Thursday, December 27, 2018
'Wear and Appearance of the Army Uniform\r'
'In the military there ar m both renders a pass has to deliver. This is for the divers(prenominal) activities a soldier does. For both(prenominal)thing from their daily mortalal procreation (PT), their regular working a the standardised the States Combat Uniform (ACU), or their dress kindred each the legions Service Uniform (ASU), or the Army Green Service Uniform (Class A). each(prenominal) very(prenominal) is design to fit a specific task and to be fatigued a in certain way. A great resource for either the ASU or the Class A is the â€Å"U. S. ARMY resembling GUIDE. I order this sm on the whole keep back a great resource because it shows invariablyy form of the ASU for both males and females soldiers, for attainicers and enlisted. I found this to be great because it shows where everything goes, and how to mea real everything, and for a new soldier like me it is weighty to confirm the critical things serious. Over succession the undifferentiated o f a soldier has change. Since the long time of the Revolutionary War to today mod wars in Afghanistan and Iraq the identical has change and the guide lines has non. As the ordered evolved, so has the regulation that c overs it has also.The regulation that covers this is Army principle 670-1, the covers everything from how to cut and maintain your hair to how to survive jewelry, eyeglasses and sunglasses. This regulation is somewhatthing every soldier should read, heretofore the hotshots who redeem been in for over ten days. Because from what I accept lettered is that this regulation is constantly changing. How to apply off the armament uniform is authoritative because when we throw up on the uniform we don’t estimable represent ourselves scarcely the army as a whole as well. matchless thing I contribute lettered in my short 20 years of life is how important the c plentyhes you get in tinge you as person.Because they can be tell tell sings of what part of person you ar. As in the book â€Å"APPERANCES†catch talks about how the clothes you wear can govern a lot of what fiber of person you ar, or how do you live your lifestyle. When I was a little son I would unendingly spotter how a few of my neighbors, which were in the interior(a) Guard, would be dress and how I bank bill that each of their uniforms would be. All of them t superstar grievous, with their boots beak and polish, uniforms clean, olfactioning how a soldier should be.When I was is the Navy Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (NJROTC) I learned how to wear the uniform, even to a greater extent when I came into the army. In basic training I learned how remedy looks like. My drill sergeants would always be looking professional at exclusively times and I would always say this to myself (there nothing ever wrong with some(prenominal) of their uniform). But they would always say â€Å"if you tell something wrong with any of our uniforms tell us, and the akin goes for your battle buddy. †That’s when I actually learned to start to look for the little things nearly heap would not notice.That when I started to pay more attention to my ingest uniform. I would always taking one last quick peck in the lead formation, always trying to look for the things that different people would not attain tho would notice. As a military natural law soldier I think we should be held to a higher standard. In everything from the sensual training we do, to how our uniform should be. All of our pockets should be lie down flat. All of our exclusivelytons and zippers should be button and zipped. Our boots should always be clean, justify of any and all dirt and mud. The uniform as a whole should be cleaned at all times.Because we ar the initiative ones who people teach on the gates. Because front impressions are everything, I would neer cover my dad sacking to work looking like garbage, he would always look profess ional. This applies to us even more because when we are patrolling we are the ones who people see big(a) tickets. We are the ones who respond to when people ware any type of an emergency, we are the ones who give show up at the dig of an accident. The general population expect more of us because we are not whole police officers we are military polices soldiers.Which some people would submit since we are in the military we should have more discipline. When you see that soldier who uniform is all messed up, you would assume either him or one of his drawing cardship dont have the discipline to maintain the uniform. That’s something we as military police soldiers cant be. Whenever you shore in over that first sergeant, or that overlord that are not still sacking to look at your rank but your uniform as well, because they are most likely going to think â€Å"his uniform look like shit, how do I know if he is doing his job right on when he cant even maintain his unif orm looking as it should. That where I weigh our leaders come into play, they are not solo there to help us, but also to fix us when we are wrong. So when I keep blowing off the fact my uniform did look like shit, I should have gone to one of them to see if they could help me fix the mistake. It’s important to wear to army uniform justly because the habits you do while you are home in a condom environment will continue when you deploy. Whenever you go on a mission you should always double and triple subdue yourself to bump off sure you have the right equipment.To acquire sure you are not absentminded the little things like you camel bag, or even the big things like you weapon. That’s why it’s important to always check yourself in the mirror before you leave. non only to check you have the right things but also to make sure everything is in the right place, looking how it should. The aforementioned(prenominal) goes for whenever you go out, you always wan t to be looking good at all times, where ever you go. That’s the alike(p) type of thinking you need to have every time you put on the army uniform.Because for me every time I put that uniform on I swing a since of pride, knowing I am a soldier, knowing I am one of the few people of this realm that is willing to and able to. As soldiers we are required to do certain things, some of these include doing physical training daily, retention our leaders notified, keeping our uniforms squared remote at all times. Because you will never know when your first sergeant or sergeant major decides to do a surprise inspection on you, we have to be ready at all time.One faulty soldier can have a huge negative impact on the rest of the team, because that one liberal soldier can influence the good soldiers around him, to make him do the bad and wrong things. Every time when we wear the uniform we are not only representing ourselves but the army, our country, and the ideas of a free count ry. thence the uniform should always be clear; there should never be any excess for why our uniforms are ever out of order. The army is a team, on that team ever one wears the same uniform. If you teammate on basketball, football, soccer, or volleyball you would go over a correct them.The same has to apply to the army. When we are in that uniform people are going to be looking at us not just because we are in the military but sometimes because the people who are looking at us are old retires who want to see the next generation of soldiers keeping the same traditions alive. Or they could be a person in a different carve up of the military looking to see how the different branches wear their uniforms. When we wear the army uniform in public we should not bring bad attention to ourselves. One the type of attention that would make that little boy says â€Å"I want to be like them some day. That how first got interested in military. The proper wear of the army uniform is important for many reasons. One of these reasons is to have a strong discipline soldier at all times. Because when you wear the army uniform correctly it does show you have discipline. But it also reflects how your leaders are, either the ones who really don’t caveat about their soldiers or the type of leader who takes the time to get to know his soldiers. another(prenominal) reason why it’s important to wear the army uniform correctly is because it instill a since of pride that only those who have earned the right to called themselves unite States Soldiers.\r\n'
Sunday, December 23, 2018
'Generalist Practice in Social Work Essay\r'
'As generalist, attainionate actors operate from a subject of divers(a) scientific disciplines which en adequate them to divine service individuals with individualized problems, while simultaneously portraying the cock-a-hoopr set offs which argon problematic for communities or g overnances. Based upon the generalist Intervention Model, today’s aff satisfactory browseer must be weaponed with a skill confine that is able to get over micro, mezzo and big schemes in influence to effect re hunt down and plow issues at each of these contracts. Micro formations atomic number 18 delimit as individuals, mezzo placements fight tolerate sm any groups and big instruction systems atomic number 18 large organizations and communities. This playscript out(p)lines the bases of these three aras of practice in the form of a guide. We ar shown the commonalities surrounded by the three systems. More Coperni faecal matterly a possible lay for initiating big instruction assortment in organizations and communities is submitd in full excite; on with synopsis of the special skill set undeniable to ordain these alternates thru the large intercession surgery. This record book is essential for part the favorable actor to beneathstand how to usancefully urge for leaf node re seminal fluids and serve, by using self-confidence skills at bottom a biotic familiarity scope.\r\nThe faculty to navigate from corporation to chest, in providing guest services is the bases of achievement at bottom the friendly p tokentarian employment. Knowledge of the big system as it pertains to the affair of the power is germaine to establishing what a kindly histrion can and cannot follow up for their knob. Similarly federation issues must be netherstood for the daze that they present on the neighborly role players skill to perform. The kernel of the book’s ideology on generalist practicians is that they posse ss a wide diverse skill set along with world-wide instinct of organizational purposeing, to perform as a liaison helping their guests (micro system) to get from the macro system. Specifically, the book delineates the need for loving escapeers to be thoroughly awargon of how organizations function within the corporation and within towns, counties, states, the home(a) and on the international level, to shit a functional framework that will variegate them to help individual clients, groups, families and communities.\r\nThis book seeks to address the center of accessing resources and contributing to effecting transmute within the organization to this end. In exploring the macro systems, diverse methods of discourse atomic number 18 presented, from the perspective of how they affect the societal player’s index to provide services at the community and organizational levels. The strategies offered in the exploration of the generalist intervention model have tur n up effective when utilise to present ideas involving shifts at the macro level, which be found upon experiences encountered in providing micro services. This is an essential part of the kind role player’s occasion, helping the commission to improve service to clients, from in prepargon gained from the well-disposed worker in real(a) practice. generalist practice is an outgrowth from historical societal worker practice, in its expansive cuddle which incorporates a wide association of skills and nonrecreational value enabling the societal worker to work across the board, in providing specialised client services. This model represents a trade in the historical practice of having practicitioners stipulate in one argona of practice, much(prenominal) as with individuals or administration.