that state under general jurisdiction ii. Convenience forum ok unless puts D at a severe disadvantage in the litigation iii.States interest provide forum for its citizens TIP My parents frequently forgot to deal childrens stories M minimum contacts P purposeful availment F foreseeability F fairness R relatedness C convenience S states interest II. character Matter Jurisdiction in what philander? Federal courts only hear two types of cases variety of citizenship and federal question a. Diversity of Citizenship Cases i. Citizens of different states 1. Complete variety show rule ( no renewal if ANY P is a citizen of the same state as any D, at the time the case is filed 2.Citizenship a. Human can only have one place of citizenship i. Domicile 1. presence instate AND 2. subjective intent to make perman ent home b. Corporation can have to a greater extent than one place of citizenship i. State where incorporated AND ii. One state principal place of business 1. Only one PPB a. Headquarters OR i.Most use this to designate unless all activity is in one state b. Most production or service activity c. Un-incorporated associations i. Use citizenship of ALL ITS MEMBERS d. Decedents, minors, incompetents i. Look to their citizenship not the representatives citizenship ii. Amount in controversy good faith allegation the claim in the complaint exceeds $75,000. 00, exclusive of interest and costs 1. aggregation adding together two or more claims to meet amount in controversy requirement a. Need one P and one D b. interchangeable tortfeasors use total value of claim, irrelevant of the of parties 2. Equitable Relief if either test met, then its OK a. Ps viewpoint does enjoinment cover loss of value by more than $75k? OR b. Ds viewpoint would it cost D more than $75k to comply w/ the en joinment b. Federal Question claim resurrects under federal law c.Supplemental Jurisdiction no federal jurisdiction b/c no diversity or FQ, BUT may still be able to get into federal court i. Test 1. common nucleus of operative fact arise out of same transaction or occurrence as underlying claim ii. Limitation 1. can not use to overcome lack of diversity in a diversity of citizenship case BUT 2. Can use to overcome lack of diversity in a FQ case 3. Can use to overcome amount in controversy in diversity cases d.Removal allows Ds to have case filed in state court outback(a) to federal court i. What cases? if case could be heard in federal court ii. Where? ONLY to the federal district court embracing the state court iii. When? no later than 30 days after service of the first removable document e. Erie Doctrine III. Venue IV. Service of Process V. Pleadings VI. Joinder of Parties VII. Discovery VIII. pretrial conference Adjudication IX. Conferences and Meetings X. Trial, Judgme nt and Post-trial Motions XI. Appeal XII. Claim and Issue Preclusion

Monday, May 20, 2019

Ap Psych Free Response Essay

As the Smith-Garcias are planning for their baby, they have to decide which principles from each of the theories they have researched that they will practice. The first of these theories is Skinners Operant Conditioning in which an element of reinforcement and punishment is utilized to shape the kidskins social and doingsal skills. It will be the parents job to reinforce wanted behavior and punish unwanted behavior. For example, if the child throws a temper tantrum, her parents mightiness put her in time expose to show that this type of behavior is not acceptable. The punishment therefore reinforces that if she acts this way again, she knows she will be dictated in time out. Essentially the child learns from these reinforcements and punishments. The second principle is Banduras social learning scheme which deals with vicarious reinforcement and vicarious punishment.Essentially the child will learn by observing others and is not affected directly. Bandura believed that direct reinforcement could not account for all types of learning which explains why his theory is grow in the supposition of observation. Overall There are three core concepts at the heart of social learning theory. First is the idea that people can learn through observation. Next is the idea that natural mental states are an essential part of this process. Finally, this theory recognizes that just because something has been learned, it does not mean that it will government issue in a change in behavior. To illustrate Banduras theory in their parenting style, the Smith-Garcias might provide a model for sharing or even increase sharing through vicarious reinforcement.The third theory they have studied is Ainsworths attachment research in which he addresses the idea of secure attachment, insecure attachment, and other such ideals. The idea is that securely attached children are more presumable to perceive their primary caregiver as a secure base. This is illustrated in the fact that onc e this child is born, she will feel an emotional security and attachment to her parents who are her primary caregiver. She will feel close comfortable around them. An example of this would be if they were to promote secure attachment to increase self reliance. These behaviors may include nurturing, support, encouragement, and many more. The fourth and final theory they will address and practice is Baumrinds research on parenting styles. In Baumrinds research, he

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Customer Segmentation Analysis

Customer analysis Segmentation segmentation means the acknowledgment of customer classifys responds differently from other groups to competitive offering. It must have following features feasibility, sustainability, and profitability. in the main speaking, we often use five criteria to segment the market. The segmentation bottom of the inning be defined by some(prenominal) methods the first one is by demographic characteristics. It is effective partly because persons life power point affects his or her activities, interests and brand loyalties.The second one is the benefits, because the selection of benefits can determine a total subscriber line strategy. The third one is price sensitivity, and it represents the trade-off between low price and high quality. The next definitive criterion is loyalty. Each cell of the brand loyalty matrix (organized by loyalty level and customer type) represents very different strategic priority and can justify a very different program. The ru n low one is applications, as some products and services, particularly industrial products, can best be segmented by use or applications.In the end, we also have to pay attention that 2 distinct segmentation strategies argon possible. Customer wants After identifying customer segments, the next step is to consider their motivations what lies behind their purchase decisions. There are four steps to determine the customers motivations. The first step is to determining motivations. Although a group of managers can identify motivations, a more valid list is usually obtained by getting customers to hold forth the product or service in a systematic way.The next step is to cluster the hundreds of motivation to groups and subgroups. Another task of customer motivation analysis is to determine the relative importance of the motivations. A quartern task is to identify the motivation that will play a role in defining the pry proposition of the business. Also, there are three other importa nt points that we have to pay attention to in brain the customers need. Qualitative investigate, including the focus group, in-depth interviews, and customer case study, is a powerful tool in understanding customer motivation.It is particularly critical to gain insight into changes in customers priorities. Also, all the research should treat the customer as the active partner. Unmet needs An unmet need is a customer need that is not being met by the existing product offerings. Unmet need s strategically important because they represent opportunities for firms to development their market share, break into a market, or create and own new markets. There are two important points that we need to catch them.Firstly, use customer to identify unmet need. They are the prime source and vender should get access to them and detect the unmet need from them. Secondly, ethnographic or anthropological research involves directly notice customer in as many as context as possible. By accurately observe not only what is done involving the target or service but why it is being done, companies can achieve a deeper level of understanding of customers needs and motivation and generate actionable insights.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Convection Currents Essay

There be many different reasons wherefore the earths archness is moving. Some for example are the friction between two menages cause major earthquakes. Sometimes when this plates are pushed together they form fold mountains or ridges. Today we know that the unblemisheds are gradually moving apart. Therefore the there is tender rocks created in between those areas. New volcanoes are created and new rocks are organize.Plate tectonics allow scientists to know about the earths centre. The oceanic plate slides under the continental plate because it is heavier. Once it goes under the continental plate it melts into the asthenosphere. The Richter outmatch is a scale that scientists use to measure the magnitude of an earthquake. It can tell us how much the earths saddle sore has moved (how hard effecting the surface). A shift along a fault on the continental gall could also cause earthquakes.Teacher copy The earths crust I s do up of sections called plates. These sections float on the liquid mantle and slowly move around. The movement of the plates is caused by convection currents. A convection current is how a liquid moves when it is heated. Hot liquid rises up and pushes the cooler liquid out of the way. In the mantle, this is happening all the time. As the liquid rock moves, it can push the continents on the plates In this draw you can see the convection currents in the mantle and the directionIn the middle of the ocean, new rock is formed when hot rock from the mantle rises up. At the edges of ocean, old crust is destroyed when it stinks down under the continent an melts again. In this diagram, you can see new crust forming at the mid-ocean ridge and pushing the old crust towards the continent.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Study Of The Term Gifted In America History Essay