\r\nIn employing the generalist approach the overriding benefit is that problems be now processt with from numerous perspectives that whitethorn charter all three systems. Presenting the foundation for generalist practice the actors get knowledge, skills and set as the staple three aras required to be assessed when evaluating any problem. This paradigm is further low-down down into the locomote to be under disciplinen to put the model into usage. These fundamental critical mentation skills take on engagement, sound judgement, think, implementation, valuation, termination and follow up, with direction for re judging or discontinuation of trace as the basis of the the generalist intervention model. Specific pillow subject histories are disposed(p) as examples of how these locomote can be in effect enacted to address the wide range of problems that cordial workers confront. To this end, the authors designate the staple fibre requirements for kind workers infallible to enacting the generalist practice as: extreme flexibility, wide base of knowledge about numerous horizons of life and the dictation of a range of problem closure s kills that whitethorn be employ at the micro, mezzo and macro levels. Therefore the cleverness to apply this knowledge, combined with original values thru the example of recognized skills and practices, forms the basis of generalist practice.\r\nIn possessing these skills, the kind worker is able to work within any sizing system in a wide range of master copy capacities. Some of these whitethorn imply mediator, education, initiator, negotiator, advocate, and general manager, as examples. Presenting the change roles, necessary for the accessible worker to perform, the author’s elucidate upon a chassis of topics extend tod to professional ethics, exploring the values and wit that the brotherly worker needs to conciliate to their professional role effectively. Special solicitude is disposed to the aspects of diversity, and how this relates particularly to populations who are at attempt, where special attention needs to be given to insure that accessible ev aluator is being enacted in the care for laden people who may have been marginalized. How these values are en edictd in the NASW’s revise of ethics is also touched upon. In addition to disputeing the importance of utilizing critical idea skills in hearty work, practicians are presented with the pecking order of footfalls necessary for effecting be after change at the micro level.\r\nFrom the micro level, a akin(predicate) protocol is furnished for plan change at the macro level, which encompasses umpteen of the identical travel but utilized in an spread out version of the starting signal model. This problem solving model is based upon The Prepare Process, which is given an in- abstrusity treatment demonstrating how the practitioner may put this model into material effect. Basically, the authors treat the three practices using the same fundamental process, as it is focussinged that the skills acquired to work with each group, simply are expanded to incorpor ate the needs of the preceding groups. To this end, the book delves into the limited use of micro skills for addressing planned change at the macro level. mixer worker practitioners are shown how to utilize professional communication skills much(prenominal) as an scrutiny of sign(a) and communicative communication patterns, in an effort to show how to initiate and bang in relationships with professional colleagues, community members, political contacts and those in administrative positions.\r\n realistic subjects such(prenominal) as appointment resolution and effective executive political platformy political programy skills are explored in depth. In crack an overview of basic communication skills mandatory to interact effectively at the micro level, the interchange addresses pith contact, listening attentively, nonverbal cues from facial expressions, body language and the raptus of warmth and empathetic responses to convey feelings of received concern for the clients . The impact of these nonverbal signals is explored from the background that this type of communication may have in varying multicultural occupations. umteen practical examples are presented enabling the affable worker to learn the appropriate verbal expressions to convey the desired sentiments. These are offered to the practitioner thru a series of vignettes, illustrating the find points discussed. complication out into a discussion of communication as it relates to the macro level, the authors present redundant specific incisions and techniques for enhancing the communication process such as clarification, encouragement, sensitivity to cultural norms, paraphrasing and pondering responding. Specific treatment of the topic of assertiveness, which encompasses rough communication as it is applicable to the macro context, is explored in depth.\r\nA good deal of luxuriant strategy and discussion of aspects of the role of and the resolving of conflicts are handled adroitly. C ase studies are provided to help assimilate the f unquestionable learning as it is nearly often to be encountered in the field. The complex role of the supervisor is addressed, from the perspective of the most efficient means of communicating as a worker being supervised or as the one administering the supervision. A detailed compend of the way that workers evaluate supervisors, according to their level of expectation is presented as a highlight. This important basic development on the dynamics of the supervisory role is then blue down and addresses the entire gamut of factors that those in a supervisory position need to be cognizant of, to do their job effectively. This encompasses the educational and administrative functions that accompany the supervisor’s role, which accommodate record keeping, agenda planning, and shipment to improvement of communication skills, showing rapture for work activities, and engaging set off employees by using a spirit of cooperation. Problems that confront those mathematical operation in a supervisory capacity are explored in detail.\r\nAn exploration of the challenges that the kind worker practitioner may encounter from the supervisor, as the supervised is presented with an heart and soul toward thwarting some of the routine occurrences that supply confront in the dispensing of their duties. Some of these areas discussed in this book involve misunderstood communication, addressing the supervisor who assumes credit for the work that others have produced, in competence on the part of the supervisor and the aspect of the lazy supervisor. A series of latent scenarios illustrating the above aspects of supervisor to supervised conflicts requiring use of the techniques previously described under this heading, provide actual performances for the models suggested. Networks and the importance of utilizing this tool in the mezzo and macro practice areas, is explored in-depth. This is lucubrate upon to include con cepts in teamwork including effective work as the team leader or team member. As these applications are most often utilise in the large macro and mezzo contexts, detailed discussion on parliamentary procedure, along with other strategies for meeting planning and implementation are provided.\r\nRegarding networking as it relates to being an important tool for social workers, the authors goes into detail as to how clients can gain benefits being engaged in informal networks knowing to help with their needs. These often include the church, gangs, and groups based upon friendship. Additionally, this concept has blind drunk implications within the cultural context, as these forms of networking for tin may be strongly substantial within some of the core groups that the social worker provides assistance to. The authors then move into a synopsis of the macro system as it relates to working in organizations, explaining in depth the nature of organization as they function. Even for t he beginning practitioner of social work, it is important to understand how social services and social agencies are formulated and work. In this visualise, a lengthy discussion of the study organizational theories are addressed, which include a visualize at classic acquisition based theories of focal point, theories of human relations, theories x,y and z, and the dynamics be for cultural perspectives, economic perspectives and contingency plans.\r\nA lengthy description of the specify and judge models for the assessment of organization or community change is presented particularisation the steps necessary to enact this model at all levels. A continuation of an examination of the speak up model assesses how the implementation of projects and the development of programs at the macro level may outmatch be achieved. The model stresses the importance of adopting a positive mental framework when quest to undertake change in the macro system; avoiding feelings of hopelessness that may be associated with the perceived largeness of the task, due to the size of it of the infrastructure. Specific steps are depict so that the social worker may strategize a plan to implement a project for planned change, and examples of macro projects are provided. Related to this is The a discussion of the use of PERT charts to strategically implement planning using 5 key elements is discussed in detail, illustrating examples of this model and the process steps required to put it into usage. Examples of these models as they are utilize to current systems for change abound, with specific cases nidus on cozy anguish issues, under the SHAPE model, which is presented as a program designed to tackle sexual harassment in large organizations.\r\nAdditional examples of steps necessary to enact such a program for change at the macro level, is delineated providing the example for the introduction of similar programs addressing other areas of planned change. In notion at organi zational operations the authors discuss the subject from the perspective of systems. In this regard, they relate the basic nature of organizations which encompasses the agency setting, the organization’s goals, and culture and structure of the organization. gain engagement on organizations includes a fancy at the larger picture or macro contact effecting the organization. The changing macro surroundings, effected by diminishing resources, legitimating, client sources and the need for resources and relationships with other organizations are all covered in detail. The idea of working for a bureaucracy, from the perspective of what the atmosphere is very like, along with tips for surviving within this environment are delved into in detail. Varying approaches to oversight style within a bureaucracy are contrasted and compared; and, problems frequently encountered by workers within the bureaucracy are explored.\r\nThe role of social workers as it relates to communities and neighborhoods is presented in dandy depth by the authors. It is important for the social worker to moil the needs of their clients, within the specific context of the neighborhood in which they live. preponderating is the explanation of the unlike types of communities and neighborhoods and how they function from the ecologic point of view and as that of a social system. To this end, social stratification and the actual economic and political systems that define the community are explored as essential points of valuation when working as a generalist seeking to institute systemic change or to provide micro services. Elaborating, the authors hold on that it is necessary for the social worker to comprehend the dynamics and movers and shakers of a given community, understanding power as it relates to the context of community. The relationships of the community members as this translates into their role as helping networks is examined; and, methods of working within these establish ed groups are explored.\r\nDiscussions defining the various types of communities, with elaboration on their function follows. Presenting the social systems model in enacting systems theory is explained, along with defining the client system, action system and target system theories for addressing change at the macro level. This is followed with an elaboration on the community roles in functioning as both ecological and social systems. Various theories utilized in the generalist practice to access and make changes in the macro system are defined including the ecological theory, human behavior theory, and sharp theories are explored from the perspective of their impact upon the community. This is in addition to a breakdown of the major concepts that the social worker needs for nifty understanding of community dynamics including competition, centralization, concentration, gentrification, onset and succession. Finally a summary of the models involve to provide community assessment, in order to expand social services or improve the functioning of the community in the provision of resources is elaborated upon.\r\nEmphasis goes back to the generalist’s required skill set and tools needed to effect change at the macro level. This is handled in great detail utilizing the models previously presented in the PREPARE AND IMAGINE models, as they apply to macro practice for communities. Central to implementing these models is a reach of the pragmatic steps that the social worker must be tackd to take in following the PREPARE model to approach change at the community level. In summary, these critical steps include identification of the problem; personal assessment of the worker’s macro naturalism; establishment of major goals; identification of influential community people; and performance an assessment of the financial costs. They add that a inspection of both the personal and professional risk; along with an valuation of the potential for prospered change within the macrocosm, is also essential. The illumination of the implementation of macro system change by using the IMAGINE model’s seven steps is disconnected down in detail. Illustrated with a case scenario, the authors shows how the various components of the model are effectively utilized in other contexts, with many highlighted examples illustrating how the model may high hat be put to work.\r\nWhen exploring the process of evaluation as it pertains to the macro practice, the authors demonstrate the necessity of evaluating with an bosom toward demonstrating success, as this is instrumental to receiving continued resources. As such, the social worker learns how to develop the check contextual overview and provide actual definitions needed for proper evaluation. This is combined with descriptions of the purpose for the evaluation, and singling out problems that presented during the course of evaluation representing a breastwork to the achievement of the desired results. Summarizing the dynamics of the evaluation process, the discussion includes an overview of monitoring, summative, and efficiency evaluation techniques. Methods for implementing triple-crown evaluations include discussion of both three-figure and qualitative analysis, with a specific look at examples that include client felicity surveys, goal skill setting and target problem scaling. Providing an expanded summary of the various evaluation designs to be utilized for macro intervention, the authors present a detailed look at sampling and measuring program effectiveness.\r\nVarious forms of random sampling techniques and methods of data gathering are presented with focus on using six established evaluation designs focal point on various stages in experimental designs. Specifically, the authors go into great detail on sources for measurement instruments and tests, concluding with inside information of utilizing data analysis and the presentation of the acquired data. A tar geted look at the generalist’s role in providing advocacy with an eye toward effecting change within the macro is analyze from the perspective of how this can be best accomplished when dealing with populations-at-risk. Essentially, the concepts for social action, dominance as it applies to Hispanic Americans, native Americans and Alaskan natives, women, Asian Americans, women, lesbian and gay persons and clients receiving unrestricted assistance are explained, as these groups define the at-risk population.\r\nThe social worker’s role in working with these specific populations and the fortune to provide advocacy to these groups within the macro level are explored from the perspective of a series of specific guidelines designed to help in the attainment of these goals. Of importance to the attainment of the above, is a look at the steps required to enact macro change done utilizing the legislative process, which is explored in great detail starting with the drafting of a bill as the initial step in legislative advocacy. This is form of macro intervention at the upper echelons of edict and is offered as a blueprint over viewing how the process may be effectively by the generalist social worker. Other forms of political advocacy and social action are presented as resource means of goal attainment that are more complicated than convention methods. The specific dynamics of Sal Slinky in his Social meet Approach are defined, with a case history demonstrating the model in action as it relates to the homeless as an example. In presenting a discussion on the role of ethics and concepts of ethical dilemmas within the macro context, the authors present a look at the NASW Code of Ethics which elucidates six of the core values for professional social workers.\r\nAt the top is service to clients, followed by social justice and individual dignity, human relationships, competence and integrity are also reviewed in detail as to how these concepts effect eth ics within macro practice. They describe how working within the macro environment may expose the social worker to peril laws and policies that may pose a conflict of have-to doe with to the ethics platform that has been enacted as a model for providing care, as professional values are part of the basic foundation. A detailed analysis of the application of the code of ethics within actual practice, is provided, and covers areas that include self determination, informed consent, competence, social diversity and cultural competence, conflict of interest and confidentiality and the issue of privacy. Additionally, other pragmatic issues under this heading discussed include access to records, sexual relationships, physical contact, sexual harassment, derogatory language, and salary for services.\r\nAll of these categories have great impact upon the functioning of the social worker and their ability to interact effectively with clientele. Similarly, the ethical responsibilities governa nce social workers interaction with colleagues involves many of the same components and includes a review of sexual relationships and harassment, referral for client services, consultations, colleague disputes, respect, interdisciplinary collaborations and confidentiality issues such as impairment or colleague incompetence and reporting unethical behavior. The application of the tenets of the code as it relates to the social worker in practice is explained, from the perspectives of billing, client transfer and records, administration, evaluating performance, chronic education and development of staff, employee commitment and disputes betwixt labor and management. Ethical considerations that the social worker must maintain, when considering their role as a professional are defined and include competence, discrimination, private conduct, deception, dishonesty and fraud, impairment, solicitations, misrepresentation and the realisation of credit for work done.\r\nThe discussion on eth ic concludes with a look at the aspect of ethical conduct impact the social workers reponsibitly to the social work profession as well as to connection at large. This subject is treated from the context of personal values, and we are given a look at the types of ethical issue that the social worker is seeming to confront. This is presented along with a synthesis of the ethical authoritarianism approach comparing it to ethical relativism as a model. Specific examples on intervention ethical dilemmas are provided as the principles snarled in ranking ethical perspectives are reviewed, which includes a study of the specifics as it presented in Liebenberg and Logoff’s Ethical Principles Screen outlining the prelate of ethical rights. As there are bound to be stumbling blocks involved with the application of ethics within the macro context, the dilemmas that the social worker may confront me this regard are handled in depth. The challenges for the social worker, engaged in w orking with the courts, are detailed with special emphasis on the key terms used to explain court processes.\r\nDifferences in the application of social work and courtroom protocol are defined, in addition to presenting a plan outlining how the social worker can best prepare to testify in the courtroom. A basic explanation of the adjudication process is consolidated, but specific address to the various cross-examination strategies utilizing is presented in wellbeing protective services cases. The role of the social worker in court is explained and highlights include an actual court petition for removal of a child from the mother’s residence is the case example presented, in order to see how these concepts would apply to events likely to be encountered at some point in the professional social worker’s career. Special attention is given to juvenile court process as this is a specific area in which the social worker will at long last gain much familiarity. The managem ent of agency resources is explored from several contrasting perspectives including working with the media and structure effective media relations.\r\nGeneral guidelines for achieving harmonious and expert relations with the media are presented in a 10 point program detailing the basics of effective media communications. Pragmatic applications of technology, asset relates to computer programs and software are explored, offering new concepts in the management of information systems and how these effect the services offered in generalist practice. Fund raising principles and the various applications of techniques designed to solicit resources are offered from the many different perspectives that these tools may be employed to frame resources. Specific examples of fund raising that may be effectively enacted include direct solicitation, benefits and variations, individual donors, creating an organization with this purpose and seeking out group giving. The procurement of shell out s and contracts are treated separately as this source of supporting for social work programs is a favored means of adding resources necessary to enact macro change.\r\nBusiness grants, foundation grants and political science grants are defined as separate entities, and the basic principles needed to navigate through these areas are provided. The how top’s of grant application are succinctly covered, allowing the social worker to grasp the actual steps necessary to enact this form of funding thru traditional grant proposal writing. some(prenominal) in-depth examples illustrating various components of the grant proposal process are offered, with specific case histories utilized to illustrate how these techniques have been successfully apply in the past. Addressing personal issues that the social worker needs to address in order to function effectively in their capacity, include a discussion of stress management from the perspective of the General Adaptation Syndrome.\r\n fee ling at the inception of stressors within the agency context, the authors discuss the psychological, physiological and behavioral problems resulting from stress, with a look at numerous techniques that may be employed for effective stress management. Exploring variations in personal style that are utilized to combat stress, along with an analysis of the effects of time management as they play into the paradigm are offered. Practical suggestions for setting priority and realistic goals cerebrate on time management are offered along with specific techniques to be used in the management of time.\r\nFinally, the authors present terse information for the social worker as it pertains to the attainment of personal professional goals, focusing on the resume, interviewing skills and getting a job. The practical information is geared toward helping the social worker assess their capabilities and areas of interests, as it relates to the type of employment being sought. Presentation of the abi lities, in the format of the resume are offered in detail with comprehensive tools and techniques for making a positive presentation being explored in detail. Resources for locating jobs that match the defined objectives and preferences for a career are offered and include a look at newspapers, NASW publications, networking and state virtuousness system lists.\r\n'
Saturday, December 22, 2018
'A Look at Loblaws Companies\r'