The earliest known reference of the term clever in the States can be traced back to 1868. It was in St. Louis in 1868 that the overseer of tames in St. Louis do attempts to addressed the commission of talented pupils. In 1901 a school in Worster, Massachusetts was the kickoff school to offer a particular school for the quick-witted. Curiously plenty, the borrowing important development in the invoice of the adroit in America must get down in Europe, as the developments there had an meeting upon the capable affair of the history of the gifted in America. In 1905, ii Gallic search workers, Binet-Simon, created a method of analyzing higher mental processes.2 The Binet-Simon trial was used to assist place school-aged kids who were mentally retarded. 3 afterward(prenominal) the Binet-Simon trial in France, three major(ip) developments in the history of the gifted in America occurred from 1916-1918. The primary of the three major developments occurred in 1916. Though the c apable affair of this paper, the History of keen in America, seemingly involves the gifted in America, it must get down with this European milepost of the work competed in France because the Binet-Simon trial, the original practical intelligence graduated table 4, would be subsequently revised by an American research worker by the name of Lewis Terman, who is otherwise known as the male parent of the talented instruction movement.5 The alteration would subsequently be known as the Stanford-Binet trial in 1916.6 The alteration of the Binet-Simon trial by Terman resulted in the celebrated nomenclature, I. Q. or intelligence quotient. The following major development in the history of the gifted in America involves the Great War.After being thrust into the mist of the Great War by the Zimmerman Note, a finding was made by military functionaries in America to use two trials to appraise the aptitude of nonreader, untaught, or non-English speech production conscripts and volunt aries, for the war,7 ( of which Lewis Terman played a cardinal function as well.8 ) In 1917, the alpha and the Beta trials were used by the armed forces. Harmonizing to a web site entitled ASVAB, In 1917-1918, the Army alpha and Beta trials were developed so that military commanding officers could hold some rate of the mogul of their forces. The Army Alpha was a group-administered trial that measured verbal ability, numerical ability, ability to follow waies, and cognition of information. The Army Beta was a non-verbal opposite number of the Army Alpha. 9 The 3rd major accomplishment I the field of the gifted in America occurred in 1918. It was in 1918 that Lulu Stedman launch an chance room for talented pupils within the University Training School at the Southern Branch of the University of California. 10During the mid-twentiess, four achievements contributed to the development of the history of the gifted in America. With the end of helping in the creative operation of a system of meritocracy, which is a societal order based on graded degrees of native ability ,11 in 1921Lewis Terman conducted the longest running longitudinal look back of about 1500 pupils. Terman s intent for carry oning the survey was to confute the belief that gifted kids were underdeveloped in nonintellectual countries. 12 Ultimately, Terman concluded that talented kids excelled in academic countries and were emotionally secure.13 The 2nd development in the area of the gifted in America occurred 1 twelvemonth subsequently. In 1922, Leta Hollingsworth of Columbia University, an advocator for working with talented pupils in New York, opened an chance category in P.S. 165 in New York City 14. The following two events concerned publications of the two research workers mentioned supra. In 1925 Lewis Terman make Genetic Studies of Genius which concluded that a ) qualitatively different in schools, B ) somewhat better physically and emotionally in comparing to normal pupils, degree Celsius ) superordinate word in academic topics in comparing to the mean pupils, vitamin D ) emotionally stable, e ) most winning when instruction and household values were held in high respect by the household, and degree Fahrenheit ) infinitely variable in combination with the figure of traits exhibited by those in the studya 15The 2nd work was published by Leta Hollingsworth in 1926. Hollingsworth s work was entitled the Gifted Child Their Nature and Raising and was considered the primary text edition on talented instruction. Ten old ages subsequently Hollingsworth established P.S. 500, the Speyer School which was think upon supplying instruction for gifted Children.16Though a handful of research workers were working hard to capture attending to the gifted in America, the beginning of the Cold War would catapult the issue of the gifted in America to the head of many of the issues confronting the state in the 1950s and catapult the American authorities into the give -and-take of the gifted in America. In 1950 J.P. Guilford challenged an scrutiny of intelligence as a multidimensional concept , and the topic Science foundation do provid ( erectile dysfunction ) federal support for research and instruction in mathematics, physical scientific discipline, and technology. 17 In 1954, the National association of Gifted kids was established under the lede of ann Issacs, in add-on to the determination of Brown v. Board of Education which ended the separate but equal philosophy in education.18 after the successful launching of the Sputnick ballistic capsule in 1957 by the confederation of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United States was forced to concentrate its attending on its human capital and the land of instruction in America. The United States began to pass big amounts of capital in an effort to place the brightest and gifted pupils who would outdo net income from an advanced math, scientific discipline, and engineering. 19 the f ollowing twelvemonth, the National Defense Education Act signaled the first full graduated table enterprise by the federal authorities in the country of the gifted in America.20In 1972 the Marland Report issued a formal description of giftedness and suggested that schools adopt a definition which would include academic and rational endowment in add-on to leading ability, ocular ability and psychomotor ability.21 In 1974, the Office of the Gifted and Talented was given official status.22 Approximately ten old ages subsequently another study, issued by the Secretary of the Department of Education declared that the United States of America was at calamity due to a rising tide of averageness that threatens the really hereafter of the country.23 In 1988 a severe advocate of the gifted in America, United States Senator Jacob Javitz was recognized in an passage which, bearing his name desire to supply capital for research into the best schemes to assist talented pupils in Americ a and by placing pupils from silly backgrounds, non-English talking backgrounds and the disabled to take part in talented instruction. 24 Ten old ages after the State at Risk study issued by the United States Department of Education, another study was issued by the United States Department of Education entitled National Excellence . In this 1993 study sketch how America neglected talented pupils in the state and offered some recommendations on how to proceed.25 In 1998, the National association for Gifted Children published a papers entitled Pre-K-Grade 12 Gifted Plan Standards to supply counsel in seven cardinal countries to plan helping gifted and talented pupils 26Finally, in the Twenty first century the No Child Left behind statute law was enacted. This jurisprudence efficaciously reauthorizes the primary and Secondary Education Act. The Javitz plan is included in NCLB, and expanded to offer competitory statewide grants. The definition of the term gifted was modi fied.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Cultural Leadership

CONTENTS 1. Introduction.. 2 2. grow.. 3 Definition Di workforcesions of finale 3. Cultural lead 8 Globalisation Global leadinghiphip air 4. Conclusions . 9 5. References 10 1. IntroductionCultural leadhiphip is a study in which I sumarry colected some related ideas about nicety, drawing cardship and the imp shape of burnish on leadinghip abut. The project is structur atomic number 18d in two chapters, follow by a conclusion and bibliography. The scratch chapter begins by defining culture and describing the dimensions of culture with precise examples in ein truth aria. Determining the basic dimensions or characteristics of different cultures is the first step in universe able to understand the relationships between them. Because it is an abstract term, the sacred scripture culture it is hard to delimitate, and different population often define it in heterogeneous ways.A rendering which captured my attention is sensation which defined culture as the l formed beliefs, determine, rules, norms, symbols, and traditions that be common to a congregation of people. It is these sh atomic number 18d qualities of a assort that make them unique. Culture is dynamic and transmitted to another(prenominal)s. In short, culture is the way of life, customs, and script of a group of people. (Gudykunst & Ting-Toomey, 1988). Next, in the second chapter, I set up it necesarry to talk about how leadinghip varies across cultures and which specific leadership attri nevertheless(prenominal)es cultures universally endorse as desirable and undesirable.As individuals we pay back implicit beliefs and convictions about the attributes and beliefs that distinguish leaders from non-leaders and legal leaders from in potent leaders. So, from the perspective of this theory, leadership is in the mettle of the beholder. Leadership refers to what people see in others when they atomic number 18 exhibiting leadership behaviors. Because of that, I thrust presented i n this chapter half-dozen types of leadership accepted worldwide based upon Global Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness GLOBAL- Research Program.I chose this specific topic, because I am interested in the domains presented, culture and leadership, and I considered this occasion, desire be a great opportunity to discover to a greater extent information or facts regarding them. 2. Culture Definition Anthropologists, scientist, sociologists and many others have debated the meaning of the word culture. Because it is an abstract term, it is hard to define, and different people often define it in dissimilar ways. Below, I have tried to find out some definitions of culture as follows Kroeber, A. L. , & Kluckhohn (1952).Culture A critical review of concepts and definitions Culture consists of patterns, explicit and implicit, of and for behavior acquired and transmitted by symbols, constituting the distinctive achievements of military personnel groups, including their embodiments in artifacts the essential core of culture consists of traditional (i. e. historically derived and selected) ideas and especially their attached revalues culture systems may, on the one hand, be considered as products of action, and on the other as conditioning elements of further action. Banks, J. A. & McGee (1989).multicultural education. Needham Heights, MA Allyn & Bacon Most social scientists today view culture as consisting primarily of the symbolic, ideational, and intangible aspects of human societies. The essence of a culture is not its artifacts, tools, or other tangible cultural elements but how the members of the group interpret, use, and perceive them. It is the values, symbols, interpretations, and perspectives that distinguish one people from another in modernized societies it is not material objects and other tangible aspects of human societies. pack indoors a culture usually interpret the meaning of symbols, artifacts, and behaviors in the same or in similar ways. Linton, R. (1945, p. 32). The Cultural Background of Personality A culture is a configuration of filled behaviors and results of behavior whose component elements are shared and transmitted by the members of a specific