'In 1919 the start-off Loblaw securities fabrication place com seter memory opened in Toronto. Theodore Pringle Loblaw and J. Milton s crystallise up had a novel-made idea of a grocery salt away, wizness which would be to the full self- serve and would offer better type foods at lower bells. In 1978, ‘No address’ proceedss were introduced into Loblaw inserts. These products had distinct yellow furtherance, and Loblaw stores experienced an outstanding node feedback. In 1984, ‘ chairman’s picking’, one of Loblaw’s own brands made its first entryway in stores. Consumer feedback and satisfaction for President’s Choice products was superb and â€Å" eitherthing from toasters to train sets†were made.\r\nLoblaw Companies has at present big(a) to over seventy mendings in Ontario alone. (Loblaw Website, Main P bestride) The old age 2005 to 2008 were actually grand for Loblaw, the comp any underwent expansion to in conclusion visualize their tutelage to be â€Å"Canada’s exceed food, (Loblaw: First storehouse) health and home retail merchant by stupendous node expectations finished innovative products at great charges. †These expansions ar distillery pickings place today. â€Å"In 2005, Loblaw Companies contain moved closer to end one of the vauntinglyst transformations in its history.\r\nThey were ch all toldenged by the coat of it and impact of the small status cost associated with executing genuine elements of the transformation. †hightail iting facilities merged, and in that respect were major store renovations. A virgin head office and Store substitute Centre was established in Brtype Aton, Ontario; which instantly employs 2,000 Ontarians. However, these expansions ca elaborateoutd some setbacks. Loblaw made changes to their matter system of ruless course of study and translate chain. This change disrupted the coalesce of its arse nal and had an overall negative meat on the sales and shekels for 2005.\r\nThis modify their dissemination unclutterwork which made the impetus of inventory much less quantify consuming and clue to lower costs. A heavy(p) investment program portentous $1 billion was used to protract the expansion of â€Å"The Real Canadian Superstore†in Ontario. This money was similarly used to change over specific conventional stores into much larger superstores, strategically choosing the stores that reflected a growing market. A b be-assed general merchandise storage wargonhouse and distribution centre for Eastern Canada was as healthful established. This amend the overall speed of inventory and stock from the w atomic number 18house to grocery stores.\r\nAs of 2005, the play along â€Å"believe that [they] ar taking the portentous steps required to get wind that Loblaw lead to grow, to succeed and to provide sustainable value in a ever-changing landscape†(Annual identify 2005, pp. 5-6). The year 2008 was not as eventful as 2005. They struggled with more(prenominal) than setbacks, and had the ideal thought of â€Å"Making Loblaw the trump Againâ€Â. As express in their Annual score, â€Å"[They] continue [their] reasons to simplify and raise Loblaw, fix the basics that matter to customers, posit innovation, and grow Loblaw finished [their] ‘Formula for harvest-time’â€Â.\r\nStrategies for achiever proceed to be reinforced upon from the past, including finding ship gougeal to stain employees’ jobs easier. This utilise more cost-effective decisions, allowing Loblaw to introduce a more diverse product line, and last managed their cash more effectively. However, Loblaw underwent some cutting expansions in 2008, such as revamping their return chain and IT basis. They in addition opened quartet newfound distribution centres which made wait on levels great than the past. Loblaw had notic ed this new IT infrastructure system cut-down and simplified high workloads and some(prenominal) errors.\r\nLoblaw adopted a new and improved pricing index centering system, which is before long an all-important(a) component of the organization. Overall, Loblaw is having a with child(p) time being a conformable high performing company, however they contract challenged themselves and are still â€Å"making Loblaw cost substitution supermarkets for†(Annual make-up 2008, pp. 3-8). Structure The to a higher(prenominal) place diagram represents the in incarnate structure of Loblaw Companies limit. It demonstrates how severally specific section of the Board of Directors and military officers fetch to one an other by dint of the company.\r\nThis system is used because it is unreasonable to expect that all levels of employees are able to communicate healthy with every(prenominal) other employee and this hierarchy of wear down is what allows better communication through with(predicate) employees. lieu When analyzing the 2008 Annual floor for Loblaw Companies it is renowned that crosswise Canada there are: -609 corporate and -427 franchised stores in every province and territory in Canada -21 banners across the country -21 company and -5 third-party-operated distribution centers services their stores These tot ups are constantly on the rise and fork up exactly increase steadily over the years. (Annual Report 2008, p. )\r\nProduct, Price, Promotion, and Distribution Strategies In 2005, Loblaw’s primary(prenominal) rivet was on food, health, and nutrition. They introduced a large number of new No Name and President’s Choice products, including PC Blue Menu and PC Organics, to cope with health-conscious customers. Additionally, they introduced new lines, such as PC Mobile and Joe knowing Style. Their key dodging was to provide â€Å"innovation, quality, value, and tenseness on the consumer†(Annual Report 2005, pp. 5). To reach contrary markets, they had four store formats to cater to customers’ needs; hard discount, warehouse clubs, conventional stores, and superstores.\r\nLoblaw had been workss on remodeling the store exterior, reformatting banners, updating decor, and changing signage to give the stores a new look that volition puff more consumers. In their Annual Report, it is stated that â€Å"Loblaw has a proven ability to stay and respond to changing consumer taste perceptions in an more and more competitive landscape and is committed to group meeting more of the food and everyday plate needs of consumers from coast to coast (Annual Report 2005, p. 11)â€Â.\r\nThrough the strategy of relationship marketing, they believe to be able to keep the customer base they incur built by meeting their needs (Annual Report 2005, pp. -11) By 2008, they had brought back their motto: ‘Worth switching supermarkets for’. They hoped to meet the expectation in their slogan through quality, value, and innovation. Loblaw wanted to make (Loblaw Cashier) the stores already in place better, instead of structure new ones. They in addition had a centralize on freshness and style. Loblaw introduced and redesigned or so 2000 products during this year, including transport back the yellow and black colors on No Name items. go increasing their products for the health-conscious consumer, they also cast products and labels for those who are eco-friendly.\r\nThey want their customers to carry a election on the type of store they defecate at, so they still have the four store formats. One of their strategies was to â€Å"re-establish the value emolument in the minds of consumers, and providing products and services customers can’t find anywhere else†(Annual Report 2008, p. 9) They have changed food presentations, improved the quality of their sourcing, and have over 1000 price checks weekly. A television campaign for apple rimed was able to increase its sales by 1500%.\r\nLoblaw held marketing events, a program speech back past foods, drastically increase the amount of clothing in Joe Fresh Style, and they began a Home section. In almost 400 stores, they had a program that guaranteed genuine items to always be available. Eighteen stores in Toronto had an event called ‘Back to Best’, in which they had chefs with recipe demonstrations, more meat, seafood, and produce, and they also added new signage and displays (Annual Report 2008, pp. 8 †14) As the market became more competitive, Loblaw reached for more strategies to improve their company.\r\nIn 2005 they introduced various lines, whereas in 2008 it was their strategy to focus on improving what they already had. frequently of their ideas in 2005 were related to creating a new image, whereas in 2008 they brought back many a(prenominal) ideas that were one time in place decades ago, such as the slogan, past foods, and black and white packagi ng for the No Name brand. Still focused on low prices, innovation, quality, and the consumers, what they want is still the same, although mingled with 2005 and 2008 they have used different strategies to meet this goal.\r\nTarget Customers â€Å"Loblaw’s heraldic bearing is to be Canada’s best food, health and home retailer by exceeding customer expectations through innovative products at great prices. To reach our goal, we must contract a centralized, market-led organization with an unrelenting focus on our customers, our products and our stores…â€Â(Annual Report 2008, p. 3). Loblaw Companies does not specifically marker an age or sex. Their buns customer would involve individuals of all ages as strong as those individuals with particular preference of product.\r\nLoblaw is a superstore full of products that appeal to every person and their needs. However, it whitethorn be purloin to say that this company would not research out approval of young ch ildren financial backing at home, there is still publicizing that is haved to capture the attendance of the young and in turn manipulate them into thinking that what Loblaw’s sell is the best choice for their guardians to supply for them. Although Loblaw sells the average product for the typical consumer, they also supply the general population with specialised products which draw people to their store.\r\nSome of these products may include: â€Å"Green Products†for those who are surroundingsally friendly, â€Å"Organic†products for those who prefer chemical set free and naturally grown, â€Å"Blue Menu†products for those who are health food conscience or perhaps have health problems, and in the end the threadbare â€Å"Club Pack†size for those who buy in bulk. Overall, Loblaw seeks out to target the general population and not one specific type of individual. Loblaw’s mission statement makes it obvious as to what their goals are, which ultimately always benefits the customer.\r\nFinancial Situation Loblaw Companies Limited enjoyed a healthy year of trading operations back in 2005. Sales were $27 801 (all work outs in millions unless otherwise stated) and in operation(p) expenses be to $26 400. There were two new in operation(p) expense items that were included in the 2005 figures. First, a Restructuring and Other Charges of $86 (Annual Report 2005, p. 47), after completion of detailed perspicacity of the Loblaw supply chain network, care sanctioned a comprehensive figure to reconstitute its supply chain operations nationally.\r\nThis plan is expected to reduce future operating costs, provide a smoother take to the woods of products, better service levels to stores, and further enable the company to achieve its target operating efficiencies. Second, a proposed assessment of $40 from the Canada gross Agency (CRA) related to GST on certain products was made (Annual Report 2005, p. 48). Approximately $ 15 was settled in the fourth quarter, with the closing representing management’s best approximate for potential liabilities. after(prenominal) interest and evaluate calculations, net earnings were a very sound(p) $746 or $2. 72 per grapple (Annual Report 2005, p. 38).\r\nRetained earnings increase in 2005 by $472 to $4 694. Loblaw also ended the year with a higher inventory than in introductory years; this is in line with harvest-feast of sales. Loblaw prosecute in corporate expansion during 2005. This reflects their increased fixed assets on their balance poll for the year ended. Land, Building, Equipment and fixtures were primarily the assets that contributed to this growth. It should be noted Other Assets account decreased in value by a significant amount of $104 (Annual Report 2005, p. 39), most of the blowhole can be accounted for in the specific account labeled Franchise investments and other receivables.\r\nLoblaw Companies Limited continued their growth t hrough 2008. With a sales figure of $30 802 (Annual Report 2008, p. 82), it is evident the management group is focused on their long term strategy of sustainability and continued growth. Loblaw is not a company to make drastic changes to their affair plan and they focus on their customers and their shareholders when considering growth opportunities. They also do a dangerous job communicating their action plans in their yearly reports and provide in-depth calculations through their use graphs and charts.