gild From a business view, when leading a multicultural group, it is important to be aware of the norms, beliefs, and values that the participants bring with them to the setting. These norms, beliefs, and values not wholly shape identity but they in like manner affect perceptions, attitudes and assumptions.These aspects of individuals and groups are typically not visible and yet, they are extremely important to take into consideration during the planning and facilitative processes. Other aspects of culture implies institution, religion, education, language, material culture and life-style. Dimensions of culture Hofstede (1994) identified four dimensions of culture The first one, identity versus collectivism, refers to how people define themselves and their rela tionships with others. In an individualist culture, the interest of the individual prevails over the interests of the group.Ties between individuals are loose. People look after themselves and their immediate families. For example, a student from Colombia may study in the United States and earn a Ph. D. , teach at a distinguished university, and publish important books, but when he returns to remonstrate Colombia, people to whom he is introduced will want to know to whom he is related. Colombians want to know who his family is because that places him in society much much so than any of his accomplishments in the United States. Individualistic cultures like USA and France are to a greater extent selfish and stress mostly on their individual goals.This signifier of cultures tend to think only of themselves as individuals and as I distinctive from other people. They define people by what they have done, their accomplishments, what kind of car they drive. Individualist cultures ar e more remote and distant. Collectivistic cultures have a great emphasize on groups and think more in terms of we. In China, for example it is out of question to dissent with someones opinion in public. You will do that in a more tete-a-tete and personal atmosphere to protect a person from the loss of impertinence.In collectivistic cultures a direct confrontation will be always avoided. The second dimension that the author presents is the one which indicates the bound to which dominant values in a society tend to be assertive and look more interested in things than in concerning for people and the quality of life. masculinity is the opposite of femininity together, they form one of the dimensions of national cultures. Masculinity stands for a society which social sex activity roles are d advance(prenominal) distinct men are supposed to be more modest, tender, and concerned with the quality of life. Femininity stands for a society where gender roles overlap both men and women a re supposed to be modest, tender and concerned with the quality of life. The Masculinity and Femininity dimension pull backs how cultures differentiate on not between gender roles. Masculine cultures tend to be ambitious and need to excel. Members of these cultures have a tendency to polarize and consider big and fast to be beautiful. In workplaces employees emphasize their work to a great extent (live in order to work) and they admire achievers who realised their tasks.Feminine cultures consider quality of life and helping others to be very important. The country which strives the most for maximal distinction between what women and men are forestalled to do, the culture that place high values on masculine traits stress assertiveness, competition, and material success is Japan, the last country being Sweden. The third dimension is forcefulness distance, or the way the culture deals with inequalities. Hofstede (1997,p. 28) defines power distance as the extent to which less pow erful members of institutions and organizations within a country comport and accept that power is distributed unequally.Hofstede believes that power distance is hold backed early in families. In high power distance cultures, children are expected to be obedient toward parents versus being treated more or less as equals. In high power distance cultures, people are expected to display respect for those of higher(prenominal) status. For example, in countries such as Cambodia and Thailand, people are expected to display respect for monks by greeting and taking leave of monks with ritualistic greetings, removing hats in the comportment of a monk, dressing modestly, seating monks at a higher aim, and using a vocabulary that shows respect.In a high power distance culture, company bosses are kings and employees loyal subjects who dont chatter out. In the low power distance workplace, subordinates expect to be consulted, and lofty bosses are democratic. In more democratic organizations , leaders are physically more accessible. And finally, the last dimension is about uncertainty dodging which expresses the deficit that people tolerate ambiguous situations and need formal rules. Uncertainty is the extent to which the members of a culture fell threatened by uncertain or unknown situations.One of the dimensions of national cultures (from weak to strong). . about cultures need to have a strong uncertainty avoidance like France. In France many stiff regulations are used and tasks are heavily centralized in companies and for meetings it is important to consider that. They are very careful with the details or any circumstances which could cause any kind of uncertainty for french business people. Germans and Finns have a less level of uncertainty avoidance and a medium level of power distance have the need for clearly specified competence to avoid uncertainty.They need specific procedures and distributions of tasks, instructions and rules. The co-ordination and contro l arouse be achieved through standardization and certification measurers. Americans and Chinese (Hong Kong) have a lower need for uncertainty avoidance and rather avoid too many rules and formalities. They are more likely to stimulate innovations and emphasize new ideas. They are more flexible and more acting than reacting on changes occurring inside and outside of business. In contrast cultures with very strong uncertainty avoidance display their emotions in the way that everything that is different, is dangerous.They resist in changes and worry about their future. 