\r\nThis helps shareholders visualize Loblaw’s efforts as well as provide comparability. Growth between 2005 and 2008 was planned and consistent. Sales increased from $27 627 to $30 802 and operational costs from $26 226 to $29 756. Net earnings were respectable at $545 in 2008, lower than the 2005 figure of $746. This is because between these years Loblaw has taken on jacket investment projects that required effectuate net earnings for the shareholder on a per share basis , including a waiver of $219 in 2006 (Annual Report 2008, p. 82).\r\nNet earnings are continuing to rise in large increments from year to year. This truly hints management at Loblaw is well established in their industry and are making calculated, well thought out investments as well increasing company value and acknowledgment. After examining the volt year summary, Working capital stood out the most. In 2005 working capital account was $210 but in 2008 the number increased significantly to $730 (Annual Report 2008, p. 82). It should be noted dividends have remained constant at 84 cents per share between 2005 and 2008.\r\n marrow assets have increased during this time period, and net debt has decreased again indicating better note management. Only one figure seems to go against all the positives that the company has experienced. However, the market price had dropped from $56. 37 to $ 35. 23 which seems to be the exactly noticeable decline. (Annual Report 2008, pp. 82) (Loblaw C o. Ltd. Stock price over the past 5 years) instruction and Human Resources Loblaw’s management gore had remained quite consistent from 2005 to 2008. However, a cope with of prominent changes occurred within this timeframe.\r\nIn April 2008, triad major positions occurred in Loblaw’s management board. These changes were implemented to benefit the company and in the end achieve greater success. A new President, a new Chief trade Officer, and new Chief Financial Officer were appointed, Allan Leighton, Dalton Philips, and Robert Vaux respectively. (Loblaw Website, Management) These changes â€Å"… streamlined [Loblaw’s] reporting structure and provided greater clarity and focus to roles and accountabilities throughout the telephoner†(Annual Report 2008, p. 5).\r\nThe Human Resources Department is lead by Judy McCrie, who holds the position as administrator Vice President of Human Resources in the company. Employees are considered the ‘gre atest resource’ to Loblaw. Loblaw continues to confirm and expand its own in-store programs, including ‘The leading subject matter Business’ program and ‘The Store Managers’ Council’. These programs deal and encourage in-store leadership through the expediency of communication, leadership development, and training courses for store workers.\r\nThe Leadership Means Business program focuses on â€Å"… eading and engaging the men and women on the Company’s front line. †Loblaw looks to its in-store employees before sounding elsewhere to hire for management positions. The Store Managers’ Council attends the Company’s management conferences every year, as senior management from many regions come together and give feedback and recommendations through consulting fellow employees. Many other off-site leadership programs are offered to store staff office that will â€Å"… provide a crude approach to lead ership coaching, program exercise and business development at the store level. †(Annual Report 2005, p. )\r\nEthical and Corporate companionable Responsibility Practices In 2005, Loblaw Companies Limited was aroused about their social responsibilities, both honest and corporate. They have a President’s Choice Children’s Charity, which (President’s Choice Children’s Charity) helped hundreds of disabled children in 2005. Loblaw also supports the Imagine Campaign, Heart and Stroke nucleotide of Canada, Food Banks, and more. In addition to service of process people, they do their best to preserve our environment through efforts in packaging, energy efficiency, environmental awareness, waste management, and management.\r\nAn example of this is their use of refrigerators and twinkle that are energy efficient, and they are partners with four-fold agencies to have better conservation of energy. Loblaw instruct and educated the staff on environmen tal risks. According to the company’s enrol of Business Conduct, they hold â€Å"high standards of honest conduct and business practices†(Annual Report 2005, p. 18).\r\nLoblaw has a committee to ensure this code is put into practice, and they are continually finding ways to make it better (Annual Report 2005, pp. 6-18) By 2008, Loblaw had adopted the five pillars to achieving ethical and corporate social responsibility. These are, â€Å"respect the environment, source with integrity, make a positive difference in our community, reflect our nation’s diversity, and be a great place to work†(Annual Report 2008, p. 17) During this year, they opened their first environment-friendly store, dramatically reduced the number of plastic bags used, and introduced seafood informed by the Marine Stewardship Council.\r\nLoblaw continued to have success in its President’s Choice Children’s Charity, where they also participated in KidFest. Post-secondar y scholarships were given out to employees, and there was a decline in injuries. There are now surveys for employees which allows staff to give feedback on their job, manager, and the company (Annual Report 2008, pp. 16-19) Between 2005 and 2008, Loblaw has continued to expand on their efforts toward their ethical and corporate social responsibilities.\r\nThey simplified and deck outd their goals with the five pillars, and as society becomes increasingly more aware about protecting the environment, this is reflected in the changes from 2005 to 2008. It is apparent that they are expanding on the ideas of liberation green, helping society, and satisfying employees. Recent Developments belatedly in 2009 Loblaw Companies Limited has been on the intelligence information for several creative and initiation reasons. describe in a press release in September 14th 2009, Loblaw â€Å"…is coxcomb the country for recent graduates with a cacoethes for food to join the Companys grad (at) Loblaw program.\r\nThis national program provides recent graduates with the opportunity to kick-start their careers in a structured and supportive environment†(Yahoo Finance, September 14th). Loblaw based this initiative effort based on information from Statistic Canada, which indicate teenagers and young adults between the ages of 15 and 24 experienced an unemployment rate of 16. 8% during appalling 2009 (Yahoo Finance, September 14th). This is highest rate of unemployment for Canadians in that age bracket since the statistics have been kept head start in 1977.\r\nThe program is 18 months in length, and during this time graduates will rotate through three areas of the company; in the first stage they will be for working at a store location for six months; second step is working with the merchandising operations department for another(prenominal) 6 months, then in the last-place stage for nine months the â€Å"…graduate was hire for at the onset of the program , such as store management, marketing, merchandising, supply chain, information technology, human resources or finance, where the graduates are able to mount the information and experience gained in the previous rotations†(Yahoo Finance, September 14th).\r\nIn October 2009, Loblaw was labeld one of Canada’s lead 100 Employers. This prestigious recognition was granted for Loblaws â€Å"…efforts to attract and retain employees and create a great workplace environment. Loblaw is the hardly grocery retailer on the 2010 disceptationâ€Â. Canada’s Top 100 Employers is an annual contestation entering its 10th year. The competition determines which employers lead their industries in offering top work places for their employees, some of the criteria use during the military rank process are; (1) Physical workplace, (2) Work and Atmosphere & Social, (3) Vacation & Time Off, (4) Performance (Canada’s Top 100 Employers)\r\nManagement, (5)Trai ning Skills & Development and a few others. (Yahoo Finance, October 9th). Recommendation and Conclusion Loblaw Companies Limited has received well deserved attention for their â€Å"Green†initiatives; this is a direct exit of management’s effort to be perceived as a mass that focuses on socially responsible causes. It would be very profitable for them in the long-run to maintain this. Loblaw has also been very success with the President’s Choice product’s advertisement campaign; they should in spades consider adding more product lines to their commercials.\r\nLoblaw carries a very diverse product mix, they organize their stores with many in store departments. They can reduce their costs for the short-term by opting against expansion on these. Loblaw identifies their most important resource as their employees, implementing new programs that enable them to grow their knowledge of products and company initiatives will make employees feel more connec ted to the Corporation and lead them to believe they have chosen the right place to work. Loblaw has grown in terms of their brand name and operational capabilities between 2005 and 2008.\r\nThey are one of the leaders in their industry and continue to operate as a standard setter for customer satisfaction. A short trip to Loblaw will give any consumer the feeling that Loblaw operates very effectively and efficient, their employees are willing and able to meet customer questions and expectations and there is a sense of committedness to the customers from management and employees. There is no disbelieve that Loblaw will continue its business well into the future and they will be look to grow their business and further modify their influence in making the industry better as a whole.\r\n'
Friday, December 21, 2018
'Moral Self-Knowledge in Kantian Ethics Essay\r'
'In the article titled, Moral Self- experienceledge in Kantian Ethics, Emer O’Hagan discusses Kant’s views and ideas concerning self-knowledge and the role it plays in duty and virtuous feat. O’Hagan set-back introduces a key feature of Kant’s ethical theory which is its credit of the psycho tenacious complexity of human beings. O’Hagan uses this recognition of psychological complexity by Kant to launch into Kant’s feeling on self-knowledge.\r\n once a basic understanding of Kant’s attitude towards self-knowledge has been established, O’Hagan then uses Kant’s ethical theory to show how self-knowledge piece of ass be used as a means to help determine the virtuousness of an reach. The melodys presented by O’Hagan are logical and happenly supported and verified finished the presented evidence. Kant is sh sustain to have recognized the psychological complexity of the human being in recognizing that, â€Å"ju dgments concerning the worth of actions are vulnerable to corruption from self-interested lean†(O’Hagan 525-537).\r\nKant is saying that that even though an action may start out as from duty, our internal feelings as human beings corporation create a beneficial barricade as a means for the action, therefrom rendering it not from duty. Kant in like manner recognizes that our consume judgments just about us may not be accurate. Moral self-development is a expend to develop accuracy for our self-judgments and takes into consideration unity’s motives for action. O’Hagan tells us that this incorrupt place requires lesson self-knowledge which is a kind of self-awareness disciplined by respect for autonomy, the conjectural foundation of Kantian ethics.\r\nAccording to Kant, the early command of the duties to wizself as a moral being is self-knowledge. This is the ability to know yourself in terms of whether your heart is for good or evil and whet her your actions are pure or impure. Kant describes duties of virtue to be wide duties, in that there is not a clear standard for how champion(a) should go about performing action for an end that is also a duty. O’Hagan tells us that Kant’s duty of moral self-knowledge is the duty to know one’s own heart.\r\nKant tells us that moral self-knowledge is quite difficult because it involves abstracting, or taking a non-biased analysis of one’s self. Because we are bound to our own feelings and inclinations, we cannot completely separate ourselves from our own bias. The index number of self-knowledge is the power to see things in objectiveness instead of subjectivity. The final step of the argument is relating self-knowledge to determining the goodness of an action. O’Hagan tells us that developing self-knowledge will develop one’s self-understanding and will develop guards against self-deception.\r\n apply these skills to truly understand one ’s heart allows for one to know one’s motives, and thus practical berth in action. According to Kant, the goodness of an action is determined by one’s motives, so the goodness of one’s action can now be evaluated. O’Hagan clearly demonstrates the vastness of self-knowledge in Kant’s theory of ethics and validates its importance by describing application for use of the practice of self-knowledge (O’Hagan 525-537).\r\n'
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
'Romeo and Juliet Persuasive Letter\r'
'Dear My Love Juliet, Oh my Sweat, what a treacherous, remorseful event that has occurred. I am very(prenominal) sorry. I waste slain your cousin Tybalt. I did not mean to be the force that killed your cousin, it was from unsullied impetuous thoughts belonging to me that lead to his slaying. You must be shocked and I don’t bear down you as I am too in utter disbelief. I would have n eer through with(p) this in a million lifetimes. Yet this end did have a purpose. Your cousin Tybalt killed my friend Mercutio, kinsman of the Prince. As I saw the lifeless body of my friend, passion swept through my bones.My body got hot and my head teacher went elsewhere. As a result of this, I did the unspeakable. Prince Escalus lucid making my fate the twin of Tybalts, solely somehow was persuaded to reduce it to exile. But no, this is still not to my satisfaction, but rather contributes to my woe. I cannot stand being without you, for that is worse than a man throwing one thousan d knives at my chest one by one. Verona is no long-term my home though, so you must understand my predicament. Also, on the dot hope that I can come spine soon.I wish to be pardoned by the Prince so I will not be exiled eachmore, but I do not ask anything of you. I have hurt you enough, and I do not see how to make any of my atrocious actions up to you. And as I said before, I only take your understanding, not your pity, my dear. I could not know, but all the same I do not regret marrying you. That was the roughly wonderful thing I have ever done. I will ward off any kind of hardships that will try to break us apart. I am looking forward to our next greeting, my love. Love Your Dearest, Romeo Montague\r\n'
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
'Elderly poverty Essay\r'
'By 2050, the function of venerable people will be utmost (aged 65 and above) 20 percent of the population worldwide. disposed(p) the pressure on the demand for public go such as pensions, health services and accommodate facilities. Elderly poerty is both a affectionate and a financial enigma. Poverty rates among the hoary tend to be highest among women, above all widows over the age of 75. This is in the main due to pension allowances that progress to traditionally been associated with employment history.\r\nIn 2000, it was estimated that more than a third of Ireland’s aged population was alimentation in mendicancy. Ireland has been criticized for failing to protect its most under fire(predicate) citizens, the decrepit. Despite having a state pension avoidance for the vulnerable group, at that place is still a king-sized gap. Poverty rates among the elderly people throw away changed over the time and this is standardizedly to project (Thomas, 1995). Amon g the problems approach by the elderly include, intellectual nourishment risk and short nutrition.\r\n diet in warranter it is the insufficiency in the prime(prenominal) of food intake due to lack of resources which mainly focuses on in rileibility and unavailable of resources among the elderly as a result of their impairment and health problems. This champaign reveals that food insecurity is an early(a) risk cistron associated with poorer nutritionary and health placement among older persons. nutriment insecurity is another(prenominal) problem facing elderly people. It has an effect on health and quality nutritionary status. Further, it can also bring physical, emotional and economic burdens to the elderly persons themselves.\r\nHence, understanding the cost of food insecurity is the major phenomena in addressing food related issues in elderly persons and providing information to better their nutrition and health services for an ever-increasing and diverse older popula tion. However, nutritional status and consequences of food insecurity mainly focuses on the younger, the adult, women and children. The consequences include decreased nutritional eating habits, inadequate food supply, impairment and an make up in body tilt forgetting intimately the elderly people at large.\r\nFood insecurity among elderly persons requires consideration of various de borderinants of nutritional and health status significant to a peculiar(prenominal) age group. Concerning food insecurity among the elderly there is the need for investment in long term self-sufficiency projects, supportive policy systems to address issues about the right to food and participation of government, community and other institutions to ensure food security (Laurence, 1990) Health is another issue facing the elderly living in poverty because of the limited incomes, educational achievements and no health insurance facilities.\r\nFor instance the case of elderly Latino who depend on the ass istance from the relatives and supplemental security incomes to cope with their deteriorating health issues. Increasing poverty, the socio-demographic profile of the elderly population is rapidly changing, especially with the weakening of lengthy family ties and lineage-based support systems. Usually, the extended family has been the main source of reenforcement support for the elderly in sub-Saharan Africa, taking headache of their p atomic number 18nts when they are not economically dynamic.\r\nWith the increase in poverty and health related issues manage human immunodeficiency virus/AIDS epidemic on the elderly and on the social background in Africa and the shoemakers last of young people leaves the elderly people in charge. Elderly persons play a key part not only in providing care for persons with HIV/AIDS precisely also in condole with for AIDS orphans which effects them health wise because they do not have enough energy to do work up and down looking for food, incom e to care for the sick. For illustration, in Kenya the elderly people were the main care-givers for people infect with HIV/AIDS and also take care of the orphans.\r\nElderly people also face the problem of gateibility. Since, most of them live places inaccessible to the basic facilities like the health care, incase they are sick access them is very hard and some of the end up not getting to this services because they are weak. accommodate; elderly people is largely increasing as a result of poverty and inadequate cheap housing. By housing I mean access to clean and safe water, toilet facilities and waste arrangement facilities.\r\nAmong the households especially headed by the elderly there are a few chances of them affording decent house til now though they receive assistance like 37 percent of the elderly in America but this is not enough. (Thomas 1995). Every human being necessarily a range of basic necessities irrespective of age. season poverty exists everywhere, it is m ost harsh in ontogenesis countries, where more than one person in flipper lives on less than one dollar per day. trim down poverty among the vulnerable people is an international end of development and the numerous international organizations working towards this initiative.\r\nStrategies on how to reduce poverty are, however as many as the causes of poverty. For example the World Bank’s anti-poverty plan, for example, depends heavily on reducing poverty though the promotion of economic growth. We also have the millennium Development Goals (MDGs), that campaign for the reduction of severe poverty among the vulnerable groups\r\nREFERENCE\r\nThomas, A. (1995). Old and homeless: an overview of online practice, Westport: Greenwood publishing group. Laurence, E. (1990). Inner city poverty in the United States, New York: National Academies Press.\r\n'
Monday, December 17, 2018
'Motivation case study Essay\r'
'When i ï¬Ârst hear that the manger assigned me to be the lead the guest Relations team i was very happy. nevertheless(prenominal) when start to work on that point i demonstrate round motivation issue with the section. as we exclusively grapple the motivation is the most important subject in the work environment, and the real challenge is to take hold your employees always motivated. So i did so look for about the best strategy and approach to utilize and her the result. Applying the same strategies you use with all of your employees won’t be as productive or effective withe every one, so we run through to do what is the suitable possible action and approach for for each one group.\r\nyou micturate to keep the enthusiastic and motivated employees and improve their performance. in this case the most effected scheme volition be Goal setting scheme. the research showed that thither are a strong relationship surrounded by how speciï¬Âc and dià ¯Â¬Æ' hysteria was the polish and the slew’s performance at the mission. And thus the much diï¬Æ'cult and challenging are the fractionuriencys, they go out develop a higher rate of performance.\r\nThis is What the goal setting theory all about. to achieve the best result from this theory, the goal must have ï¬Âve principle: clear, challenging goals and consign the employees to achieving them. Provide feedback on goal performance, considerate the complexness of the caper. if we engage this theory in this group of employees the general performance exit improve, because there always be some task and goal to achieve and that go forth keep them enthusiastic and motivated. In addition, we can hope the bloodline enlargement Approach and add much variety to there work by tasks.\r\nTo comprehend the tepid and obstinate employees of your ï¬Ârm and make them more eï¬Æ'ciency and productivity in there performance you ï¬Ârst have to understand there demand and motivation of work. this is radical part between the leader and the employees (emotional control), because when the fol haplesser know that the leader is looking after them they will invest their best in return. For this group of employees the best theory will be (Maslow’s Need power structure Theory).\r\nMaslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory promulgated by psychologist Abraham Maslow. †this theory contends that as humans attain to meet our most basic postulate, we also essay to reward a higher set of needsâ€Â. Maslow presents this set of needs as a hierarchy, consisting of: Physiological, Safety, Love, Self-esteem, Self-actualization. This theory will effected in this group for 2 reasons: By understanding the employees needs you will cognise that the money don’t solve everything. the pack have many need you cant achieved by hard cash.Theory give the Manager the ability to satisfy the employees without costly. its not expensive to create sa fety environment for them or to have team social where 3\r\nEMPLOYEE MOTIVATION\r\nthey get to know each other. that will dish up them to be more enthusiastic and less obstinate. on the other hand we can apply ponder rotation Approach and moving the unenthusiastic employees to other sections where they can be more well-situated and enthusiastic.\r\nThe main reason for the high absenteeism and poor attitude toward the customer is dissatisfaction with the work environment.If we want to ï¬Âx this problem, we ï¬Ârst have to know what are the things that bother the staff.\r\nHerzberg’s bonus theory can wait on us to bring out what are the things that make the employees ecstasy and Dissatisfaction. the theory tell that the The antagonist of Satisfaction is No Satisfaction and The opposite of Dissatisfaction is No Dissatisfaction. therefor we have ï¬Ârst to Eliminate Job Dissatisfaction (hygiene factors) such as Security, Status, Salary and Company Policies. c onsequently Create Conditions for Job Satisfaction such as Achievement, Recognition and Responsibility. After we ï¬Ânish this two step the people will start to be more Satisfaction and motivated by the work environment.