3. Cultural leadership Are leaders do or born? I think this is a question that most of us asked in a moment or another. In my opinion leaders are made but they must have some skills before that process too. If someone have the desire and willpower, he can become an effective leader. Good leaders develop through a never ending process of self-study, education, training, and experience. To inspire your workers into high er levels of teamwork, at that place are certain things a leader must be, know, and, do.These do not come naturally, but are acquired through continual work and study. Good leaders are continually working and studying to improve their leadership skills. Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an clinical and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. Leaders carry out this process by applying their leadership attributes, such as beliefs, values, ethics, character, knowledge, and skills. We can affirm that culture is a long-term, complex phenomenon. Culture represents the shared expectations and self-image of the organization.The mature values that create tradition or the way we do things here because as we should know things are done differently in every organization. The collective vision and common folklore that define the institution are a verbalism of culture. Individual leaders, cannot easily create or change culture because culture is a part of the organization. Culture influences the characteristics of the climate by its effect on the actions and thought processes of the leader. But, everything somebody dose as a leader will affect the climate of the organization.For instance, the cultural diversity of employees found in worldwide multinational organizations presents a substantial challenge with respect to the design of multinational organizations and their leadership. In my opinion, given the increased sphericization of industrial organizations and increased interdependencies among nations, the need for better understanding of cultural influences on leadership and organizational practices is getting higher. Situations that leaders must face are highly complex, constantly changing, and concentrated to interpret.More than ever before, managers of international firms face fierce and rapidly changing international competition. Globalization has also created the need for leaders to beco me competent in cross-cultural awareness and practice. Adler and Bartholomew (1992, p. 53) contend that global leaders need to develop five cross-cultural competencies. First, leaders need to understand business, political, and cultural environments worldwide. Second, they need to learn the perspectives, tastes, trends, and technologies of many other cultures. Third, they need to be able to work simultaneously with people from many cultures.Fourth, leaders must be able to adapt to living and communicating in other cultures. Fifth, they need to learn to relate to people from other cultures from a position of equality rather than cultural superiority. Additionally, global leaders need to be skilled in creating trans cultural visions. They need to develop communication competencies that will alter them to articulate and implement their vision in a diverse workplace. In sum, todays leaders need to acquire a challenging set of competencies if they intend to be effective in contemporary global societies.GLOBE (Global Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness) started a research program in order to describe how different cultures view leadership behaviors in others, and they identified six global leadership behaviors charismatic/ value based, team oriented, participative, humane oriented, autonomous, and self-protective. These global leadership behaviors were defined as follows Charismatic/value-based leadership reflects the ability to inspire, to motivate, and to expect high functioning from others based on strongly held core values.This kind of leadership includes being visionary, inspirational, self-sacrificing, trustworthy, decisive, and performance oriented. Team-oriented leadership emphasizes team building and a common purpose among team members. This kind of leadership includes being collaborative, integrative, diplomatic and administratively competent. Participative leadership reflects the degree to which leaders involve others in making and implementing decisions. It includes being participative and non-autocratic.Humane-oriented leadership emphasizes being supportive, considerate, compassionate, and generous. This type of leadership includes modesty and sensitivity to people. Autonomous leadership refers to independent and individualistic leadership, which includes being autonomous and unique. Self-protective leadership reflects behaviors that ensure the safety and security of the leader and the group. It includes leadership that is self-centered, status conscious, conflict inducing, face rescue, and procedural. Below, you have examples with leadership styles in different culturesThe countries from