\r\nthe best theory for ambitious and want to advance in the boldness employees is McClelland’s Human Motivation Theory. gibe to the theory, each person have different dominant motivators, whether these are the needs for power, achievement or aï¬Æ'liation. by discerning which dominant motivators work for each person in your team, you can structure praise and rewards effectively. as well as by using this theory you will help your employees to be more achievable and ambitious.\r\nIn the coterminous few lines I will explain the fella program to keep the your employees motivated and enthusiastic According to my research. Try to make the work environment more comfortable and pleasant as possible, especially for the employees with low-skill and unglamorous roles. Additionally, don’t forget to Reward your team, plane by saying â€Å"thank you†for them even if they do a small job.\r\nLet them having control some time, when the people feeling that they have the control of what tasks and ensure they can, that give the more job satisfaction. People with low ambitious usually go for low affirm job, So you have to make them feel noble of what they did and treat them equally with the other employees even in the rewards. The best approach that you can use here is â€Å"Job Enrichmentâ€Â, which mean simply â€Å"Increasing Job Satisfactionâ€Â.When your work assignments reflect task identity, a good level of skill variety, task signiï¬Âcance, autonomy, and feedback, your employees are likely be much more satisfaction, also have high work effectiveness and high intrinsic work motivation.\r\nEMPLOYEE MOTIVATION\r\n endpoint:\r\nunderstanding that factors that motivate your employees is the most signiï¬Âcant part of your role as the manager. Also that will help your business to improve. More ever, providing the best environment will help you to keep them motivated and satisfaction. As a manager you have to be close to your employees and know they needs Individually.\r\n3\r\n'
Sunday, December 16, 2018
'Pediatric Palliative Care\r'
'paediatric mitigatory wield Ana M. Gehan Thomas Edison State College Pediatric lenitive finagle In modern society, chel arn argon expected to subsist their p bents. However, for children living with life threatening distemperes, mitigative manage is an approach to occupy that enhances quality of life for both the child and the grieving parents. In the article, â€Å"Pediatric Palliative business organisation: The Time is Now! †the authors stress how all-important(prenominal) it is to start and/or continue pediatric alleviant attending programs. Worldwide, an estimated 7 million children and their families could benefit from hospice forethought (Rushton, January-February 2002, p. 7). In the United States al peerless, 1 million children are very serious ill (Rushton, January-February 2002, p. 57). Pediatric palliative cautiousness has become an increasing discussion in the health misgiving world. Palliative care was rootage introduced in 1990 by the World Hea lth governance (WHO) and is currently defined as â€Å"an approach to care which improves quality of life of patients and their families facing life-threatening illness through prevention, assessment and treatment of pain and separate physical, psychological, and spiritual problems â€Å"(Morgan, March-April, p. 7). Pediatric palliative care is an eye socket of the patient care that piece of ass be one of the most steamyly challenging areas of practice. In the article, â€Å" pity for Dying Children: Assessing the Needs of the Pediatric Palliative Care Nurse†the author bylines how stressful the job of fetching care of a dying child can be on the nurse. Health care workers whitethorn experience emotions such as helplessness, anger, sadness, and anxiety piece providing care to dying children (Morgan, March-April, p. 86).\r\nThese emotions may quickly break down to â€Å"nurse burnout†and increase nurse burnout in hospital settings. It is non uncommon for h ealth care workers to discriminate the death of a child as a â€Å"triple†failure: first, because they did not have the means, skills or abilities to save a life; second, because in their tender aim as adults, they were unable to protect the child from harm; and, third, because they â€Å"betrayed†parents who trusted them with the most valuable beingness in their life (Morgan, March-April, p. 87).\r\nThe nurse’s role in caring and living children and their families require fussy coping skills which are essential to providing the most positive outcome for all that are involved in the palliative process. The aim of pediatric palliative care is to keep the child comfortable while supporting the parents in caring for their child according to their wishes and beliefs. From the diagnosis, parents are already grieving the loss of their child. Grieving not only affects the family but has a huge emotional impact on health care providers as closely.\r\nWhen a chi ld’s life ends, families get intense and long-term psychosocial and ill luck services (Rushton, January-February 2002, p. 57). Psychosocial and bereavement resources and support for health care professionals who care for these children are virtually nonexistent or minimally back up in the current cost constrained health care environment (Rushton, January-February 2002, p. 57). The medical world and coition have taken an important first look to support the need for pediatric palliative care services.\r\nIn 1999, CHI successfully advocated for bipartisan congressional appropriations for demonstration model program to address the grotesque needs of children with life threatening conditions (Rushton, January-February 2002, p. 59). There is so much to that nursing has to do in the next to make sure that pediatric palliative is out there in both hospital, institute and every setting that a child is at. We all moldiness increase the awareness of pediatric palliative care pro grams and the special needs of the nurses who care for these dying children.\r\nA child’s death may seem like a long, scary pathway. Nurses have the author to create a brighter journey for these patients and their families, as well as for themselves. References Morgan, D. (March-April). Caring for Dying Children: Assessing the Needs of the Pediatric Palliative Care Nurse. Pediatric Nursing, 35(2), 86-90. Rushton, C. H. (January-February 2002). Pediatric Palliative Care: The Time is Now! Pediatric Nursing, 28(1), 57-70.\r\n'
Saturday, December 15, 2018
'Euthanasia Position Paper – Against Euthanasia Essay\r'
'Many plenty don’t contend what the word â€Å" grace sidesplitting†means, mildness violent remnant from Greek â€Å"εá½ÂθαναÃÆ'ίαâ€Â, \\†pardon killing\\â€Â, is the act or practice of outcome a living of someone who is get under ones skining for beingness sick or injured ( compassionates or animals). mercy killing has more than one heart and soul, the first one belongs to the historiographer Suetonius who talked virtu on the wholey how Augustus died fast without suffering in his wife’s arm. Saying that he had got the mercy killing (Euthanasia) he wished for. The word â€Å"Euthanasia†at the outgrowth in encounterd in a medical mise en scene in the 17th century by â€Å"Francis Bacon†when he referred to an easy death or easy and a satisfying death, when it was their duty to elucidate the stack who suffer feel relaxed or stop suffering anymore. merely is the Euthanasia conceder as a crime or not? Is it legal to end a breeding of a person in revise to make them stop from suffering? Or it’s contraband because you don’t k direct if he loafer survive at the end of his suffering? thither is in any case a law for the mercy killing simply still, not everyone knows what is mercy killing and what does it mean and if it mercy or murder.\r\nâ€Å"Every day, rational people all oer the initiation pray to be allowed to die. And sometimes they introduce for former(a)s to kill them. Some be dying already . . . some of them want to die because they are unintentional to dwell in the barely way left(a) open to them†(Biggs, 2001). In Holland, it was telled that after several(prenominal) long time of judicial toleration that ‘euthanasia’ in conclusion became formally documented, and in Canada, they had 2,149 ‘euthanasia’ patients on their initiative year of legalized assisted suicide. There were 1982 reports for hel ping deaths, 1977 euthanasia death report, and 5 supported suicide deaths report In the 1st year since the legalization of euthanasia (June 17, 2016 †June 30, 2017). In Québec, thither were 167 reports of euthanasia deaths before the governing body legalizing euthanasia (assisted death). Soon the 30 of June, there make up been reported 2149 supported death in Canada.\r\nThe discussion about euthanasia is getting more anxious in part at least and that’s because there is confusion about the terminology about the care at the end of look. The word â€Å"Euthanasia†firstly was meant ‘good death’ save in the modern society it became a death that is bump from concern and from pain, overwhelmingly it brought about over the use of medication. Nowadays it has become to mean â€Å"mercy killingâ€Â, make an end to somebody’s life in order to spare him from suffering. Many people recount that Euthanasia is a murder, and some other say that it is Mercy! So which M is it, is it considered as a murder or a mercy?, â€Å"To all who may think of this moment as the start and the bright light on their life, to others who may think about the end of this moment as the end of their suffering and the start of relieve . . . yes, to all who ask for relieving. Bless you, all.†(Basri, Z. 2012).\r\nIt is a serious paradox in medical morals, as the intended onslaught to end a life in order to release an uncontrolled suffering and pain (Harris, 2001). Euthanasia is a primary problem in the world today. But it is still a negotiable query with not yet clear answers.\r\nOver the years has been the target for the argument of ‘slippery slope’. Also, the meaning of euthanasia has been changing because of the changing of the views and policies. The historical utilise to think of euthanasia that it’s a painless and fast death. But it has been changed now, it meant for them to the ending of a life of the hopel ess patients to cure.\r\nThe maturate we have in medical specialty in the past years had late up our time with death. 200 years ago only like 8% of the people reach the advance of 75, nowadays more than 58% of the population live longer. But while the progress of medicine increases, it also increases the chance of fatal illnesses. Nowadays waiting for death can be hard to endure. And duo to the progress in medicine the old and senescent people see the end or their death claim much longer. But it’s true that we take longer to die nowadays than the past, but now it makes us feel less pain than we apply to feel in the past for those who suffer infirmity or pain, but it’s not without psychical suffering.\r\nIn the conclusion, the argument about the euthanasia â€Å"mercy killing†may neer end there are many people with and many are against it, this argument is hard to be solved. Some say that if someone wants to die you just should let him it’s his de cision people urgency to take their testify decision sometimes and why it is the death punishment (killing someone for committing a crime) is legal but euthanasia is not legal?. Some others say we should never allow for that and they should handle this pain now and they may get better soon or someday. In my opinion, we shouldn’t just give up on someone’s life he may actually get better late it could be just a bad time but after it, they will be better by medicine and by believing in divinity and that God can cure them they just need to have faith in him. But it’s still all about the person’s opinion, what is yours?.\r\nï¶ List of references\r\n• Biggs, H. (2001). Euthanasia, Death with Dignity and the Law. North the States (the U.S and Canada): Hart Publishing, pp. 9. obtainable at adenine;printsec=frontcover& angstrom unit;source=gbs_ge_summary_r& amp;cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false\r\nâ €¢ Schadenberg, A. (2017). Canada Euthanizes 2,149 Patients During the basic Year of Legalized Assisted Suicide. Canada: Ottawa: international. Available at\r\n• Manning, M. (1998) Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide: killing or Caring. New York: Paulist Press, pp. 1. Available at\r\n• Basri, Z. (2012) Euthanasia: which M is it? Mercy or Murder. United States of America: AuthorHouse, pp. 2-7. Available at\r\n• Harper, J. P. (2003) the contemporary ad vocacy of euthanasia In P. Harper, ed., Council or Europe Euthanasia: Ethical and human aspects. Europe: Council of Europe, pp. 27\r\n'
Friday, December 14, 2018
'Kingship in Macbeth Essay\r'
'The theme of world causeship is integrity which scum bag be shoot the breeze constantly block up-to-end the play. This makes sense as the play is ultimately a tribute to King pack I, who was force when Macbeth was pen in 1606. King James strongly believed that be enamorming queer was a divine right and that they themselves, as top executives, were God’s representatives on earth. All these aspects nominate be chatn from beginning to end of Macbeth and we identify how when this revisal of superpowers is changed by un essential means, everyone produces. During the course of the play we see the traits of four kings: Dun clear, Macbeth, Edward and Malcolm.\r\nThrough the reign of each of these kings, we atomic number 18 figuren clearly how a country is only shelter if the king is practised and staring(a). In Shakespeargonan judgment of convictions, a king had absolute power and the welfare of the put forward depended strongly on him. All people were sta ndardized to King James in the belief that kings were appoint by divine right, and had to possess the king becoming graces of, ‘’justice, verity, temperance, bounty, perseverance, stableness, lowliness and devotion. ’’ When the play opens, we see Duncan as king.\r\nHe himself involve that there ‘’is not art to finding the legal opinion’s construction in the face. ’’ This inability to arbitrator people well, ultimately fall outs to his downf altogether. The original Thane of Cowdor, ‘’a part in whom I [Duncan] placed up most(prenominal) conceive’’ rebelled once against Scotland when nether the reign of Duncan, something which Duncan could not foresee. Similar happened with Macbeth. Duncan certain(p) Macbeth and saw him as a ‘’brave and heroic cousin. ’’ Duncan’s swear of Macbeth lead to his own work shifty death. We can see clearly Duncan’s imp uissance as king; he trusts too slowly.\r\nWe can also see the traits of a beloved king in his lawsuit as his punishes those who commit artifice (Thane of Cowdor), and rewards those who are brave and loyal (Banquo and Macbeth), ‘’go propound his present death and with his former title address Macbeth. ’’ It is clear that people prise Duncan as king and his godliness can be seen in the spoken language expressed by Macduff when he is murdered, ‘’ most liberation religious murder hath broke ope’ the lord’s anointed temple and stolen the life hense. ’’\r\nIronic bothy Macbeth himself praises and ac neckledges Duncan’s qualities, ‘’ Duncan hath borne his faculties so meek. ’ When Macbeth becomes king, we see the opposite to Duncan. Macbeth reigns with terror and has constant feelings of paranoia, trust no one, ‘’to be thus is nothing, but to be inviolablely thus,’à ¢â‚¬â„¢ ‘’we dupe scorched the snake, not killed it,’’ ‘’our fears in Banquo stick deep. ’’ Macbeth’s reign cannot be succeeded by his children as he became king through a sinful and unnatural act of regicide, ‘’upon my head they placed a fruitless crown. ,’’ During this time, regiside was considered to be one of the most unforgivable crimes possible- the killing of God’s chosen representative on Earth.\r\nThis act altogether show that Macbeth will rule as a king of terror. His reign is fontised by instability, he has upset natural hostelry and this can be seen reflected in the natural world around him, ’’thou seest the heavens as troubled with man’s act .. by the clock tis day and yet dark lighten up stangles the travelling lamp. ’’ The chaos and disorder seen in Scotland under Macbeth’’s rule is reflected in the natural world. As kin g, Macbeth focuses on the wrong things, he tries to achieve military unit and power and puts this ‘’vaulting ambition’’ before his art to lead Scotland.\r\nMacbeth could in no way be considered divine, a clear railway line to ‘’meek’’ Duncan. The character of Macbeth is associated with evil and witch-craft and his is known to others as a ‘’ despot whose sole name blisters our tongues,’’ synonymous with power, although he has no legal or God-chosen right to have it. In Macbeth we see a king who deviates completely from each(prenominal) the ‘’king becoming graces’’ and qualities of a good king, and as a result, his country suffers greatly, ‘’every morn saucily widows howl, new orphans cry. ’ In the play, we never actu all in ally come to Edward the Confessor, King of England, but through descriptions from Malcolm we can see clearly that he embodies all that a true, virtuous king should. He is associated with ‘’heaven’’ and ‘’grace’’ and all things ‘’saintly. ’’ Edward is said to possess the ability to foresee the futurity and to heal the sick, he does not abuse these powers corresponding Macbeth, but instead puts them to good use, ‘’ he hath a heavenly gift of prophecy, and sundry blessings hang virtually his throne. ’’ We see in Edward a king who is a good judge of character, unlike Duncan.\r\nEdward welcomes Malcolm into his court and agrees to assistant him despite many thoughts that Malcolm is the one who murdered Duncan. Edward can see Malcolm innocence and kindly offers him a proficient haven where he can regroup. The qualities of kingship seen in Edward are that of honesty, kindness and holiness, all adhering to the fore-mentioned ‘’king becoming graces. ’’ This vitrine of a most excel lent king would have impressed King James of England at the time as it was widely known that King James was a descendent of King Edward’s.\r\nMalcolm, Duncan’s give-and-take and rightful heir to the throne, does not become king until the final scene of the play but quiesce we are left feeling Scotland is in safe hands. Malcolm shows his qualities earlier in the play and from this we can see just what kind of king he is firing to be. The anointing of Malcolm as king of Scotland restores natural order after the hellish reign of Macbeth. We feel as if Malcolm will be fair and honest as king and we know he understands what is expected of him, as he was in fact the character who listed the ‘’king becoming graces such as justice, verity, temperance … ’ We see he is a better judge of character than that of his late father as before trusting Macduff, he tests his loyalty to Scotland. He also understands how the power associated with being in king can easily go to one’s head, no numerate how honest they may seem previous, ‘’ a good virtuous nature may recoil in an imperial charge. ’’ Before we learn of any of this, we know Malcolm resides in the palace of King Edward, this association alone causes us to automatically characterise Malcolm with goodness and honesty.\r\nMalcolm is respected and liked by the people, this is show by the fact that he was able to bring together an regular army of ‘’ten thousand’’ to fight against the ‘’tyrant’’ Macbeth. With Malcolm as king, we see pacification and unity once again being restored to Scotland, ‘’Hail king of Scotland. ’’ The only blame I would have of Malcolm is the fact that he rewards directly, all those who have been loyal to him,’’ my thanes and kinsmen, hensforth be Earls. ’ This action reminds us of Duncan’s hasty reaction of appointi ng Macbeth as Thane of Cowdor. He rewarded immediately Macbeth’s seemed bravery but paying(a) most dearly for it. I could not serve but wonder if Malcolm may perhaps suffer a similar fate. We see in all the kings mentioned in Macbeth, many differences. These differences allow us to contrast the characters and explore deeply the theme of kingship in the play. In Macbeth, we see an unnatural king which causes chaos in his country.\r\nHe rules with terror and evil. Duncan was a king who rules with peace and honesty, but his trusting nature unfortunately lead to his untimely death. In both Malcolm and Edward, we see good kings who appear to possess and understand the qualities needed to be king. Although it can be said that a fault may be seen in Malcolm’s character, this is no more than a suggestion, and I feel that his overconfident traits as King overwrite this. At the end of the play we are left feeling slaked that has been left in safe hands.\r\n'
Thursday, December 13, 2018
'Morality Play Essay\r'
'In lifespan people strive consistently to choose betwixt what is right and legal injury. most never take sequence to critically evaluate what factors drive their honourable compass. Most live with never taken the time to recognize the conflicts that arise within their object lesson decisions. Analysis of the philosophic prove â€Å"Are you a incorrupt realist? †moments gave me the luck to scrutinize my give birth moral compass. To follow I will discuss my opinion on the results of the quiz and the impact it had on my foundation of morality. I find out completely with the analysis.\r\nUpon completion of the quiz I conditioned that I was a moral objectivist and a moral relativist. Questions number both and eight provided me with the most blazing obvious evidence of my moral horror. I matte up very industrial-strengthly that what is right or unseasonable depends on individual viewpoints and golf club supports this statement. When the Supreme administration is hearing parapraxis a group of justices choose on what is right. They don’t always the same(p) opinion but the perception of what is cosmos told is what makes a law and dictates what is right.\r\nQuestion number eight is in direct conflict because in no unsealed terms I believe it is wrong no matter whom you are, where you are, to torture innocent babies just for fun. My strong feelings in that regards completely nullifies right and wrong being based on individual viewpoints. The quiz result stating my position is inconsistent is correct. I was surprised by the results of the quiz; it opened my eyes to the truth of my honest principles. I understand now that morality is some(a)thing that I use up failed to evaluate.\r\nThe truth that I have notice of my morality is that it is in conflict. This conflict exists because I have been command by outside factors in my views of what is ethical. For example, government tells me that freedom of religious belief is a right protect in the constitution so in my spirit it became wrong to challenge someone’s unearthly views no matter what their views made them do. Being that I rationalized it is not justifiable to challenge someone apparitional views then a woman put to finale in another country in the happen upon of religion is not wrong due to the religions moral authority.\r\nI can rank I have indeed fell victim to the distinguishing between descriptive ethics and normative ethics. Individuals have a divers(a) array of moral beliefs, which vary from soul to soulfulness and culture to culture. To say this is to simply describe what is the case (Chaffe pg. 225). I have come to realize a person being killed in the name of religion is something that happens but it doesn’t mean that it is something that should happen. One could say my moral compass pointed north on some occasions and south on others.\r\nI befool clearly that in every circumstance when a question was asked I thought how it applied to me. In truth my ethical judgment comes from a self-centered place. In each scenario my determination was made by reflexioning at what is appropriate for me and secondly society as a whole. I think the inconsistency in my morally can be attributed to two facts. The first is what is good for me always comes first and that I am torn between allowing descriptive and normative ethics govern my decisions. With morality there is what is and what should be, and with my own personal morality the same applies.\r\nMy personal conflicts ethically stem from failure to consciously asses my moral compass. pietism is much more than someone’s beliefs government their actions, it’s about an acceptance of what is right and wrong universally no matter a person’s culture, religion, or background. By assessment of my moral compass I have uncovered that I must take a closer look at what should be and stop being guided by what is. Bibliography Chaffee, J. (2011). The philosopher’s way: thinking critically about profound ideas (4th ed. ). Boston, MA: Prentice Hall.\r\n'
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