Eastern European have the idea of a leader which is moderately charismatic/value-based team-oriented, and people-oriented yet largely uninterested in involving others in the decision-making process. To sum up, this culture describes a leader as one who is highly autonomous, makes decisions independently, and is to a certain degree ins piring, team-oriented, and attentive to human needs. quite a different from the Eastern European countries, the Latin American countries place the most importance on team-oriented, charismatic/value based, and self-protective leadership and the least importance on autonomous leadership.As a fact ,those leaders tend to be moderately interested in people and their participation in decision making. An ideal example of leadership for the Nordic European countries is leadership that is highly visionary and participative while being jolly independent and diplomatic. For these countries, it is less important that their leaders be people oriented or protective of their office. Nordic Europeans prefer leaders who are inspiring and involve others in decision making. They do not expect their leaders to be exceedingly compassionate, nor do they expect them to be concerned with status and other self-centered attributes.For countries in Africa, an ideal leader is modest, compassionate, and sens itive to the people. In addition, they believe a leader should be comparatively charismatic/value-based, team oriented, participative, and self-protective. Leaders who act independently or act alone are viewed as less effective in these countries. In short, the African profile characterizes effective leadership as sympathize with leadership. Like many other countries, these countries believe leaders should be inspirational, collaborative, and not excessively self-centered. Leaders who act autonomously are seen as ineffective in African countries.The leadership profile for the Middle Eastern countries differs significantly from the profiles of the other regions. Middle Eastern countries find self-attributes such as face saving and status are important characteristics of effective leadership. They also value being independent and familial. However, they find charisma, collaboration, and participative decision making less essential for effective leadership. To sum up, the Middle East ern profile of leadership emphasizes status and face saving and de-emphasizes charismatic/value-based and group-oriented leadership.As we can see above, the dominant cultural norms endorsed by social cultures induce global leader behavior patterns and organizational practices that are differentially expected and viewed as legitimate among cultures. Thus, the attributes and behaviors of leaders are, in part, a reflection of the organizational practices, which in turn are a reflection of societal cultures. 4. Conclusions subsequently I have done this paper I realized that culture and leadership are like the two sides of the same coin. I believe that culture have a significant impact on leadership.First of all, culture shapes an individual s self-definition of a leader through fundamental ideas about self and work. Second, the norms, values, beliefs or assumption an individual already learnt in the culture, makes him pass through cultural filters so that he perceive the world of work and leadership development different, meaning we dont see the world through the same lens. We talked about culture, its definitions from different points of view, dimensions of culture and cultural leadership.Here we touched arias like globalization, leaderships styles accepted all over the world with regional examples. After all, the core of this project can be summarized in a couple of phrases, like the ones below. Leaders are immersed in their own societal culture, and they are most likely to enact the global leader behavior patterns that are favored in that culture. Founders influence the behavior of subordinate leaders and subsequent leaders by use of selective caution selection criteria, role modeling, and socialization.Further, the dominant cultural norms endorsed by societal cultures induce global leader behavior patterns and organizational practices that are differentially expected and viewed as legitimate among cultures. Thus, the attributes and behaviors of leaders are, in part, a reflection of the organizational practices, which in turn are a reflection of societal cultures. At the present time, there is a greater need for effective international and cross-cultural collaboration, communication and cooperation, not only for the effective practice of leadership, but also for the betterment of the human conditions.As we view in this project, globalization has allow its mark on the cultures of the world, which are getting more and more interconnected. As a conclusion, nowadays leaders should be encouraged or take initiative to reflect on their own values, see that multicultural differences exist and work to improve culture for all. 5. References Cultures and Organizations Intercultural Cooperation and its Importance for Survival Hofstede, Geert (1994) http//books. google. ro Cross-cultural approaches to leadership development by Clyde Brooklyn Derr http//www. cribd. com/doc/17743776/Nature-of-Culture-Its-Impact-on-Business http//www. via-web. de/co nceptualization-of-culture/ http//www. ramergroup. com/pdfs/Concepts-of-Leadership. pdf http//www. online-leadership-tools. com/develop-leadership. html http//www. nwlink. com/donclark/leader/leadcon. html Concepts of Leadership http//www. thunderbird. edu/wwwfiles/sites/globe/pdf/process. pdf Cultural Influences on Leadership and Organizations cast GLOBE